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Posts posted by Parker

  1. 50 minutes ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

    Honestly it's a bit easier to find that bit of mongrel I need to get by these days. I've been battling depression on and off for six years now. Having seen the upside alone is motivation to push back the darkness. Knowing I have you guys in my corner, that I don't have to suffer alone, means the absolute world to me.


    Also I've had this thought many times but it'd be pretty damn cool if a bunch of us could meet up at Wacken or MDF or some such one of these years. A big metal festival, good company, gee it sounds swell doesn't it?


    Also also MF podcasts? Does anyone think that could be a good idea?

    Thank you, and it means the world to me that we can be of help. I would love to have a meet up, but it's just not economically viable. I'm so technologically impaired that thou I've heard the term "podcast" I don't actually know what it means.

    I'm having a really hard time guys. I got in a stupid argument with my brother that has escalated to the point that I really don't see us ever talking again. And while that is sad, I feel much worse that I may never see my niece and nephew again, and I love them dearly. My family right now is pretty much ruined because of my brother's arrogant behaviour, and now I can't spend the holidays with my family.

  2. 45 minutes ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

    Thanks mate. It's disturbed me just how quickly I went from coping, well honestly better then coping I was feeling genuinely optimistic about life, to the absolute pits of depression again. I know part of it is the absolute dread I feel about going back into that environment. If nothing else, however, it should serve as added motivation to get shit in order as quickly as possible. I will not, absolutely will fucking NOT, be beaten by depression. More to the point I aim to be stuck living with the 'rents no more then a year.


    As for posting here, well if I have to use computers at the local library and their wifi to touch base here so be it. It may benefit me to explore the library anyway. Reading is as crucial to honing my skills as writing.

    Now that's the fucking spirit mate! Great to hear fighting words from you! You're doing much better than I have often been. Hang it there man, we're all here for you!

  3. 8 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

    So I'm very much feeling like life just wants to make me it's bitch. Like every good thing that ever happens to me is just because it's funnier somehow when the inevitable happens and I get fucked harder then ever. Fuck my life. I mean I was actually managing my depression well until this week.

    Wow, hang in there man. I've been dealing with depression my whole life, and it's a huge struggle. Even if it comes to the point that you can't contact us anymore , remember, we like you and support you, metal brother.

    6 hours ago, Iceni said:

    Alabama didn't vote for Moore, thank God.

    Yes! Thank the gods! I am so disgusted by Trump supporting that filthy animal. But, I'm sure'll he find a way to make me even more disgusted. I am so embarrassed by having the trump thing in office. Thank the gods I didn't vote for him, and I pray to the gods to steer him through this national (global?) crisis and get that thing out of office.

    8 minutes ago, Will said:

    Good luck with your kidney stone @Parker.

    Thank you. I'm pretty scared of how I'm going to feel after the surgery.

  4. And please don't bring this up again, I don't want to have to stop posting here because of a stupid argument about clocks/time. Something extremely stressful has occurred to me in the last 24 hrs and I don't appreciate you wasting my time over what is obviously a trivial matter. Dude, I said something about telling time that you didn't like and you're going to waste time and several posts about it when I have pressing urgent matters. Dude, grow up.

  5. 2 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    @Parker just to respond to this, I work in an industry heavily integrated with both the health care and military industries (some Maritime too as it happens).  We have to be very clear with use of the 24 hour clock to ensure staffing activities are scheduled correctly and paid appropriately.  Not really cultural more occupational.

    O.k., whatever you say man, it's no big deal to me, just an off hand remark. I can't for the life of me figure out why this bothers you so much. Fine, whatever you have to say about the topic is right, and whatever I say about this topic is wrong. There. Are you happy now? Now leave me alone about it.

  6. 7 minutes ago, BlutAusNerd said:

    Berries are my favorite fruit, so I don't blame you, but I don't discriminate against other varieties.

    Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

    I don't discriminate against any other berry, I love the fruit lambics other than peach. I just wish they would make one that is blueberry because that is my favorite.

  7. 1 minute ago, BlutAusNerd said:

    The raspberry and black currant ones more than make up for the lack of blueberry IMO, but I'm not much for peaches, so I don't usually get that one.

    Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

    Agreed, peaches are gross. The little hairs on them make my skin crawl.  If I was a normal human I might be content with the others, but I have a blueberry fixation.

  8. I dig some DRI, Municipal Waste, Toxic Holocaust, early Death, Morbid Angel, dig Possessed's first album but haven't heard anything else from them, dig Venom's first three, and Darkthrone are godly. I visited Phoenix a couple of times in the early 00s. There was a cool metal store, I think it was called Metal Devastation. I spent about $250 there. Are you familiar with that place? is it still there?

    10 minutes ago, Ikard said:

    Also I know you guys don't know me but today has been a truly shit day so some good vibes, prayers, Germanic chanting, whatever is your deal would be appreciated.

    I will pray to the gods for you. It would be good to know what sort of problem you are having, so I could prey to the specific god that is known to help with that problem. But, if it is a private matter I will pray to Thor for you as he is the companion, helper, and protector of mankind.

  9. So, because of my GF I've been able to stop using almost all drugs. She didn't tell me to stop; her love made me able to stop. Exceptions are my meds, caffeine, occasional little bit of nicotine from my hookah, and a drink here and there. I don't want to get drunk ever again, don't even want a buzz. Anyway, when I drink now it really genuinely is because I like the taste. 

    A kind of beer/ale I like is called a lambic, and comes from Belgium. It is "spontaneously fermented" meaning they do not add anything to make it ferment, they just put it in certain attics with certain bacteria and let it, well, spoil. The result is a sour beverage that comes in many different fruit flavors. There are "plain" lambics, but I prefer the fruit ones, especially raspberry. Has anyone else tried labics? Do you like them?

  10. 4 hours ago, RelentlessOblivion said:

    It's going to be rather difficult. We met up with my folks today where it was made apparent if the move happens it comes with extreme conditions. Basically my step-dad thinks I waste too much time online so my internet access will be by the main computer in the house and monitored to ensure it's 'productive'. Sadly I have no choice but to go with it until I find a job and can strike out on my own again.

    Again, I am so sorry to hear that. What a total asshole. You might be cautious about it, but maybe you could PM your phone number to someone you are comfortable with here so you could get away and use a cell phone for support. I'm not saying you should give me that private info (though I would gladly support you on the phone.) I forget where you are, you should probably choose someone in your country. Just a suggestion, all I can think of to try to help.

  11. I'm not a big fan, but if they play a benefit show for the homeless my respect for them would probably increase 10 fold. That is a great idea: Metal shows that help change society and make the world a better place to live. That sort of thing should happen all the time.

  12. 3 hours ago, BlutAusNerd said:

    They were always kind of a symphonic power metal band using extreme metal techniques, their songwriting never had much to do with black/death metal aside from the debut. Their last album The Chthonic Chronicles did bring back some of the heaviness of their debut album mixed with more bombastic style from Battle Magic, I would suggest checking it out.

    Sent from my HTC6535LVW using Tapatalk

    Cool, thanks man, I'll check it out. :)

  13. Wish I could unhear The Power Cosmic by Bal-Sagoth. Their first album is o.k., but the next to (Starfire . . . and Battle magic) were excellent, and I was really looking forward to The Power Cosmic, and then I get it and all the heaviness is gone and they're just playing really weak power metal. I have not listened to anything they have put out since. I think they pretty much just went in that lame direction, let me know if they ever reverted to their original, excellent style.

  14. I dig Eddie Izard, any of The Kids in the Hall (one of the funniest shows to ever grace a T.V. screen). And Ben Stiller used to be halarious, untill he completely lost his edge. But way back in the early 90s he had an wicked funny skit commedy show called "the Ben Stiller Show." In one episode they do a parady of the song One by U2 by turning it into a comercial for Lucky Charms cereal. "Did I eat to much, more than a lot?/ You gave me one bowl baby now that's all I got."


  15. @RelentlessOblivion I'm really sorry to hear that, man. But please do not stop posting, both for our sake and yours. We like having you here and enjoy reading what you have to say, and if you are going through a traumatic time in your life, I know that I would want you still posting here so we can offer you the most emotional support we can.

  16. 5 hours ago, Iceni said:

    I'd recommend using the @ sign to tag me if you'd like a response and don't want to hunt down a quote - but to answer your question here:

    I'd not mind giving Ihsahn money just because he's opposed to my religion. I assume the vast majority of metal musicians are opposed to my religion, so if I went with the whole "think impact" route I probably couldn't listen to any of it. My decisions to purchase music are driven by the client-vendor relationship. Burzum killed a guy and people seem quite happy to give him money, because he didn't use his electric guitar to murder anybody. I just refuse to give people money for making music that attacks my religion. Hence, my refusal to buy from Akercocke, Amon Amarth, Deicide, Vital Remains. Question is whether Ihsahn makes music shitting on Christianity or whether he just spends his spare time doing that. If it's the latter I'm happy to pay for his guitar work, but I sure as hell won't pay to hear him prattle about religion.

    And yeah, I was streaming it over YouTube. Candlelight Records has a Bandcamp where I could listen for free as well.

    @IceniO.k., that is valid. Again, I just was confused and wanted to see where you were were coming from/understand your point of view.  As for the @ sign, I just didn't know about that, thank you for informing me.

  17. MacabreEternal , no one in the U.S. ever says 15:30 except the military, so we call it military time. It's confusing to see someone say 15:30, and I had to stop and think and figure out that that means 3:30pm here (yeah, I'm pretty bad at math). Do you guys have really big clocks with 24 numbers on them? If not, why use military time? Seems so weird to me, but it's just a cultural difference.

    Anyway, I am currently drinking milk as I have felt like puking for the last couple of days and it's about all I can keep down. Hope this doesn't keep up, don't want to go to a doctor as I've been spending way too much time in hospitals lately due to my kidney stone. 

  18. Obviously I have had a lot to say in the past couple of days, so this might be a long post, sorry about that. I have recently come to a very sad conclusion. And that is that monsters exist, and they don't look different from other people. What I mean to say is that in the past I thought bad people were like Darth Vader, they wanted and tried to do the right thing but something went all wrong and they ended up doing evil things. Sadly this is not really the case. It seems there are true Palpatines out there. There really are evil monsters that are 100% evil and unredeemable, and have no conscience or soul. I am particularly talking about rapists and pedophiles. With all these stories coming out about celebrities and politicians. I can not for the life of me imagine how a human being could rape a girl or a child, these can't be people, these are soulless monsters. I'm really losing faith in humanity and starting to be ashamed of being a man.

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