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  3. Slayer - Hell Awaits (1985)
  4. Exodus - Shovel Headed Kill Machine
  5. Metallica - Ride the Lightning (1984)
  6. The more effluent among us rose to higher status.
  7. Hooded Priest - Devil Worship Reckoning
  8. Second time through it tonight I listened to the whole thing. Whenever there's a record everyone seems to be talking about I'll generally at least check it out and see how far I get. If it's really that bad I can always click out and listen to something else. But yeah I'm not saying Cutting God's Throat is a shit record, just that I don't personally see the appeal or why it would be anywhere near the AotY discussion. But to each his own man, if you dig it you dig it, it's really not for me to say. All your school mates aspired to be affluent, you had to be the odd one out who said no affluence for me, I just want to be effluent.
  9. I've been called full of effluent before too.
  10. Caprine is to goats as feline is to cats, or canine is to dogs, or lupine is to wolves, or equine is to horsies, or bovine is to an Orca. Never let it be said that I'm not effulgent. If this is what you professionals consider limpid...I mean granted, it's not anywhere near as purposefully chaotic, impenetrable and obfuscated as a lot of other stuff you've claimed to enjoy, and I've already said as much. But when compared to other music I'd categorize as "limpid" this wouldn't even rate a mention. It's still something of a difficult, or let's say a "challenging" listen to us caprines and other simple minded blokes who just want everything to be 4 chords in E minor in 4/4 time. I'll also add for no apparent reason that while I believe these Kiwis started out their career as some kind of a death metal band, I think they've now transcended that label because I really wouldn't call this death metal. Never too busy to make time to gatekeep. But again, this is not at all terrible, and it's not at all what I was expecting based on their reputation and on my distant memories of their past work. On a good day I might even be willing to spot you "three dimensional" but I do think limpid's a bit of a stretch. Yeah there are certainly riffs present here, they're not one of those riffless wonders like Imperial Triumphant or whomever, but these riffs aren't straightforward, catchy or hummable in my world. This ain't the Ramones, Judas Pweest or AC/DC. These riffs have too many high notes juxtaposed against lower notes creating a sense of unease. I'm no music theorist or musician obviously, but it sounds to me like they're all over the neck here. It's exhausting to listen to, and I find it a bit jarring. I can't just relax and enjoy it while bobbing my head, which is all I'm after when I sit down with a new death metal album. Obscurial - Heretic, death metal Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. This is more my speed.
  11. Exumer - Possessed by Fire
  12. Rig rundowns and pedal shootouts are videos I always found entertaining this Matt Pike one was one I liked
  13. My thing with the string noise has something I have never been able to totally mitigate, people I played with always said I was a bit of a noisy player, its gotten much better but not where it doesn't irritate me 😒 Though I hear during recording the string noise is taken out during the mix but I have never recorded anything other than with a camcorder. As for pedal noise I am thinking I might have to upgrade my old DC Brick PS, according to EQD some pedals can make a lot of noise when in sequence without isolation, I''ll know for sure when my Eruptor pedal arrives this week and I slap it on the board. Never even considered running my whole board through the effects loop, what would be the benefit?
  14. 'Caprine', now there's a word I don't think I've ever seen used. I had to look it up so thanks for educating me. I will not allude to its meaning here so that our unwashed brethren also have to look it up. As ever, thanks for coming but your wrongness is effulgent. Nah, actually I get where you are coming from but there's a ton of riffs and hummable tunes on the Ulcerate and the sound is so three dimensional, almost transparent, even limpid I would say. I agree that the FELLWARDEN is too long but it's warm and fuzzy. NP - MARRIAGES - Salome
  15. I've tried a bunch of different stuff but I always come back to Dunlop Tortex standards. Usually orange for guitar, yellow for bass. When I was younger I used to use those big green triangles. I don't know what I was thinking. I can't get along with really thick picks or anything made of a stiff material that doesn't give and snap back a little bit. I like them ok for leads, but they don't work for me for anything else.
  16. I've heard good things about the Decimator, especially the G String model. Never used one. But string squeaks will probably be loud enough that they won't get cut off. I like the action of the old standby Boss NS2, but when I'm being a tone snob I don't like the sound of the pedal, which I think is down to the buffer. It has this subtly cheap zingy quality to it that feels a little plastic. It wouldn't make a difference in any situation like a show. The gate on my HX Effects seems to work fine too. At my last place, the power was really noisy and I needed one most of the time even at low volumes. The new spot is the first place I've lived in almost 20 years where I can just plug straight into my head and it's dead quiet.
  17. Shrill is exactly what I determined the tone would be like, with a stone pick the opposite I supposed would have a more dead response after watching videos
  18. Alright Chocka Doc, I know you're down there in the ACT waiting patiently to hear my caprine perspective review of your new AotY. I finally tried it out for a good 45 minutes after dinner. Before tonight I hadn't checked in with Ulcerate in quite a few years (circa Everything Is Fire) and the memory really fades over time with stuff I don't like very much. So I guess I was expecting something a little more off the wall with convoluted, indecipherable compositions featuring extreme levels of gratuitous dissonance like Gorguts or Krallice or Artificial Brain or Portal or Pyrrhon or Ad Nauseam....you know the bands. But to my surprise it wasn't all wacky & crazy & angular like that, I found it more tedious and boring than anything else. Went in expecting a trapezoid, got served a rectangle. Definitely too much dissonance for my delicate sensibilities, but it wasn't overdone to the point of being stupid where you can't even make heads or tails out of it. I'd even go so far as to classify this as actual music Doc, unlike some of those bands I just mentioned. I tried (half-heartedly at best) to get into it, but there's just no groove, no catchy riffs, can't hum along with this, can't bang your head or tap your foot to it, it's not even mysteriously dark and evil sounding like DSO can sometimes be. It just sort of plods along aimlessly with plenty of slow quiet 'breather' sections that seem like they've been strategically spaced out to let the dudes catch a little rest mid song, when instead they should be running more laps and playing longer sets to improve their conditioning. Lazy bloody Kiwis. I can't honestly say that I hate this, like I could very easily say regarding Ad Nauseam and Pyrrhon, but I will say this is deffo not something I'll be coming back to anytime soon, or more likely not ever. The Drowning - The Radiant Dark: fuck me blue, just slit my fucking wrists and let me bleed out slowly, one excruciating drip at a time. Fellwarden- Legend, Forged in Darkness: not terrible by any means, but there's really no need for this to be an hour long. It's serviceable for post/atmo-black, but bloody legends they're not. I could probably skip this altogether and just put on a Summoning album. Nine Covens - The Dawning of Light, not a show-stopper, but definitely the cream of this particular 4 album crop. Not a purchase, but I would probably give this a second listen voluntarily in a week or so just to be sure.
  19. Bread clips here are mainly cardboard these days - environmentally sound but of no use as a pick. I play bass mainly with my fingers, but I have multiple picks lying around of various shapes sizes and materials, including some metal ones. I don't like them much. They are small - I guess bigger ones exist - and feel like I think they sound -shrill - and they kind of feel that way too. I'm probably imagining it and shrill could work for guitar in the right place I guess.
  20. Recently I found a bread clip on my desk and it brought to mind in the old days if you couldn't find a pick one might use a bread clip 😅 Although kind of retarded and shite it somewhat works 🤷‍♂️ I made me think of those metal picks with the rounded tip that came out in the 80's-90's, never used one for the same reason I never tried one of those stone picks, never got around to it because it did not seem worth trying, anyone else use any of these 🤔
  21. I don't use a gate but was considering a Decimator, will it help diminish string squeaks as well as other unwanted sounds 🤔
  22. Witchskull - The Vast Electric Dark
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