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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. I've got that on vinyl somewhere. Dead Congregation - Graves of The Archangels
  2. Tartarus Horde - Scepter of the Lunar Eclipse
  3. I'll try listening to this again. Memoriam - War Rages On First time I've put music on all day and my old man rings me during song 1 and I'm on the phone for an hour!
  4. Yeah it's always the bottom half of the discography that is difficult with Motorhead. On Parole and Bad Magic were not great albums despite having some good songs on them. Given that On Parole was not officially released by the band I've never actually ranked it in any poll. But Bad Magic I thought was and okay album (except for the Stones cover), brought down by Lemmy's health and age. There are a few live shows where Lemmy was feeling good where some of those songs don't sound too bad. For me the top 5 is usually AOS, 1916, MOD, RNR, Orgasmatron, with the last three changing order
  5. Last time I did a Motorhead ranking, which was about 8 years I ranked Overnight Sensation as third last I do remember doing that ranking, listening to each album, thinking about each album and then ranking them accordingly, that was back when I was younger and gave a shit about things! I don't think it's a bad album but with 21 other releases around it I don't think it will ever sit top in the top 10 with me.
  6. Skyfall, as a name, is a registered trademark of nearly 100 different companies/brands in the world. As a title of a song about an alien falling to earth is has zero relation to James Bond and probably just as much connection to any of the 100 other trademark owners who use the name. The mob who control Bond would have to prove that the song is either detrimental to their name (or trademark) or the band was somehow benefiting from any connection to Skyfall the movie. Things like the Golden Eye video game are a direct connection to Bond, they are using the Bond name to enhance their profit. They should have full permission and full agreement of those who own the name to do such things. Whereas the Helloween single has nothing to do with Bond, the clip has no connection to the movie and does not reference the movie therefore the legal team probably didn't need to even suggest a name change. According the the European trademark concerning Skyfall the movie (which was originally issued in 2012 and renewed this year) a person or company would need to use identifying marks, images, dialogue, music etc from the movie, its advertising, its promotional material, or it's script to gain any unfair advantage, bring the trademark to disrepute, or bring detriment to the trademark. None of which the song does.
  7. Why would they sue? It's not like Skyfall is a word invented by the Bond franchise. It's not like naming their album Skyfall has been detrimental to the Bond franchise. Only a moron would mistake Helloween having any connection to James Bond. They wrote a song about an alien falling from the sky, it's a fitting title for their own creation. As it was a fitting title for the books that came before it and the movie
  8. I'd love to see them, but I aint spending $300+ on any band even if they do make the effort to tour here.
  9. Reverend Bizarre - So Long Suckers
  10. I'll remind you before you go! We do bread real monsters down here!!
  11. That's a hell of an image to go to sleep on!
  12. Gotta say I haven't really taken that much notice, I just figured the odds were that one or two had to be reasonable. The shape comes from rolling between your hands it instead of stroking it. It's when it turns purple that one really need to worry....so I'm told. NP Zakk Wylde - Book Of Shadows
  13. I'm pretty sure there is a whole bunch of people who don't need that idea spelt out to them! Awe c'mon that's a bit harsh, we have women's sports teams now, it opens the playing field
  14. AlSymerz


    I did re-read the Stand when they released it with the extra pages and for me even with the extra it really didn't have the impact the second time around. I still like the book but you can't beat that first read. When it came to both miniseries they both had their short comings, there was parts dad did well with the first and parts son did better a second time around. I so wanted the TV station here to advertise the second one with Among The Living playing, not because I'm that much of an Anthrax fan but because our TV stations suck so badly when it comes to metal on TV.
  15. From memory it's something to do with how we eat the leaves, i.e. beet leaves as a part of a salad carrot leaves more often used as a garnish. Neither is a solid rule but it's some scientific reasoning for why humans do what they do.
  16. AlSymerz


    Kubrik's version is shit and deserves to be disavowed. King's version is so much better and worthy of the 6 hours viewing.
  17. Are you kidding? Took me about 5 fucking goes to type it!
  18. No trick question, but the entire plant is the beet, the root is the bulb that grows below the ground and the leaves grow above the ground. Eating the beet only suggests eating the entire thing. There is a technical reason why we don't call it a carrot root, but I'm not going to it because I can't remember it all and I surely CBF typing it all.
  19. No one is really worried about seeing a Goat Lizzard with dangling Goat Gizzards while the Goat Wizzard causes a Goat Blizzard. But seeing a Shit Lizzard and his dangling Shit Gizzards while a shit Wizzard causes a Shit Blizzard is not something anyone wants to be a part of.
  20. How to you distinguish between the beetroot and the beetleaves? We don't root for our football teams either, but that's only because the football teams get caught rooting themselves all too often.
  21. I see nothing. If adding goat to everything tickles your fancy then that's great but the word shit could be added to those four words and still sound better than goat.
  22. I did say the 'good' names were already taken, and I stand by that. Simply adding goat to another word does not a good name make
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