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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Considering some of the music I've listened to that you posted "baby steps" is a compliment!
  2. Adelaide/South Australia has some of the best fishing and seafood in the country, probably only beaten by Northern Territory. You spelt Thrash wrong again but it's okay we all learn by our mistakes.
  3. Further, detailed descriptions just make it all the more likeable.
  4. This thread has it all, penises, clams and the best music genre in the world!
  5. I like that we live in a world where someone describes Iron Maiden as a banal vapid mainstream kiddie band.
  6. New thrash band from England. You'd have heard of them but you're ears have been blocked by goat penises
  7. That would be run by the guy Iron Maiden sing about. The Clamsman.
  8. Yeah chodes! NP - Think Of Misery - Poverty Is No Disgrace
  9. When we get to number 1 I vote we go for a top 500 Doc albums and everyone must listen to at least half of them. NP: Arbitrator - Darkened Reality
  10. You've got a better memory than me to remember those people and what they did. The names kind of ring a bell and I think I remember disagreeing with Rex once but I couldn't remember anything else about them. Shit, I forget about you when I'm not here reading posts.
  11. Static Abyss - Aborted From Reality
  12. I couldn't watch Oppenwhateverthefuck. Apparently the only way to see it is as Nolan intended, at IMAX. But because it's shot in 70x15 film the entire film is 18 kilometres long. I could sit and watch a movie that long.
  13. I tend to agree but if I made my own "Best of" I still think it would be made up mostly of songs from the first six albums rather than what's come since.
  14. 1000 listens? That's incredible. I treat CD's like dinner plates, one use and they're in the bin to save washing them.
  15. That's my favourite black metal album. With Reload topping the trash albums list
  16. It's like you don't know me at all. It's like all the time we've spent together, all the serious discussions we've had, and all the D&M's we've shared were for nothing because you just don't listen. Talk about being Mr. OppositePants. How could you after all this time?
  17. The old lady at the bottle-o was put off work due to lack of sales. I haven't drunk alcohol since about Christmas time.
  18. Nah it's too late for explanations. I'm going don the corpse paint, put on the purple fairy dress and proudly tell everyone I'm the world's biggest black metal fan
  19. And here I thought my weekend couldn't get any better!
  20. But even M-A list them as Blackened Speed/Thrash Metal/Punk. Surely the first mentioned can't less than 5% of their chosen genre. Furthermore the first one should be the majority percentage. When Doc posted his message it had risen just about zero, presumably if he was getting his leg over it was before he typed his message and not while he was tying his message, and certainly not several hours later as it is now. He may well have heat in his house but as an old aged pension in this country where power bills are rising between 80-90% over the next 12 months he can't afford the power.
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