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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. AlSymerz


    I'm with you on the thought of losing the internal combustion engine. It will be sad to see the end of muscle cars, there are so few on the road here now and if you really want to buy one they are bloody expensive. I don't know what the future holds for these sorts of vehicles but how sad would it be if the world just stopped making fuel for these things and collectors, who are the only ones that would have them, could only store their collection in shed and not actually use them. The sound of a thumping V8, the sound of a thumping diesel it's all part of the enjoyment of driving. Sure with an electric vehicle I'll be able to hear my music playing, but damn a well tuned engine is music!!
  2. Death Angel - The Ultra-Violence
  3. AlSymerz


    The problem with both rail and sea is that they can't and wont ever be as versatile as trucks. In this country it's partly a government issue because they wont spend on proper infrastructure but the biggest reason is because no matter how much they invest, ships and trains can only reach a small number of places goods need to be. It's great in the city, whack in a port, whack in a station, move shit all over the place on light rail. But no matter where ships or trains unload in regional areas they need transport from where they unload. Efficiency means hubs not a train pulling up at every town. But even if it did there is still no viable way to get the goods from the station to the shops because it's not like every supermarket, every clothing shop and whatever else will have their own station. It's easy to blame one industry for as many problems as we can but this is the lack of foresight the governments and many environmentalists think with. There is nothing wrong with spending on rail and sea but it has to be sensible. It would be far better to realise that just like electric cars will one day be viable throughout regional areas so will electric trucks. There is some impressive work already going on with trucks in this country being able to operate without diesel, the mining industry is using electronic trucks bigger than anything we need on the road and there is so many other tests being conducted it would be stupid to waste such ideas. We need to stop that thought that one industry, in this case heavy transport, is bad and move to the idea that we can and are currently making it better. Build the road infrastructure to allow transport to move today and in the future when transport changes to more sustainable options we'll all benefit.
  4. AlSymerz


    In this country we couldn't be trusted with just adding dye to fuel and telling people they can't use it for some application. But more to the point the government couldn't live without the massive fuel excise it gets from every vehicle owner. They do subsidise the heavy use industries of diesel and the big players get it cheaper than the road user but the government still takes it's share of taxes because they tax most fuels twice in this country just to make sure they get everyone. One of my old bosses wanted to run his trucking company off fish and chip oil. He planned on setting up the tanks and still etc in the same depot we loaded food in and out of the trucks. The idea was solid, diesel engines can happily run on fuel made from last nights dinner, but turning it from cooking oil to fuel in a factory where food products were handled and prepared for deliver was a no no according to our health regulations. Instead of renting the vacant factory next door and doing the same thing without the health worries the boss decided it was too costly and pulled the pin on the entire deal.
  5. Love the Electric Circus. It was the first W.A.S.P. album I actual bought. I'd heard a few WASP songs prior to buying it but that was it. I'd also read about Blackie and seen many of those outrageous photos but at the time I was moving towards more heavier stuff. Thrash was emerging (well it had been for a few years in 86), but WASP became one of those heavy metal bands that leapt onto my regular playing list. I've since bought Electric Circus on CD and ripped versions of it, The Headless Children and The Crimson Idol and they are still some of the highest rotation albums I have.
  6. Anthrax - Sound Of White Noise
  7. AlSymerz


    Carlin also suggested golf courses should be ripped up in favour of housing for the poor, which may not be a bad idea considering we probably have more homeless than golfers. But I think it was him who also suggested rape is funny...if you picture Miss Piggy raping Kermit the Frog. He's had a lot of advice he liked to share. I agree with that, we should leave future generations something to live on, however I'm fairly sure today's leaders, both in power and wanting to be in power, have no idea how to achieve that. I'm not even sure scientists do, but it is a goal worth trying to achieve.
  8. Sodom - Bombenhagel Dead Kelly - Put 'Em Up Cunt Atrophy - Puppies And Friends Death - Pull The Plug Devin Townsend - Stormbending Negative Self - The Pain Returns Manowar - The Blood Of KIngs Infrared - Semita Domum Phil Campbell And The Bastard Sons - Freak Show Tau Cross - Black Cadillac
  9. AlSymerz


    Eradication of the human race is the only way because neither side has the answers, they think they do but both side can conveniently ignore their own problems and focus primary on the the other side.
  10. Stevie's Orifice Drips Acid ARCH
  11. Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
  12. Envenomed (Thanks for the game of post Tit for Tat this afternoon GG, it's been fun, but I'm off to get dinner now)
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