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Everything posted by Scullicon

  1. Lamb dont go well with me, but it could be that i havent eaten it cooked the right way. I hate when i have to chew meat 300 times, Ill rather throw up then do that.
  2. Depends, Its sure is proof on that the Abrahamitian religions ''God'' probably dont exist. Maybe this is Kali Yuga, Or the begining of Ragnarök.
  3. Bestial Mockery - Father in Heaven Father in heaven ! Its time for you to burn !
  4. Ive been to some festivals and such and the trouble is always to stand on the right place, ive seen some bands where i didnt even hear the vocalist and some others were everything sounded really good. Sometimes the sound just blow away thou. Metalcamp in Slovenia have their only main stage in a small valley, there i didnt have any troule with wind. But Wacken have that, flat landscape and a huge stage. Thats why i like the small ones they use to have in tents or similar.
  5. [ATTACH=CONFIG]509[/ATTACH] Ill post an old pic of it until i find my camera.
  6. I have an old leather jacket that some guy had in his wardrobe for 20 years. Ive had it for 7 years now, wearing it both summer and winter, Use to refer to it as my best friend.
  7. If their next album is at least as good as this one, i will have to see them more than 5 times on the next tour. Watain - Wolves Curse
  8. Watain - Waters of Ain Cant get enough of this one.
  9. Well. If i said that i didnt do that at a certain age i would be lying. And to another thing i did when i was younger. Around 16-17 i used to take long walks in the forest wearing chainmail and corpse paint It made me feel really good at the time. Today, well. Its a entertaining memory.
  10. Im too spoiled when it comes to bands touring. Sometimes i just skip it and wait to next time.
  11. Deströyer 666 - I AM THE WARGOD !!
  12. Went to my first metal concert at the age of 18.(Judas Priest supported by In Flames i think) I dont really count the one my father took me to as a 9 year old. Otherwise it would be the first.
  13. Sounds like where i live. 3 days old dinner plates on the table, Soda cans on the floor in the hallway, Bathroom mirror took me an hour to clean when i moved in, apparently no one ever cared. in 10 years...
  14. Deströyer 666 - Savage Pitch That opening. And yes 666 !
  15. I only eat bacon with other stuff, as to this one, they taste good toghether. But to eat bacon more then once every two weeks never happen.
  16. I wouldnt consider them metal at all. But that they shouldnt be popular among people who enjoys rock music.. ? Really?
  17. Currently eating bloodpudding drenched in lingonberry jam, with white cabbage, carrots and cucumber. Sadly didnt have any bacon, otherwise that would be on my plate too.
  18. Welcome! Nice to some more Scandinavians around here.
  19. This weekend. Bathory Siebenbürgen Týr Otyg Windir
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