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Everything posted by Thrashman

  1. Only listening for the first time, so will reserve judgement... it's sure better than the last Morbid Angel album, though
  2. VLTIMAS - Something Wicked Marches In
  3. Lots of recommendations from me here: http://deadmetalmusic.blogspot.com/search?q=death+metal ?
  4. Hadn't heard of them before, but that song is nice. Will have to investigate further!
  5. Ha, I must just! And that’s cool, it’s actually the only album I own. Of their many albums. I absolutely love A History Of Bad Men. And Civilized Worm.
  6. Can you link me to the blog? I'd be interested to read... there's so much black metal out there, and I'm so picky.
  7. Afghan Whigs - Gentlemen I've got all non-metal, all of a sudden, it would seem.
  8. This deserves special mention - Pax Moriendi, the 2018 debut from Antichrist (Peru). Can't recommend it highly enough.
  9. (The) Melvins - (A) Senile Animal
  10. Monstrosity - The Passage Of Existence
  11. Things I've enjoyed recently: Svierg - split with Fetid Zombie Chasma - Codex Constellatia Necrofier - Visions In Fire Autumn Laments - Gone Horna - various
  12. Things I've enjoyed recently: The Miracle (Italian series) Gomorrah (another Italian series) Mystery Road (Australian detective series) Ray Donovan (season 6 is so much better than previous seasons)
  13. Ha, that would be telling ? But yeah, it is textured; albeit smoother than the background.
  14. This one's sLightly more metal. Ok, I'm going to stop posting these now ?
  15. Thrashman


    A track from the new album: https://www.decibelmagazine.com/2019/04/05/track-premiere-krypts-the-reek-of-loss
  16. 1914 - The Blind Leading The Blind
  17. The Chasm - Farseeing The Paranormal Abysm
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