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Everything posted by MacabreEternal

  1. I have been to the distillery and done the tour many moons ago and it was a decent afternoon out from memory. Thought it was the same weekend we stayed in a yurt and I got to drive a tank but that was a completely different year in Leicestershire not Norfolk where the EWC are. The EWC tour was not as manufactured an experience as the Edinburgh one at the top of the Royal Mile - which I still have done twice regardless. I drink less nowadays though so my interest has waned. I also drive less tanks.
  2. Mine does the job. Not into my cars, just got it because it gets me from a to b and I have the luxury of owning it outright. There’s some fuckwittery going on in that it is only classed as a 1.1 litre but has a turbo in it so drives like a 1.6 and there’s also a “sport” button that for some reason means it can go even faster if I push it. You sir need to visit the English Whisky Company. Everything else in England is shit though.
  3. So, I am 47 and shave my hair short as I am going bald anyway (hairline recedes faster than my bank balance). I also live in Merseyside although I am a) not a scouser and b) not called Phil and c) drive an Astra so I am not you I can confirm. Don’t be fooled by all those lot who have posted here before me. They are all dicks I can confirm.
  4. Assumption - Hadean Times (2022) After 5 or 6 listens to the new Thantifaxath I gave up trying to get under the skin of it. I think it sets its stall out too early and so I have no sense of build, just forcibly immersed into its mesmerising depths from the off. Even my best Oranssi Pazuzu, BAN and Jute Gyte listening hats cannot fathom this one.
  5. Blut Aus Nord - Disharmonium: Nahab (2023) There was a time when I would consume every thing BAN put out without question. For no obvious reason I have not bothered with either of the Disharmonium releases to date. Rectifying this today.
  6. Thantifaxath - Hive Mind Narcosis (2023)
  7. Darkthrone - Frostland Tapes (2008)
  8. Drain - Living Proof (2023) Swallow the Sun - Monnflowers (2023)
  9. Fvnerals - Let the Earth Be Silent (2023)
  10. Nekromantheon - Visions of Trismegistos (2021)
  11. Woe - Legacies of Frailty (2023) Yellow Eyes - Silence Threads the Evening's Cloth (2012)
  12. Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick (1990)
  13. I watched it. Very disappointed. I hadn't watched most of the previous iteration with Jody Whittaker as the Doctor because I felt she was a terrible actor who over-hammed it far too much. Had hoped for some sense to return with Tennant nut unfortunately, although he does bring some stability back to the role, they have also brought back Donna Noble as a character. Portrayed once again by Catherine Tate who I simply cannot stand, the show is on to a loser. Still very youth orientated in the themes (which I get, it's a family show after all) but this nonsensical "gender-crisis" apparently inherent in youth nowadays is bleeding into the storyline already and I have little patience for this "gender-neutrality" construct. Could be I am getting too old for the show but I doubt I will hurry to watch it.
  14. Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness (1989)
  15. The Acacia Strain - Failure Will Follow (2023)
  16. Bloodbath - The Fathomless Mastery (2008) Obscure Sphinx - Epitaphs (2016)
  17. Vastum - Inward to Gethsemane (2023)
  18. Metallica - Master of Puppets (1986) Doing my self-assessment for the tax office this afternoon (yes it is that magical time of the year already), where despite every penny I have earned being visible to them already I have to waste four hours of my life giving them all the data they already have for me all over again, just on the off-chance I have found time to undertake a second job/secondary source of income that I have not declared. Relevant tracks here: Battery, Master of Puppets, The Thing That Should Not Be and of course Damage Inc.
  19. Google Bard, ChatGP and AI in general can go fuck themselves. Users caught using them will be banned for 24 hours.
  20. Today's selection whilst mostly doing chores: Knife - s/t (2021) Master - s/t (1990) Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (1994)
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