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Everything posted by H34VYM3T4LD4V3

  1. Ah man I love a good whiskey, but seriously hope things get better for you matey, I used to drink a lot because of that kind of thing.
  2. Thanks I appreciate the suggestions you two, will check out asap, currently working 55 hours a week but i’m on here as much as I can lol
  3. NWOBHM is pretty much my favourite genre/movement in metal, loads of great bands; Iron Maiden Samson Saxon Angel Witch Tytan Raven Tank Praying Mantis Blitzkrieg Satan Hell Def Leppard (First Album) Witchfinder General Warfare Tygers Of Pan Tang Holocaust Diamond Head Savage Quartz Demon Constantly looking for more great NWOBHM so if anyone has any suggestions please go ahead.
  4. Judas Priest - Redeemer of Souls Bit of a hit and miss album however it does have the great tracks Dragonaut, Sword Of Damocles and Battle Cry aswell as the absolute 10/10 masterpiece Halls Of Valhalla, which is in my opinion their best song they’ve recorded by far since Halford came back. Tytan - Rough Justice NWOBHM band formed partially by ex members of Angel Witch, really solid material. Tank - Honour and Blood Awesome album with fantastic speed metal being The War Drags Ever On and great headbangers like When All Hell Freezes Over and Kill.
  5. H34VYM3T4LD4V3


    I still love my consoles even though I know PC is far superior, this payday though I am going to get a gaming PC, from Cyberpower.com Part of me still loves the simplicity of gaming on consoles though, for me at the moment the Switch is untouchable, if we got GTA IV on switch I would instantly pick that up, playin Mario Odyssey non stop at the moment such a fun game.
  6. Grand Declaration of War - Mayhem
  7. @SBird94!! Hello my friend and welcome back! It’s been a very long time brother good to see you
  8. I just listened to the God awful St. Anger (well the first track) and fuck me that was painful, drums sound like biscuit tins, James’s vocals sound terrible idk how the fuck they thought it sounded good, and nothing flows well at all, expected it to be bad but bloody hell, first song in a long time that physically made me cringe.
  9. Metallica - Frantic Oh my lord this is awful ? (And apparently this is the highlight of the album!!)
  10. Welcome to the forum pal, hope you have fun round here
  11. Just found out the Saxon concert I was meant to be going to next month has to be rescheduled because Biff has to have urgent heart surgery, hope he’s going to be okay ?
  12. Holocaust - Elder Gods Overkill - The Electric Age Diamond Head - The Coffin Train
  13. I wish I had a local pub like that, when I use the Jukebox after a couple songs it gets reset ? although one time I put on Holy Wars and there was an old long haired dude at the bar and he was like “oh hell yeah Megadeth man!” Oh yeah and one time when I was pissed I felt mischevious so when my mates said “ok you can put one last song on” (and I was surprised this was even on there tbh) I put on The Count of Tuscany by Dream Theater ??
  14. Hey Troy, welcome to the forum bud
  15. Bill Ward, great drummer and with Sabbath a lot longer than Dianno was with Maiden. Ian Gillan or Glenn Hughes?
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