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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. VLTIMAS - Something Wicked Marches In
  2. The more you talk about what gets you interested the more I'm convinced you're a raver!!
  3. Oh ok, I didn't realise that. Fair enough. For such rule breakers I'm no longer interested in their music!!
  4. I'm sure there was a post in this thread and hour or so ago about some thrash band releasing a new song. I think the band was named Corrupt or something like that, but the post obviously isn't here now. I wanted to ask the poster if they knew anything more about the band since M-A doesn't have much on them. Maybe dementia really has set in.
  5. New Overkill single The Surgeon Jan 27 Album Scorched to follow
  6. Extinction AD - Chaos Collusion Carnage Propaganda
  7. $400 for a battery for the ute, I can nearly get a truck battery cheaper. Damn modern motoring sucks. Glad I don't have one of those LiPo's where I'd have to worry about it catching fire and paying a fortune for it!
  8. Surely there is a soundtrack to play whack-a-mole too?
  9. Fucking boomers and their bitches against technology!
  10. Exhorder - Slaughter In The Vatican
  11. So you're first up for MF's Got Talent?
  12. Even without hearing GG's rendition?
  13. Damn doc, you wont be able to log on for a month if you write much more today!!
  14. We have a habit here of claiming what's not ours but he's a kiwi isn't he? We made that mistake with Russell Crowe.
  15. OMG!! Now I feel sorry for you. Funny you mention Simpsons and Wil in the same paragraph though because Wil at school was like a cross between Milhouse and Ralph.
  16. He proved he wasn't much without Jim, but I still want to hear you sing "Blind As A Bat"
  17. He's not in great shape, they did a one of those Roast shows for him before Christmas and it almost looked like they'd propped him up out of his casket for the show. If he hadn't moved a few times you'd think he was dead.
  18. No, that's Adam Ant, sheesh do you need everything explained to you!!
  19. Now I want you to break out in a Meatloaf tribute.
  20. Yeah but you're opinion sucks because you don't like Angry Anderson either
  21. How do you not see that the answer was given tongue in cheek as well?
  22. Just because one doesn't understand another, or follow their point, does not make the other incorrect. However suggesting so could make a person come across as naive and illformed.
  23. Satan's Blade - Curse Of The Blade
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