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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. It does give the guy bragging rights now that he has a 'dick to big for Disney'.
  2. I didn't even know a second Avatar was a thing until I heard them say how much it cost! I've never been a huge fan of CGI but when I read they were using it to make sure the guy in Black Panther's crotch bulge wasn't too big to be offensive I realised they have finally jumped the shark.
  3. I heard the new Avatar cost something like $400M to make, that's just fucking ludicrous in my eyes, (but I'm not a fan so my opinion doesn't really matter). I'd still much rather a real explosion, cost effective or not, than a CGI explosion. I hate CGI explosions, fires, crashes and the like, to me it cheapens the movie and makes me think they are trying for a slapstick comedy. Maybe in space movies or superhero movies where reality is already suspended it's different, but I can't stand seeing a house blow up in some action movie and realising that it's not real. Awe well it wont be long before Hollywood starts looking for their CGI experts on Fivver so as to cut down the cost of production.
  4. Yeah I can agree that there is more out there that love the shit than there is that avoid it. But for all those that love this also seems to be a growing dislike for what they are doing. Maybe those people are the stupid ones who continually flock to the movies to see things they know they are going to complain about. Maybe Hollywood are the idiots who don't care enough to listen to the dislike because it's not hurting their bottom line. Netflix and other streaming platforms are realising that profiteering isn't as simple as just making it and the hordes will flock to it because even some of their big name series are showing a downturn in viewers but the price to make them is still rising. Cinemas in this country realised the downturn in the market more than a decade ago and had to offer cheap incentives to get people back. Numbers here are up but we are a thousand miles away from places like the US when it comes to most cinema releases and how long they spend playing to anything more than a 20% full cinema. It seems to me with such a heavy reliance on CGI these days movies are becoming little more than animated fairy tales and repeats of themselves. Shit half the time they use CGI to remove imperfections from the $5M stars face, (or remove some poor bloke's wedding tackle from his loin cloth because it's deemed to big for a minor audience). With home computing being what it is it wont be long until 8yr old kids can make an almost Hollywood worthy film without the high priced actors and little more than a D grade at school (they'd have got a B if they didn't spend all day fucking around with that computer!). Maybe that's ideal world thinking. Maybe Hollywood wont ever realise they only cater to some. Maybe the movie watches of this world will always have easy money to throw at lacklustre releases they are only going to pick holes in. I don't really know where the end of it is, but I know the movie world is becoming less and less for people like me. Thankfully though there is still an independent movie industry, it doesn't always create winners but some of the stuff is worth watching.
  5. A woman my wife used to work for claimed she had noarse syndrome. She's right, she her arse was flat and didn't hold her jeans up properly. Her solution was to get some padded underwear that formed her arse into a bigger mound, perhaps you should get some of those. Our sizing is slightly different here, it's not supposed to be but it is, but I haven't bought a size L since I was 14. Long before I became a fat bastard I was wearing 2XL shirts and more than 32" pants.
  6. But why are studios demanding it? Is it the want of the people? I'm not a blockbuster movie type person and don't really mix with people that are, but when the topic comes up most I know seem to be sick of fake and over done CGI. Many even think CGI, big bangs etc are often used as substance because of lack of story line. Is it the studios? CGI costs big bucks in a lot of movies, but big name stars cost a lot more, marrying the two means movies have to make a shit load of money just to break even. Hollywood doesn't seem to be making many efforts to cut costs and the studios seem happy to push the larger costs included with CGI into nearly everything. Is it the producers/movie makers wanting to out do each other? I think that statement probably only stands up with a few of the really big names and there is many who just can't compete. For me I'm sick of remakes, redo, rehashes and origins stories. I would prefer original content (although lets face it nothing is truly original) even if it's not great to yet another movie sequel or remake. Obviously many people disagree with that because they flock to the latest remake, or they drool over a new chapter in a story they've watched before, and that's fine I can live with that because I don't rush out to the movies. I probably still wouldn't rush to the movies if they made them more to my liking, but I'd be more interested in them on my own screen.
  7. It appears Obituary's new album has leaked early for anyone interested in sampling before the official release date.
  8. I think too much of Hollywood CGI these days looks fake. Seems to me that in effort to continually outdo themselves they've gone too far and everything comes off as over done and less real.
  9. Yeah the rebranding has worked well for them, the same goes for their trucks. Most Euro trucks didn't have a good reputation here for years and while that has improved Volvo has come in leaps and bounds and now days they even test trucks here. The 80's model 240 GL was a great car despite it's ugliness, there are quite a few here now being brought back to life. Where getting a lot more big GMC's, F Trucks, and RAM's here but I can't see Doc in one of those, they take up too much space in the car park and the more car spaces available the more double bookings a doctor can make, which affords them the expensive US import. So maybe he does drive and Escalade NP: The Poor - Round 2
  10. Volvo's have always been frowned upon here in Oz. The boxy look and the mistaken idea that they always broke down had people who'd never driven them also never wanting to go near them. For years there was also many silly Australian's who thought that cars that always had their lights on by default were somehow inferior. It's kind of ironic now days given that we pretty much can't buy a car here that doesn't have 'daytime running lights'. Range Rover's are big here among city doctors, or at least their wives. One look around several Melbourne Hospital carparks and it's all Range Rovers, Lexus', Mercs and Beemers. Beemers less so now because they are becoming common as muck and even boy racers just out of high school can afford lower end Beemers. Country doctors tend more towards the Lexus version of the Toyota Land Cruiser, the Toyota badge being too low class to be seen wearing. Given the already colourful language he keeps aiming at me I'm going to go with a black Range Rover, and he drives it like Prince Philip used to!
  11. You are a grumpy old man with a colourful, but not very expansive, vocabulary, are you sure you're not holding something in a little too long?
  12. I'm sick of it too. There has been days when I've done 10,000 steps, over the whole day, and there has been times where I'd exerted myself to the point of exhaustion. But this fucking cough wont go away and some days it feels like a full on flu, others it doesn't feel like anything, then just when I think it's gone it comes back again.
  13. I used to enjoy walking at 5am in the winter. I'd walk around the outer perimeter of the farm, along the river into town and back for a total of about 7-8ks. On weekdays I'd wave to my brother as he'd be heading off to work, on weekends I'd rarely even see a moving car. I don't know how many steps it was because that was before I got my tracker, but I gave up walking totally for 5am bike riding, which I also used to enjoy. However that turned to shit 6 months ago and I just can't bring myself to early morning exercise as well as what I do around the farm since I got sick. I keep trying to change that but I also keep making excuses not too.
  14. He's an old man, if he didn't stop he's employing the coke bottle in the front seat technique, which is fine for well built males but a real bugger of a stunt for the female kind. The Poor - Round 1
  15. Odd thing to call your wife, but each to their own.
  16. The only thing anyone needs to really know is that it's better than Perth! Frenzal Rhomb - Sans Souci
  17. Doctors in this country aren't known for their sense of direction. He was probably holding the map the wrong way and instead of turning right he's turned left and headed for the desert. The next we'll hear from him he'll be three hours and twenty years behind in Perth asking how to get home. Motherslug - The Electric Dunes Of Titan
  18. Has Doc come back from the drive he was organising the other day? I haven't seem him post. Maybe he was caught by a bunch of bunyips and they've adopted him into their clan.
  19. We still get quite a bit of covid news here, partly because the numbers have risen a bit but mostly because we've just made Chinese travellers pass a test 48 hours before arriving and the media are chomping at the bit to make the Australian Government seem inept in their handling while at the same time making China look like idiots for arguing the point. So Covid is still very political at the moment here even if it's not as wide spread as it once was. The thing about the US Speaker who didn't get votes (I've already forgotten his name) is that he took Chinese travellers off our news for the 48 hour news cycle. In that time the announced policy about travellers became policy and the news media picked that up again and started talking to travellers at the airports. So it really does feel like we get slapped in the face with US politics, the same 3 minutes of footage gets used for 48 hours and then it's forgotten. I know I could hunt the internet for information like the US Speaker's name, I could also find more information about US politics the same way but because it doesn't directly effect me I take it in the neck from a shitty half arsed media group that bludgeon on and on about it with limited story but maximum airtime for 48 hours and then forget about it. In Australia however because it does effect me (a little more than US politics does) I do take the time to look at the parts that effect me. I don't trust the media to give me the information I want, the TV and newspapers are fucking terrible and they wont ever improve. But I also don't just read one site and decide that's the news I'm going to believe. In most cases I don't read the political jargon, I look at the topic and if it interests me I find actual sources not media reports. But I also admit that as I get older I do tend to do this less and less. These days I even refuse to vote in person at a polling booth forgoing my "democracy sausage" as so many like to call it, because I can't stand being faced with that much politics all in one place. Bottom line really is that I know what effects me, I know where to get information on those things and the media are and probably wont ever be that source.That doesn't work for some and I'm fine with that but it works for me.
  20. While I do agree that George and the Washing Machines and Uncle Bucks Refrigerator aren't great bands, I do store my Lawnmower next to my Demolishion hammer in the shed so to me they are both acceptable.
  21. Lawnmower Deth - Oh Crickey it's Lawnmower Deth
  22. That sounds like Australia, both teams sit on different sides of the fence but they still sit on the fence making sure they never stray too far away from each other, while at the same time screaming loudly about how different they are. I know which figurehead is which in this country because I have to vote for the party lead by one of them. Without thinking about it though I couldn't tell you which team is which colour. I don't know which is left, which is right, which in central and which is left right central conservative, but I also I don't particularly care what left and right actually is, I care about what the fuck these idiots do when in power. Their policies really don't mean much because election promises only come around every 4 years or so and no politician ever really makes those with the thought of keeping them. Career politicians have ruined this country because they only care about the pay cheque. They are more worried about being re-elected next time than actually doing something positive into the future. A 10 year plan? Get fucked their plan only goes as far as tomorrow. They know it, we know it, but they still do it because the system allows them too. I totally admit that US politics is something I just don't care about and that lack of interest means not knowing which side is which, or who runs the show, or even how the show works. I get sick of the media forcing feeding us BS political news from our own country, therefore barely tolerate it when it comes from the rest of the world, (although I have to admit the UK system has been quite comical for a few years now). I'll laugh at US politics when something funny happens, just like I expect the world to laugh at us when we have 4 leaders, only one of which was voted in by the people, in a single year, but I don't have any real inclination to understand or care about it. Therefore I probably also need to be told what is funny or I could just boldly laugh at the entire circus.
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