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  1. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to ProfessorBoozenthrash in Anybody into comedy??   
    Heh, I needed that, thanks.
  2. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from True Belief in What's on your mind?   
    Damn that sounds annoying, it´s actually emotionally crushing to find a fault in something that has served you for so many years.   CD:s aren´t quite the format to last forever i suppose, used or not.. just wondering if part of the original genious was to make them so damn fragile that people would have to buy their favourite albums again and again.  Shame that i sold my oldest CD some years ago. It was a Shark Records released version of Sepulturas Schizophrenia that was released in `88 exclusively in germany i think, would be interesting to see how it lasted, since i have the remaster that i actually listen and let the other just stay in it´s case. 
  3. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to ProfessorBoozenthrash in Anybody into comedy??   
    George Carlin is good too!  
  4. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Requiem in Does humour have a place in music?   
    The 12 Foot Ninja video reminded me of another bunch of Australian nutjobs, King Parrot. They have a similar little opening vignette, albeit slightly more sinister. 
    There's certainly something about bogan Australians that works well with humour. 
  5. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to ProfessorBoozenthrash in who would you rather be?   
    Hero, I get a cape (or guitar, depending...)
    Would you rather eat really hot food or really cold food?
    oh fuck i just fucking realized this; NO I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT GUITAR HERO.
  6. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What's on your mind?   
    Damn that sounds annoying, it´s actually emotionally crushing to find a fault in something that has served you for so many years.   CD:s aren´t quite the format to last forever i suppose, used or not.. just wondering if part of the original genious was to make them so damn fragile that people would have to buy their favourite albums again and again.  Shame that i sold my oldest CD some years ago. It was a Shark Records released version of Sepulturas Schizophrenia that was released in `88 exclusively in germany i think, would be interesting to see how it lasted, since i have the remaster that i actually listen and let the other just stay in it´s case. 
  7. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to ProfessorBoozenthrash in Rate the song above you (non-metal edition)   
    6/10 Not really the greatest sounding music, but it reminds me of oompa loompas, the 3 stooges, and the remove kebab song combined.
    And now ladies and gentleman; Frank Sinatra
  8. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Aryvandaar in What is metal for you?   
    I'm going to necro this thread, cause it's such a good one. 
    I think that metal is one of the greatest music genres in existence. While most other music genres is very much restricted, metal can just be about anything, or almost any play style. Different metal sub-genres has the ability to inspire, and make you feel a wide range of emotions, be it inspiring, happy or jolly, sad or melancholic. 

    I can't imagine my life not listening to metal. Metal has been there in hard and happy times and it has helped me come to terms with anger and sadness. I regularly listen to metal, pretty much every day, and if I go over extended periods without listening to metal I can get pretty grumpy and negative.  
    "Without music, life would be a mistake." Friedrich Nietzsche
  9. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Darkenized in Darkenized   
    Hey all, check out Darkenized! We just released our first single on soundcloud.
  10. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to DukeThylacine in Beginner buying a bass (4 or 5 strings; need help)   
    Don't worry I will
    @GrayscaleDawnI know every beginning is hard and I'll try to do my best. I'll also contact my sister's BF to give me tips about what should I do (aka what things should I practice first), and of course I'll search the internet as well.
  11. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in What are you drinking?   
    Aside from the weather and the night-day cycle, it sounds like a lovely place.
  12. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from FatherAlabaster in What are you drinking?   
    Coffee... the most important liquid to any finn. It´s not alcohol like most would think. I think it read somewhere that finns drink the most coffee per capita when compared to any other country.  
  13. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from DukeThylacine in Beginner buying a bass (4 or 5 strings; need help)   
    Nice that things seem to work out, and good luck for practicing. Trust me, the start is the tough part, once you get over it so that your fingers don´t hurt that bad anymore and you can navigate around the bass enough to learn first songs.. from that point forwards you have gained yourself fun for a lifetime.  
  14. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Natassja in Learning languages   
    I am always amazed how well people from other countries speak English, when it is not their mother tongue.  I have a lot of respect for that, makes me feel kinda ignorant sometimes..  I can understand and write to a basic degree some German, French and Norwegian but to converse is not how I would like at the moment, I hope to get better. Greenlandic sounds so awesome ^^  I would love to know some basic words, languages fascinate me.
  15. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to DukeThylacine in Beginner buying a bass (4 or 5 strings; need help)   
    Thank you all for replying and for your advices! <3

    I have decided to go for a used (second-hand) bass guitar for my beginning. As I said, knowing how my motivation can fail me, I don't want to start off with something pricey and maybe fail....but I promise, I'll give everything I've got and push on practicing!
    (+I also have to save money for an amp).
    I've already messaged my bassist friend, and he agreed to go with me if I decide to buy the bass (few days ago, I've actually found a nice 5-string Hammer bass of Slammer Series; I like it, so I decided to go for that one and see if it's good). I just have to wait for that December paycheck to arrive and I can set off
    Thank you again guys!
  16. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from DukeThylacine in Beginner buying a bass (4 or 5 strings; need help)   
    Another thing thats possibly even more important than getting a decent instrument is setting it up. Ask for the shop you buy it from to set it up, if you buy online you can have your friend take a look if he knows how to, most likely does. If the bands you like and want to learn to play use 5 string (and actually take advantage of it), then definitely go for a 5-string bass,. It´s propably the biggest motivator when you start to learn your favourite songs. I learned guitar practicing Metallica, Megadeth and Sepultura songs with an acoustic that i won from an amusement park.. it was such a shitty instrument and i never would have learned anything if there weren´t my favourite music to learn to play. It´s really impossible to suggest any particular instrument, when we don´t know your exact budget. I did try a 200e Ibanez Bass the other day since i needed a bass for my home recording but that just felt really bad, i put a bit more and got a Squier Precision Bass which is actually a really good instrument for the price. One thing you can do is go to a local music store and try out instruments a bit, the problem however is that it might be hard to see for beginner what is badly setup and what is just plain bad. I definitely second what Alabaster said, allthough i don´t think there are any "beginner" instruments, it´s just a marketing trick to sell bad instruments.. there are just bad and good instruments. With a 100$ you get a 100$ instrument, simple as that. Spending a sensible amount and not trying get one as cheap as possible will help your motivation and makes learning smoother too. From above 300$ you can get stuff that´s actually pretty good if you know what to get. When you are on a budget a second hand purchase is a very good option, but i would definitely ask help from your friend if you decide to go that route.. that would get you the best bass for your money for sure.
    With your budget, a second hand bass for sure.. just ask your friend to help.  
  17. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from DukeThylacine in Beginner buying a bass (4 or 5 strings; need help)   
    There are a lot of ways to make buying second hand safe, and being an used instrument literally doesn´t make it bad or worse. People use guitars built in the 50´s and 60´s. Hell in most cases a well kept, properly adjusted instrument is better and the owner can give you good tips about that particular instument too. I think your friends are right, you should not buy a second hand ON YOUR OWN, however you seem to have people around you who know about those things and can go through the purchase with you. If buying a second hand feels too scary, then just go to the music store and feel them out a bit. Buying blind is never too good of an idea. But i do REALLY mean it when i say that use the resources available to help you decide, meaning the people around you who can help you beyond our jibba jabba. Bass and guitar aren´t that different btw and have the same principles in function, usually a guitarist can see if a bass is good or bad.
  18. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from witPhassion in Learning languages   
    Just ask a lot when you don´t understand something, it will help. I would recommend a translator, but something tells me that google translate might not do well with greenlandic.  
  19. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Song writing woes..   
    Since the songs aren't up, I can't comment on them, but programming drums takes a ton of time and patience. Hours per song. I  take my own samples and I never use loops - I prefer building songs hit by hit - so it takes me even longer than it could. If you know how to play drums, then you already know how things should feel, which is an advantage; focus on the feel and the sound of the parts, and the flow of the song. 
    Being a riff machine is a great thing, that's half the battle. Make sure you're considering variations of the themes in your parts - tempo changes, key changes, time signature and phrasing changes, melodic elaborations, whatever helps you make the most out of a good idea. Playing around with buildup to a favorite riff, and different ways of extending it, can teach you a lot about how to make it feel like the focus of a song, and how to use it to the best advantage.
    I like to keep things moving. A lot of what I do in songwriting is based on a handful of ideas - to see how far I can get the song away from a focal point like that and still have it feel like I'm coming back home when I return to it, to avoid repeating parts too much, and to save something special for each song that only happens once. 
    If you do have anything you want to share, feel free to start a thread for it in the promo section, I'll definitely take a listen and try to give feedback.
  20. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Will in Song writing woes..   
    Even though I have a pretty good drummer I'm still using synth drums because drum mics and e-drums are damned expensive. I was thinking that the second song was an instrumental, kinda made a dumb assumption there.
  21. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo given a Damn from Will in Song writing woes..   
    Well the first one is just a collection of riffs, second one is something i´d like to do advance somewhere with. Yeah i use Steven slate drums 4ex and i can play drums a bit too, i guess thats the problem.. i´d need to play it instead of doing midi with controller/editing, just don´t have the money for e-drums atm. I propably shouldn´t have posted the clips, since i actually can do so much better if i put some effort in, kinda had a moment of frustration i had to air out.  I don´t think i´ve ever "published" anything like this before (i must have 200 clips like that but only few finished songs). I swapped back to Reaper from Sonar X3 yesterday, kinda helped my workflow and editing drums isn´t that much of a chore anymore. For some reason, even when i´ve had Sonar for 3 years i just never got comfortable with it. Thats money wasted there. All i need is a deep breath i think.  And no.. not really thinking a detail like a solo on the second clip, thinking more of the big picture.. you know.. song structure and vocals and shit. Gonna get back at it with a rested brain i suppose.  
    EDIT:Thanks for the comments btw, i forgot manners! Much appreciated.  
  22. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to Will in Song writing woes..   
    Both songs are pretty good, but yeah, as you said song one seems a little generic.
    I'm guessing you're not a drummer and using a program like Mulab to make drums? (they sounded pretty real though so I may be wrong).
    Learning a few songs on drums or alternatively writing up the drum parts a few songs on a program would probably help with your drum writing. I like to use drums to emphasise my rhythm riffs.
    As for where to go with song 2 maybe a solo.
  23. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to ProfessorBoozenthrash in your biggest accoplishments/goals in life?   
    Learn guitar to at least James Hetfield ability, watch all the movies and shows on my to-do list, go camping alot, get a nice wife, listen to alot of fuckin heavy metal, watch heavy metal and heavy metal 2k while toasted... get all the music on my list, tell my """""""Friends"""""""" where to fucking go, which is coming up pretty fucking fast here.
    Oh, and get sideburns like Lemmy \m/
  24. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to UnveiledDeviser in Unveiled Deviser   
    Hi Everyone,
    our band just got it's first Single released. In a few days this will be also available on all major music streaming platforms (Spotify, iTunes, etc.), but for now you can check it out on Bandcamp: https://unveileddeviser.bandcamp.com/releases
    We guarantee that you will not be disappointed. All Feedback provided will be used to create one epic metal release in the near future!

  25. Horns
    ChainsawAkimbo gave a Damn to FatherAlabaster in Is it okay if I wear...   
    Personally I think the rainbow shorts are a better look.
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