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Os Abysmi Vel Daath

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Everything posted by Os Abysmi Vel Daath

  1. Controversial Metal Opinions It's funny because when it comes to Norwegian black metal I almost always prefer a band's earlier works. Burzum, Darkthrone, Mayhem, Emperor etc. etc. it's always the first one or two (or three in the case of Burzum) records that I regard as the best. Not so with Gorgoroth. Although I really like their early stuff as well.
  2. The only really controversial opinion I can think of is that I believe Gaahl to be the best vocalist Gorgoroth ever had.
  3. Jute Gyte - Vast Chains Microtonal black metal. What the actual fuck am I hearing right now?
  4. Would anyone be interested in starting a website? Still around and still wanting to do this. Just been more busy with homework than I anticipated. I am pretty much completely decided on Wordpress as a platform. It just seems to offer the best flexibility. We'll start out with a free page and then if I feel like it's going places and have the money I will probably end up upgrading to a premium plan. One question, is everyone for sure decided on Distorted Reality for a name? I just want to make sure.
  5. Jesus. I've had some weird experiences but nothing that overt.
  6. Nevertanezra - NTNR Somehow works after a weary night spent studying.
  7. Nice! I'm a synth nerd so I just wanted to see.
  8. I have NOT forgotten about this, everyone. I'm just a little overwhelmed by school at the moment (thus me being up at 5:30 AM). Spring break is next week, I should have some time to work on this then.
  9. We're still open to other ideas of course, that was just one that caught my eye.
  10. How does everyone else feel about it? And the length of the interview is totally up to you. When I interviewed the guys from Nevertanezra it was pretty long. But there's something to be said for being concise as well. I will PM you and everyone else who has expressed interest my email address. Glad you're excited
  11. It can be anything but I would like it to sound good and be memorable. And yeah! Go right ahead.
  12. I've been trying to think of a name but I'm really bad at names haha. And I want to start it soon, basically once we have a name and I've figured out what web platform to use.
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