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Everything posted by Thatguy

  1. This is a well known philosophical thought experiment. Imagine a wheel barrow. Replace the wheel. Replace the handles. Replace the barrow. Replace the other bits and pieces. All with replacement parts of the same model wheel barrow. What is the entity you have at the end? Is it the same wheel barrow? Did you do this? It would be fucking insane to do this.
  2. MASTODON - Emperor of Sand KRIEGSMASCHINE - Apocalypticists FRED FRITH TRIO with Lotte Anger and Susana Santos Silva - Road. You don't know Fred Frith? You're not worthy. SULPHUR AEON - Svallowed Bt The Ocean's Tide. Yep, Svallowed. Thatguy has been outside with his headphones on all morning. It's a perfect early autumn day here in lovely Canberra.
  3. Agree entirely. The first track put me right off and I wanted to like the album. It made me comment as I did initially because the whole first listen was shaded by that track. The rest is better. And I only just found the first Arde album. I really enjoyed it. It does not sound like a first album. Either the dudes had been playing together a lot before they recorded, or they were already veterans.
  4. Doesn't ruin it for me, but significantly diminishes my enjoyment of it. ARDE -s/t
  5. SKRYING MIRROR - Omnimalevolence. Yeah, baby. Thatguy approved.
  6. It kind of went without saying so I didn't say it. GARGANJUA - A Voyage In Solitude
  7. Being a grumpy old bastard, I am reluctant to agree with anyone. Don't take it personally.
  8. Just voted for Cyanide - The Dying Truth. Nothing wrong with it but it does not hold my interest. I hate to agree with the GG but it is just above a MEH but not quite a GOOD.
  9. FALAISE - After All This Time. Noice ÓSSERP - Els nous cants de la Sibil-la. Yeah baby. PoiL Ueda - PoiL Ueda. Still amazing
  10. I haven't seen any for years, but the quickest I got rid of a pair was when I answered the door with just a towel wrapped around me and told them that everyone in the household were revolutionary communists.
  11. I actually don't care about how much nookie he gets. He looks as unappealing as he sounds but fame and money will get the most unappealing of men as much sex as they want and maybe he is a nice person. Good luck to him. I can just about bear some of the modern pop music my daughter likes when it has some degree of groove. Ed-fucking-Sheeran grooves like a wooden box on wooden legs. That is, not at all. I can bear a whine if the beat makes me move. Walking away quickly doesn't count. Anyway I'm preaching to the converted here. We all already knew that mainstream taste sucks and that 90% of everything is shit. I wasn't angry about any of this, just quietly head shaking. We have always enjoyed vigorous dinner table debate.
  12. Yeah. Thanks but no thanks. As I know you'd expect, I don't need clowns like that to help guide my listening.
  13. Ed - fucking - Sheeran - the man devoid of groove/soul/call it what you will, played to 100,000 people then more than 100,000 the night after in Melbourne just now. My daughter - who torments me with Ed - fucking - Sheeran at every opportunity was over for dinner tonight and she and the wife went on about this and about how more than 200,000 people couldn't be wrong and that maybe my taste in music was just wrong. Of course I told then that they and the other 200,000 were the one who were wrong, but that didn't change their minds. Then I quoted Frank Zappa - 'Americans hate music, but they love the garni-de-jour' and the same for Australians. That did me no good either. So be it. I am still right. Metal heads are a tiny minority and I am grateful that music I love is being produced by men and women who will never have the commercial success of Ed - fucking -Sheeran, but they do it anyway because they love it. I am right about the evil of the golden point in Rugby League too and so many other things but I'll stop whining now. Goodnight.
  14. Still true, but you can't have everything.
  15. ENSLAVED - Heimdal. I found a lot more to interest me the second time through. 'Congelia' is an excellent track. NP - SALOLDELLI CASARANO BARDOSCIA - The Great Jazz Gig In The Sky. A loose jazz take on Pink Floyd's Dark Side Of The Moon. Pretty cool.
  16. I only look down on the unworthy, and they are a self selected group.
  17. I have no further ambitions. I practiced as an independent medical specialist, I taught medical students, GPs and specialist trainees, I served on committees of my specialist college, I was an examiner, I did research, published academic papers, presented at a couple of international meetings, raised two children to be good human beings and successful professionals. Now I run, I walk, I garden, I listen to music, I write music, I read and sometimes I have a little think. And that's more than anyone here needs to know about Thatguy. I was a humble worker, serving the community all my working life. I was never a medical entrepreneur like yer mate.
  18. ENSLAVED - Heimdal. It's a nice album. Too much clean singing though and on one listen no standout songs. It's what I expected. Mind not blown. PoiL Ueda - PoiL Ueda. This is something very different. Japanese classical style singing over very restrained (no wankiness at all) prog rock music. Not many here will like it but it is something very special. HEY COLOSSUS - Dances/Curses. Finally gave this band a try. I was gardening and not giving it my full attention, but it plodded along and was not very engaging.
  19. You're right. I saw them at Hymns to the Dead in Hobart that year and I think it was their only Australian show in 2017. It sucks.
  20. Golden point is an abomination. No winner after 80 minutes of blood sweat and tears = a draw and it should be a point each. I will never change my mind. He looks uncomfortable. So does she.
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