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  1. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    No idea dude. That's quite a leap. He also name dropped Agoraphobic Nosebleed when we were talking. I was a bit shocked, like how the hell does he even know who these guys are? Not exactly household names and he doesn't have any metal friends/relatives other than me. And I don't exactly listen to either on a regular basis, maybe once or twice a year. Best guess is a youtube rabbit hole or the like.
    Funny thing though, last show I took him too (ASG & Red Beard Wall) i was telling him he needed to up his black t-shirt game since he only ever wears a tour shirt from The Church. Next time I see him...
    At least it's not some shitty death-core nonsense.
  2. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Necrolord in What Are You Listening To?   
    Thanks, I'll give it a spin along with the others. 
    And thanks @navybsn for the recs. I'll add those to the list. I'm sure there will be some more awesome stuff to find in addition to that Unanimated album I'm currently enjoying. 
  3. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Necrolord in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sorry...know you said you were good for now, but this one absolutely deserves attention
    Vinterland - Welcome my Last Chapter
  4. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'd say if you're looking at Unanimated don't skip out on Ancient God of Evil. Great album if not that similar to Dissection. Also, for a more modern equivalent, check out these guys:
  5. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'll second this suggestion. It's not quite as catchy as Dissection were at their best, but what it loses in that department it more than makes up for in depth and quieter shifts in the guitars. For me at least, that creates a ton of replayability.
    NP: Fantasma - Abomination of Human Pestilence
    ▶︎ Abomination of Human Pestilence | Fantasma | Narbentage Produktionen (bandcamp.com)

    This one's growing on me. It's only an EP, but it shows a lot of potential.
  6. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Necrolord in What Are You Listening To?   
    One of their best albums. Sealed With a Fist is such a banger.
    Thanks @GoatmasterGeneral. I'm really digging Unanimated - In Light of Darkness. Missing some of the speed of Somberlain but it has those evil riffs I love.
    Light's Bane is one of my all time fav albums.
    Still gotta check the Necrophobic album.
    Thanks @SurgicalBrute. I'll check all these out. It will take several days but I'm well stocked for now. Got a craving for that Dissection sound.
  7. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Necrolord in What Are You Listening To?   
    Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
    Sarcasm - Burial Dimensions
    EDIT: Forgot an obvious one
    Thulcandra - Under a Frozen Sun
  8. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Storm of the Light's Bane, 1995
    Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown of the Triarchy) Sweden 1998
    Dawn - Nær Sólen Gar Niþer for Evogher, 1994
    Unanimated - In Light of Darkness, Sweden 2009
    Necrophobic - Hrimthursum, Sweden 2006
  9. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Thatguy in What's on your mind?   
    Whelp...Metalsucks covered the new Antichrist Siege Machine...safe to say they're officially over as a band worth following 😆
  10. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Thatguy in What's on your mind?   
    They're a relatively well known site because they're associated with both Metal injection and the PRP through the Blastbeat Ad network, but the site itelf is looked at as a joke.
    i think originally it was started as site that had kind of a humorous take on metal news, while also doing reviews and announcements, but somewhere along the line they shifted to outrage clicks, basically writing "articles" about how band X might be NSBM or how band member Y once said something stupid online 5 years ago....I'm sure you've seen the type. that was when they'd actually bother to write something original...more often than not they would just take a news article from sister site Metal Injection, wait 2 days, and then post the same thing, slightly reworded in a more humorous/snarky manner.   
    Additionally, their actual music coverage was garbage...as a site they seemed completely unaware of anything that came out in the last 30 years that wasn't on a label like Nuclear Blast or Metal Blade, and what new stuff they did talk about was either some kind of prog, tech, or trendy -core band. (this is why I said ACSM was over as a band, because if Metalsucks was aware of you, you were probably about to become mainstream as fuck)
    The site lasted for the longest time on the fact that their audience hated the two main writers/owners, and enjoyed insulting them throughout the comments section on a daily basis. Gradually though, they started locking down what posts could and couldn't be made, to the point where most of their commenting audience finally wandered away. A couple of years back, the original guys apparently sold the site, or at the very least don't run the day-to-day anymore, and it has become marginally better, but overall you'd still be better getting your metal news and info from your local homeless guy under the overpass than from that site
  11. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    NP: Chainsword - Born Triumphant
    ▶︎ Born Triumphant | Chainsword (bandcamp.com)

    Polish dm. The expected Bolt Thrower and Vader are in here along with a few tricks to vary things up. Otherwise the album knows what it is and fully embraces the idea that doing something unoriginal extremely well will always beat doing something original poorly. Fans on the subgenre, myself included, will enjoy.
  12. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Coffin Curse - The Continuous Nothing, Chile. Where the hell's Blivvington gotten off to anyway? Wasn't he telling me that Death Metal Promotion channel got shut down? Well it seems he's back now with a new red logo. Unless it was a different YT channel Blivvie was talking about, I can't remember now.
    Obscurial - Heretic, Malaysia. Digging this one.
    Yeah, I've never really pictured you as being particularly aerodynamic.
  13. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Alright now this is starting to make sense, I didn't realize you were talking abut sours either. Don't remember anyone saying anything about sours, we were talking about the hugely popular IPAs and how a lot of them have that citrusy after-taste that I personally don't care for. They're drinkable in a pinch, and some are better than others, but I don't seek them out.
    Now sours are a completely different story. When a bunch of us went to the Metal Threat festival at Reggie's in Chicago back in July '19, one of our mates who happened to be from the windy city took us all (wasn't his shout but he suggested the place) to this burger joint called Kuma's Corner that had all of their burgers named after various rock and metal bands. And they had shitloads of different beers on tap. I made the mistake of ordering one of those sours since I'd never tried one before. I took one sip and almost spit it back out, had to flag down the chick to take it away and bring me something else. Never again, that was truly some nasty shit. Don't know how the normies can even pretend to like it man.
    You don't really say "blimey" in real life do ya Doc? That was just for poetic effect, right?
    NP: Engulfed - Unearthly Litanies of Despair, Turkish death
  14. Haha
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    So wine. Man T-Guy, you sure hate a lot of stuff. Little kids and puppy dogs are probably on the list too right next to rainbows and sunny days.
  15. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    For real. I can't drink any significant amount of alcohol anymore, but when I could it was fairly apparent to me that the world of beer is a big one full of all different kinds of styles and flavors. I enjoyed stouts, saisons, the occasional fruit beer, and sometimes even a good sour. We all know that cheap mass produced swill is bad, but just condemning fruit(y) beer outright is kind of foolish. Hell, the producer of one of the most recognizable import stouts out there (Samuel Smith) makes an incredible peach beer that's absolutely delicious and worth trying for anybody who can find it.
    NP: Rogga Johansson - Otherworld
    ▶︎ Otherworld | Rogga Johansson | Iron Blood and Death Corporation (bandcamp.com)

    Nice. It's cool to see that after the metalcore headache that subsumed most of the Gothenburg/Slaughter of the Soul sounding melodeath tropes, the subgenre's most adamant practitioners tend to revert to Edge of Sanity leanings which, in my personal opinion, make for a much more robust songwriting palette and have a ton more room for experimentation. This stuff isn't exactly top-tier melodeath, but it gets the job done if that's what you're after. 
  16. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    They're definitely fruity. BTW, this is the only TS song I can say I really like, but I do remember Stay Hungry hitting pretty hard as a snot nosed pre-adolescent.
    The Beast
    I like lots of beer. I like beer with fruit in it. I don't really like Cucumber+Rasbperry+lemon+Mango IPAs or whatever ridiculous combination the kidz seem to come up with these days.
  17. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    I assume none of y'all enjoy stouts, porters, pale ales, dark ales, IPAs, DIPAs, ESBs, Kolschs, dubbels, trippels, quads, saisons, wheat beers, barley wines...
    For that matter, considering the majority of beers out there have some degree of citrus or dark fruit flavor to them, what the hell kind of beer do you "real beer doesn't have any fruit flavor in it" guys actually drink?
    Obscurial - Heretic
    Preview tracks for the new Obscurial album due out next week

  18. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Pungent Stench - Been Caught Buttering, Austria 1991. I feel like this album gets unfairly passed over. Absolutely one of the best death metal records of 1991. And I say that knowing there were some real bangers released in 1991.
    Massacra - Enjoy the Violence, French death/thrash 1991
    Parler Anglais ou mourir?
    I liked this album well enough in '85, but it hasn't aged like a fine Bordeaux. More like 40 year old camembert.
  19. Horns
    SurgicalBrute gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What Are You Listening To?   
    Vestígio - Vestígios   ...thanks to SurgicalBrute for the rec. Cool interplay between the guitars, melodic approach reminds me a bit of Selbst.
  20. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in EOTY Listmania Extravaganza 2023   
    Mark had asked about my never finished year end list for 2023, so I figured I'd share what I had before I gave up on it. I'd only just started making cuts, so this will be a lot longer than normal. Because of that I'm going to post it a little at a time and break it up by genre...and since the black metal list was the longest, I'll post it first.
    Black Metal
    Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare

    Arbor - Behold... The Age of Pagan Blood

    Atheosophia - Shadowgate of Winter's Spirit

    As the Shadows Envelop Me – Fedrekult

    Astral Tomb of Yearning - Summoning the Impenetrable Night

    Aeon Furnace - Providence Descends

    Abisma - Disciples of the Black Ram

    Black Hurst – S/T

    Blutschwur - Those of My Blood

    Crucifixion Bell - Mirages in Izar

    Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Unholy Black Metal Against the Modern World

    Dai-Ichi – S/T

    Dominance - Slaughter of Human Offerings in the New Age of Pan

    Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis

    Ebony Pendant – S/T

    Fellwinter - The Dawn of Winter

    Final Eclipse - The Dark World

    Flaming Ouroboros – Blood

    Gauntlet Ring - Beyond the Veil of the Night

    Graf - Rite of Nocturnal Passage

    Gam - Alt hans væsen

    Geistaz'ika - Midnatsbøn ved djævelens port

    Helleruin - Devils, Death and Dark Arts

    Hinsides - Hinsides hörs djävulsklockans urklang

    Iron Firmament – Keepeater

    Kringa - All Stillborn Fires, Lick My Heart!

    Krigstjørn - Mod guders svig

    Kurgan - Ascetic Dissociations

    Lja – 1943

    Mavorim - Ab Amitia Pulsae

    Motstand – S/T

    Mycorrhizae – The Great Filtration

    Noitila – Langennut

    Nöldr - Chaotic Mysticism from the Tormented Silence

    Nahasheol - Serpens Abyssi

    Nartvind – Breath of Night

    Orkblut – Ghost Paths to Septentrion

    Obsidian Grave – Blood of the Night

    Oerheks - Grondslagen

    Regnum Tenebrarum - Légendes noires

    Ravensrealm - A Crash of Heathen Thunder

    Sulphuric Night - Black Metal Tyranny

    Tsjuder – Helvegr

    Trest - Sorginak

    Unholy Craft - Naar all tid er omme

    Vestígio - Vestígios

    (^Mark and FA will both want to check out the above album)
    Versteck - Symbols of Seven Harmonies

  21. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in EOTY Listmania Extravaganza 2023   
    Mark had asked about my never finished year end list for 2023, so I figured I'd share what I had before I gave up on it. I'd only just started making cuts, so this will be a lot longer than normal. Because of that I'm going to post it a little at a time and break it up by genre...and since the black metal list was the longest, I'll post it first.
    Black Metal
    Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare

    Arbor - Behold... The Age of Pagan Blood

    Atheosophia - Shadowgate of Winter's Spirit

    As the Shadows Envelop Me – Fedrekult

    Astral Tomb of Yearning - Summoning the Impenetrable Night

    Aeon Furnace - Providence Descends

    Abisma - Disciples of the Black Ram

    Black Hurst – S/T

    Blutschwur - Those of My Blood

    Crucifixion Bell - Mirages in Izar

    Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Unholy Black Metal Against the Modern World

    Dai-Ichi – S/T

    Dominance - Slaughter of Human Offerings in the New Age of Pan

    Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis

    Ebony Pendant – S/T

    Fellwinter - The Dawn of Winter

    Final Eclipse - The Dark World

    Flaming Ouroboros – Blood

    Gauntlet Ring - Beyond the Veil of the Night

    Graf - Rite of Nocturnal Passage

    Gam - Alt hans væsen

    Geistaz'ika - Midnatsbøn ved djævelens port

    Helleruin - Devils, Death and Dark Arts

    Hinsides - Hinsides hörs djävulsklockans urklang

    Iron Firmament – Keepeater

    Kringa - All Stillborn Fires, Lick My Heart!

    Krigstjørn - Mod guders svig

    Kurgan - Ascetic Dissociations

    Lja – 1943

    Mavorim - Ab Amitia Pulsae

    Motstand – S/T

    Mycorrhizae – The Great Filtration

    Noitila – Langennut

    Nöldr - Chaotic Mysticism from the Tormented Silence

    Nahasheol - Serpens Abyssi

    Nartvind – Breath of Night

    Orkblut – Ghost Paths to Septentrion

    Obsidian Grave – Blood of the Night

    Oerheks - Grondslagen

    Regnum Tenebrarum - Légendes noires

    Ravensrealm - A Crash of Heathen Thunder

    Sulphuric Night - Black Metal Tyranny

    Tsjuder – Helvegr

    Trest - Sorginak

    Unholy Craft - Naar all tid er omme

    Vestígio - Vestígios

    (^Mark and FA will both want to check out the above album)
    Versteck - Symbols of Seven Harmonies

  22. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in EOTY Listmania Extravaganza 2023   
    Mark had asked about my never finished year end list for 2023, so I figured I'd share what I had before I gave up on it. I'd only just started making cuts, so this will be a lot longer than normal. Because of that I'm going to post it a little at a time and break it up by genre...and since the black metal list was the longest, I'll post it first.
    Black Metal
    Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare

    Arbor - Behold... The Age of Pagan Blood

    Atheosophia - Shadowgate of Winter's Spirit

    As the Shadows Envelop Me – Fedrekult

    Astral Tomb of Yearning - Summoning the Impenetrable Night

    Aeon Furnace - Providence Descends

    Abisma - Disciples of the Black Ram

    Black Hurst – S/T

    Blutschwur - Those of My Blood

    Crucifixion Bell - Mirages in Izar

    Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Unholy Black Metal Against the Modern World

    Dai-Ichi – S/T

    Dominance - Slaughter of Human Offerings in the New Age of Pan

    Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis

    Ebony Pendant – S/T

    Fellwinter - The Dawn of Winter

    Final Eclipse - The Dark World

    Flaming Ouroboros – Blood

    Gauntlet Ring - Beyond the Veil of the Night

    Graf - Rite of Nocturnal Passage

    Gam - Alt hans væsen

    Geistaz'ika - Midnatsbøn ved djævelens port

    Helleruin - Devils, Death and Dark Arts

    Hinsides - Hinsides hörs djävulsklockans urklang

    Iron Firmament – Keepeater

    Kringa - All Stillborn Fires, Lick My Heart!

    Krigstjørn - Mod guders svig

    Kurgan - Ascetic Dissociations

    Lja – 1943

    Mavorim - Ab Amitia Pulsae

    Motstand – S/T

    Mycorrhizae – The Great Filtration

    Noitila – Langennut

    Nöldr - Chaotic Mysticism from the Tormented Silence

    Nahasheol - Serpens Abyssi

    Nartvind – Breath of Night

    Orkblut – Ghost Paths to Septentrion

    Obsidian Grave – Blood of the Night

    Oerheks - Grondslagen

    Regnum Tenebrarum - Légendes noires

    Ravensrealm - A Crash of Heathen Thunder

    Sulphuric Night - Black Metal Tyranny

    Tsjuder – Helvegr

    Trest - Sorginak

    Unholy Craft - Naar all tid er omme

    Vestígio - Vestígios

    (^Mark and FA will both want to check out the above album)
    Versteck - Symbols of Seven Harmonies

  23. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from Thatguy in EOTY Listmania Extravaganza 2023   
    Mark had asked about my never finished year end list for 2023, so I figured I'd share what I had before I gave up on it. I'd only just started making cuts, so this will be a lot longer than normal. Because of that I'm going to post it a little at a time and break it up by genre...and since the black metal list was the longest, I'll post it first.
    Black Metal
    Arnaut Pavle - Transylvanian Glare

    Arbor - Behold... The Age of Pagan Blood

    Atheosophia - Shadowgate of Winter's Spirit

    As the Shadows Envelop Me – Fedrekult

    Astral Tomb of Yearning - Summoning the Impenetrable Night

    Aeon Furnace - Providence Descends

    Abisma - Disciples of the Black Ram

    Black Hurst – S/T

    Blutschwur - Those of My Blood

    Crucifixion Bell - Mirages in Izar

    Ceremonial Crypt Desecration - Unholy Black Metal Against the Modern World

    Dai-Ichi – S/T

    Dominance - Slaughter of Human Offerings in the New Age of Pan

    Demoncy - Black Star Gnosis

    Ebony Pendant – S/T

    Fellwinter - The Dawn of Winter

    Final Eclipse - The Dark World

    Flaming Ouroboros – Blood

    Gauntlet Ring - Beyond the Veil of the Night

    Graf - Rite of Nocturnal Passage

    Gam - Alt hans væsen

    Geistaz'ika - Midnatsbøn ved djævelens port

    Helleruin - Devils, Death and Dark Arts

    Hinsides - Hinsides hörs djävulsklockans urklang

    Iron Firmament – Keepeater

    Kringa - All Stillborn Fires, Lick My Heart!

    Krigstjørn - Mod guders svig

    Kurgan - Ascetic Dissociations

    Lja – 1943

    Mavorim - Ab Amitia Pulsae

    Motstand – S/T

    Mycorrhizae – The Great Filtration

    Noitila – Langennut

    Nöldr - Chaotic Mysticism from the Tormented Silence

    Nahasheol - Serpens Abyssi

    Nartvind – Breath of Night

    Orkblut – Ghost Paths to Septentrion

    Obsidian Grave – Blood of the Night

    Oerheks - Grondslagen

    Regnum Tenebrarum - Légendes noires

    Ravensrealm - A Crash of Heathen Thunder

    Sulphuric Night - Black Metal Tyranny

    Tsjuder – Helvegr

    Trest - Sorginak

    Unholy Craft - Naar all tid er omme

    Vestígio - Vestígios

    (^Mark and FA will both want to check out the above album)
    Versteck - Symbols of Seven Harmonies

  24. Horns
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from RexKeltoi in What's on your mind?   
    I don't know if it's worth a damn, not having tried it, but I've seen in my local that several of the better known foreign brewers like Paulaner and Weihenstephan are making non-alcoholic versions of their beer. If anyone can pull off a reliably decent tasting non-alcoholic, it's probably going to be one of them.
    What's interesting about those breweries though, is because their beer is so "blah" in flavor, their quality control is absolutely topnotch. It has to be because being so lacking in actual flavor any deviation would be incredibly noticeable
  25. Haha
    SurgicalBrute given a Damn from navybsn in What's on your mind?   
    I mean, you have to respect their commitment to being mediocre 😆
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