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Posts posted by Parker

  1. 4 hours ago, Balor said:

    Check out Trist from Germany.  He plays excellent dark ambient black metal that is very repetitive and atmospheric.


    Thanks. I don't know if that's what I'm looking for, but it was awesome; a fifteen minute song that seems to do the same thing over and over, yet somehow just keeps getting better as it goes along.

    I guess what I'm looking for is more like the Beherit album Drawing Down the Moon, or maybe the Von comp album Satanic Blood Angel. But, as I said, That song you recommended is flippin' awesome!

  2. Just a random thought: What's up with all the people that sign up, post once in the introductions forum, then are never heard from again? Why would someone do this? Are they bots? It's annoying when I take the time to welcome them only the have them disappear. Anyone know what's up with this?

  3. 9 hours ago, Balor said:

    Cool, and very weird (in a good way!).  How do you make it?

    I use a program called FL Studio. It was originally called Fruity Loops, but I guess they decided that they need to sound more professional.  :D It's a sample sequencer and comes with a bunch of samples and an electric guitar emulator, among other things. I don't know how to make my own samples and load them into the program, so I'm really limited to what it comes with. Also, I think I only really know how to use maybe 20% of the program, so it's sort of a miracle that I've managed to do this much. Glad you like it, pass it on to others who may dig it.

  4. O.K., well, it took a while, but here's the new demo. No vocals yet, sorry. It probably sucks, but I really only make the music for me (This thread is the sum total of "promotion" that I've done for the band), so the fact that I like it is only what matters to me. But I'm a little curious, so I put it out here to see what other people's opinions are. I think there's a little more variation this time. Anyway, here's the new Ratatosk demo, The Grim New England Autumn Demo Anno '19:


  5. There is the band Nanowar of Steel, but I don't know if they're really gay or if it's their "act".


    Also, there is the band Bile, their bass player, R.H. Bear, is gay. He is what's called a "Bear" in the gay community. A bear is basically a big hairy bearded gay or bi man. I used to be really into the bear scene, went to bars on bear night, and other events related to that subculture, but I am now in a monogamous relationship with my fiancée. So, if you're looking for metal made by not straight people, you could check out my industrial black metal band, which I am about to post about in the promote yourself part of the forum.

  6. 39 days to go until the wedding! Getting jitters when I think about it, but absolutely no "cold feet." No doubt whatsoever. Also, can't wait to go to Berlin, Poznan, & Copenhagen. BTW, has anyone been to any of those cities? Can you recommend anything to see or do? 2019 is shaping up to be the best year of my life. Also really looking forward to The Rise of Skywalker, but I suppose that is a little less important (sort of).

  7. So, I was reading about different kinds of German beer in preparation for my trip to Berlin. I learned about a kind of beer called rauchbier, that is, smokebeer. The malt is dried over an open flame, which gives the beer a smokey flavor. This sounded intriguing. I found that my local liquor store sold Schlenkerla Rauchbier, so I bought a bottle. OH MY GOD! It was horribly disgusting! Vomit tastes better. Imagine trying to drink liquefied smoked ham dosed in rubbing alcohol. Just irredeemably disgusting. Fortunately, I had bought another German beer, Flensburger Dunkel, and it was quite enjoyable (especially in contrast with what came before). 

  8. Paradise Lost - Draconian Times

    Someone recently posted about how great this album is. I hadn't heard it in maybe over a decade or more, so I'm giving it a spin. Is it a great album? No, IMO. But, it is a good, solid, entertaining album and I'm glad I dicided to listen to it again. Highlights are The Last Time and Forever Failure.

  9. Don't know how I never noticed this thread before. I smoke on a regular basis and am stoned now. It's legal here. I haven't bought any at the store yet as the the price is double what I can get otherwise. I much prefer weed to alcohol. In my experience drinking too much will fuck up your life and your health way faster than weed. With alcohol, I find that to drink enough to feel the effect is too close to the point of loosing control, whereas with weed, you feel it fairly quickly but smoking enough to feel out of control would take a hell of a lot of weed. Don't know if I said that right, hopefully you get what I mean. Anyway, I usually just smoke weed, but in Amsterdam I loved smoking hash. Have only found hash once in the U.S. As for "dabs", I haven't tried it, but if I ever have enough $ I'll get it at the store. 

    I love the way weed enhances my emotional connection to whatever music I'm listening to.

  10. On 5/10/2019 at 9:14 AM, Requiem said:

    Congratulations for a few months’ time, Parker.

    I’ve been to Berlin. Amazing place of course. Check point Charlie, the wall, that broken down cathedral and really good food and beer! Can’t really remember much else about the place except for the fact that it’s amazing. Sausage stands everywhere are brilliant. I was eating sausage for three meals a day. I ate it good. 

    Thank you for the congratulations! We're definitely going to Check point Charlie, going to see what's left of the wall, and Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church (I think it was bombed during WWII). Really looking forward to it. What German beers do you recommend?

    On 5/6/2019 at 6:49 PM, FatherAlabaster said:

    ^^^ Little bit jealous of this, I've never been anywhere outside of North America. Hope it's as enjoyable as it sounds.

    The opening for our group painting/sculpture show went well. All the artwork is solid, everything looks great in the space, and a bunch of people showed up. After they left, a few of us got to explore the ridiculously decrepit and creepy expanses of the rest of the building - decaying doors and walls that have been unused for decades, rotting floors, leaking ceilings. Mold and dirt and vastness. An unlit basement room full of old gumball machines. The occasional art or music studio. I'll try get some photos posted.

    My tenth wedding anniversary approaches, too. Fun times.

    I pretty much live to travel, few things are as fun as going to a country I haven't been to before. If you ever get the chance, I highly recommend it.


    Congratulations on your show going well. Did you say the show is in Worcester? I live about 20 minutes from Worcester, where is the show?

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