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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2019 in all areas

  1. Further replacement of ‘missing’ digital albums. Cannibal Corpse ‘Tomb of the Mutilated’ now on CD.
    2 points
  2. Horna - EESE. Great stuff.
    2 points
  3. Pestilence - Testimony of the Ancients
    1 point
  4. ExVee

    Hello everyone!

    The pleasure is all mine! I am always on the lookout for good music to listen too, and your songs are outstanding. In fact, some of the best work I ever heard came from solo projects. Your work is truly inspiring. I think that the full extent of creative liberties and the freedom to innovate within the writing process is something that artists can only achieve when they are not tied down by label contracts or deadlines. I understand that you have a busy schedule and other priorities. As a married artist myself whose not getting any younger, I know how frustrating this actually is. That being said, i`m glad to hear that you joined a local band and I still hope that regardless you will be able to find time and make music the way you want too! Yeah I agree, the music and lyrics are powerful and inspirational, the album itself would have held well on its own right because its fantastic. However, I don't know if it would have made the same impact these days. Times are different, the audience is different, and the industry mindset is different. Its hard to predict what would really go down. As for their photo shoots though... yeah I try to ignore those as best as I can. To suppress these images. Same with most music videos in general, I stopped looking at how bands present themselves visually, many years ago. COF is just one of the bands I thank for that choice. Theres only so much I can mental block, you know lol
    1 point
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