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Everything posted by JonoBlade

  1. Wow. Hadn't seen these posts before. Exceptional work. An awful lot of shrivelled penises for my tastes, but the style is up there with the best of anything I've seen. Will drop you a PM with more reasoned enquiry about album art....
  2. Lo and behold, it is on Bandcamp. Since my favourite KD is Voodoo - said no one else ever - I will give this a shot. There are quite a few KD records I never even heard, despite being a fan. KD is like a massive in joke I share with myself.
  3. Fairly comprehensive comeback. I thought Johan overstepped a bit. Was doing research for latest project which made me consider ethics of dropping the bomb on Hiroshima/Nagasaki - as opposed to dropping it over the sea and saying "check this shit out, Hirohito!" What the Emperor's culpability was for the war is an interesting topic. I don't believe he was a prime mover, but he died at a peaceful old age as opposed to having to put a bullet in his head and be doused in petrol. Or executed following a trial for war crimes. Interesting to consider if the world would be a safer place now if the allies had marched on to Moscow. They could have even struck a deal with the remnants of the German Army for assistance. They had great generals. Ha. Forget The Man in the High Castle. THAT would make a great alternative reality. And not at all controversial.
  4. Good to know. I don't think I ever listened to the last one (probably heard one track and dismissed it) but really liked Lords of Death. 36 minutes. Tick. Cued it up now. And wishlisted new one.
  5. I thought Quadra was decent, just a bit too long. Sepultura is a solid creative unit but just never managed to recapture the lightning in a bottle of early albums. Roots had a few moments but I find it fairly unlistenable now. Max went in a direction I wasn't interested in after being ousted. So, musically, Sepultura wouldn't have been any better had he stayed. Every now and again he does something which holds my interest... I even bought the last Cavalera Conspiracy. But its not the same. All that said, it is quite possible that a reunited line up really could make something great. But that would be because they have all come full circle, not because the nearly 30 intervening years would have yielded something worthwhile.
  6. D'oh. I pre-ordered this but overlooked the bandcamp notification it had released (on a Friday I get about 20 bandcamp emails and delete them all). Will be next in the queue after CUL - The Long Road North (because my OCD makes me incapable of skipping through tracks - yet another reason to hate long albums)
  7. What do I look for in a death metal? I don't have any definitive requirements. I guess if there are no cookie monster vocals then it is not death metal but that is more of a tag than having any impact on whether I'll like it. As a general guide, if it is relentlessly pummelling then it has to be pretty short. I don't much like hyper technical widdly stuff - or at least don't seek it out. In small doses its ok. Dead Congregation is the modern band I like the most at the moment which seems to me pure death metal without sounding anything like a dinosaur genre-defining band like Deicide, Obituary or Cannibal Corpse. There is a sinisterishness and muscularity to it I like.
  8. I threw on this (GOLGOTHAN REMAINS - Adorned in Ruin) to check it oot. Sure it has some odd vocal choices but we have very different views on what "casual and laid back" means. Your heart must beat at like 320bpm. That'll kill ya man. Meditate!
  9. Fozzy is a band, Chris Jericho (he of WWE fame) is the lead singer. I have known of them for years, but that was the first time I watched a video. It wasn't the music so much as 50 year old men playing that kind of music that got me scratching my head. I would imagine 14 year old girls might like it to seem rebellious to midwestern Christian parents. You're in for a treat. As someone who has a soft spot for comedy bands (e.g. Bad News, Lawnmower Deth) Scatterbrain was musically highly competent but with Tommy Christ on vocals was never going to be super serials.
  10. I just found this on eBay and put in a bid. Scatterbrain - Here Comes Trouble is a defining album from my youth. I always knew there was a precursor band called Ludichrist but never heard it before. This is awesome. Its not as polished as Scatterbrain but heavier. Made my morning.
  11. Hmm. That didn't sound like Frank Oz. Not the same.
  12. NP: Stormcrow - Enslaved In Darkness I spent the rest of the morning listening to Iron Maiden - Senjitsu - twice. Based on encouragement from a month or two back I finally shelled out for the 24 bit download. Not sure what to say, it sounds like any latter day Maiden to me. Overlong compositions where a melody guitar line follows the vocals exactly for 10 minutes. Rinse and repeat. That Writing on the Wall song is genuinely good though. The rest I couldn't tell you what it sounded like other than....a melody guitar line following the vocals exactly for ten minutes per song. It was better than Fozzy though. I got curious after reading a blabbermouth review and watched a video. Gosh. Who is the target market for Fozzy?
  13. Oh. Mixing would be waaay worse than what I went through. For playing rhythm I just went on auto-pilot and could get the job done because it was well practiced. Would have been impossible if it was lead, with a view to ripping out something improvised and "in the moment" which I can't do at the best of times.
  14. Had my ears vacuumed out yesterday. On Tuesday I'd done something weird to them by using a different kind of ear plug in a jam room which must have dislodged or caused overproduction of wax. Left me having to record an albums' worth of guitars on wed/thurs with one ear completely blocked and another at about 30%. That was fun. Anyway. Makes me appreciate being able to hear again. Take care of your ears lads!
  15. I'd definitely get the debut Queen album to truly understand. Son and Daughter would be one of my favourite overall tracks. It's pretty heavy for the time. While the album is 1973, that song dates back to at least 1970. The only track I'd drop is "Jesus." I suppose it fits with the fantasy themes of the rest of the album's Mercury tracks, but it is a bit lame.
  16. Nearly forgot it was Bandcamp Friday! Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses by Blut Aus Nord Pre-order. I still listen to Hallucinogen regularly. New one will be reliable. Free the Witch EP by GREEN LUNG I am in love with these guys, and missed them play yet again last weekend. Desertfest in Camden was like squillions for a ticket and I really only wanted to see these guys. Traced in Air by Cynic Used to love this album and it will sit well as background WFH music. Sombre Doom by Dead Congregation Only an EP. These guys seem to be active but not exactly fast at writing new material. Succumb to Rot by Corpsessed Meat (or tofu) & potatoes but I think I'll like it. Breaking the Trauma Bond by Voices Not sure if I even listened to this a few weeks ago when I found out about it, but assume I'll get some value from it being Akercocke adjacent. II (pre-order) by Thūn These idiots have a new one on 1 July. Worth pre-ordering on a bc Friday.
  17. I didn't realise you were black? Welcome brother! If not, you've got nothing to worry about. Last week I spent an hour and a half in a queue at US immigration. I didn't even want to visit the country, was just transiting, but they make you go through the whole pantomime.
  18. These days I think it is just vests kept in the closet o' lucidity. Gone are the days of needing to store copious amounts of hairspray....which likely required a special reinforced fireproof bathroom cabinet.
  19. So lemme get this straight wNoise, are you saying that you think the song has a closet? I don't believe that for a second. I would go so far as to say that the song has no items of clothing whatsoever that would necessitate a coat hanger, let alone a closet. And not only that, I suspect its opinion on such things are perfunctory at best, being mainly concerned with the dream domain.
  20. I would tend to agree. Hearing Operation: Mindcrime for the first time was a revelation. I borrowed it on cassette off a friend from school and handed it back saying, simply "this is a masterpiece." Discovering the back catalog was great, but it went downhill from there. By and large the opening/closing tracks on each side of Empire are solid but the rest is drek, maybe excusing Silent Lucidity. That song is decent enough but just became an overplayed soccer-mom anthem. That's not the song's fault. My memory isn't much but I am pretty sure I bought the cassettes of Empire, Ward One: Along the Way and probably King Diamond The Eye the same day in late 1990 with money I earned from mowing lawns.
  21. If Roger Taylor sung a whole album (as I presume he did on solo stuff) it would drive me nuts, but in small doses it worked well. usually one song per album. Brian May sang lead on sometimes two songs per album. His voice was a great contrast to Freddie's as it is quite delicate, compared to the unbridled Mercury power.
  22. I quite liked their last one. Meat and potatoes but solid. NP. Dead Congregation - Purifying Consecrated Ground They haven't released anything since 2016, so had to go backwards to the old stuff.
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