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Everything posted by GoatmasterGeneral

  1. Why so many brands? I could see in the big smoke, but out there in the bush I thought all you bogans just kept things simple and always drank VB & Jim Beam?
  2. Hexx - Under the Spell, San Francisco 1986 Warhead - Speedway, Belgium 1984
  3. I thought the same thing, BAF, definitely not a purchase, but I kept it to myself because I get tied of being Mr. Negative all the time. Funeral Leech - The Illusion of Time, death/doom NYC
  4. Are you sure it's not just your massive XXXL size shirts that costs so much to ship? ๐Ÿ˜‰ As someone who has sent dozens of parcels to New Zealand and a few to OZ as well, I can tell you I've never gotten off for anything less than $100 USD ($155 AUD) and frequently it was a lot more than that. And that was pre-pandemic. It's just not worth it. You'd be better off making a list of all the shirts you wanted and then flying out to civilization somewhere to go pick them up in person. Just make sure you wash them all first before you pack them in your suitcase so you can claim you brought them with you and won't have to pay duty. Either that or start a metal t-shirt silk screen company down there in the deepest bushlands of Victoria and contact the bands/labels to buy the rights to make the shirts yourself down under. Then you can sell them to merch starved 'Strayan thrashers for $50 or $60 AUD a pop. ($32 - $39 US) You'll make a killing, sell the cows and retire. Band shirts always used to typically cost $20 here but in recent years $30 seems to be the new $20. One of my late wife's mother's RNZN friends in Wellington emailed me an Amazon gift certificate for the kid's birthday in January. Problem is it's only good for the Aussie Amazon, and they won't ship to the US. Because they'd have to charge too much for shipping or else they'd lose money. I should probably message her and tell her not to send those anymore, but I don't want her to think I'm complaining or come off as entitled. I don't know why she keeps sending stuff for the kid anyway, she's not family, my wife's been gone nearly 7 years now, and the kid's own grandmother doesn't even send pressies to him anymore most of the time.
  5. Lymphatic Phlegm - Roughly Excised - Putrefindings, Morbidescriptions... excellent Brazilian goregrind 2021 Meat Spreader - Mental Disease Transmitted By Radioactive Fear, Polish goregrind
  6. Cyclone - Inferior to None, 1990 Regurgitation - Tales of Necrophilia, BDM Ohio 1999 Defleshed - Grind over Matter, death/thrash Sweden 2022
  7. Devastation - Idolatry, death/thrash Corpus Christi Texas 1991 Assorted Heap - The Experience of Horror, death/thrash Germany 1991 Cyclone - Brutal Destruction, Belgian thrash 1986
  8. Prosanctus Inferi - Hypnotic Blood Art, Columbus Ohio 2020 Nunslaughter - Red is the Color of Ripping Death, Cleveland Ohio 2021
  9. Temple Nightside - Pillars of Damnation, Australia 2020 Kommodus - Wreath of Bleeding Snowfall, Australia 2023. Two of Australia's finest metal bands.
  10. Nargaroth - Era of Threnody, Germany 2017 Nimbifer - Der bรถse Geist, Germany
  11. Cool haircut though, wish I could pull that one off, but I think I'd probably get funny looks and snickers out at the supermarket. I remember liking a Kroda album once, maybe I'll dial this new up. OK, I see now this is just a compilation of tracks from two splits from back in '05 & '06. But I'll still give it a shot, why not? I'm only listening to the new Coffins album again for the 479th time in the last month. Kroda - The Legend and the Hammer... Ukraine 2023. Four minute ambient intro, never a good sign. The music sounds pretty good though now that it has finally started. Could live without the recorder tbh. But it's not a deal breaker. The fuzzy production makes up for it.
  12. Mornin' Vic! Having a Twisted Sister day today are we? Hellgate Necrosodomy - The Annihilation Deliverance, Finland
  13. I don't know who/what Bender is or what Futurama is, I'm busy being a metalhead you see. If you could put your references in terms of actual metal then maybe I'll understand them.
  14. Impaled - Mondo Medicale, goregrind Oakland CA 2002 Vile Ritual - Caverns of Occultic Hatred, one-man black death Maryland 2023
  15. I said actual metalheads. To differentiate between them and just regular mainstream metalheads. Who are still metalheads, but just a different species. Any band or artist that gets covered on sites like Blabbermouth or MetalSucks are by definition mainstream metal. I don't visit those sites myself being an actual metalhead who has no interest in mainstream metal, but I have no doubt that Slayer and KK get plenty of coverage there.
  16. Honestly their first album is the only one I'd consider worth even half a shit today. Hadn't thought about why that is, but maybe it's because Danny Lilker was writing the songs back then. Every other band Lilker's been involved with since 1984 has been light years better than the 'Thrax. Fist banging mania!
  17. Man I hope not. Put it on for a sec to have a squiz and they're playing at a blazing 3 beats per minute. Chechnyans would not approve.
  18. Considering the last decent album he did with Slayer was 36 fucking years ago now, I'd be surprised if many actual metalheads really gave a shit about whatever nonsense he's doing these days. The mainstreaners will of course all piss themselves with excitement. But what else is new?
  19. I don't do Instagram either, but that's ok I know what Danny Lilker and the Anthrax dudes look like these days. Funny thing with Danny being 6' 5" and the rest of them all being from 5' 6" to 5' 8" that's probably why they kicked him out all those years ago because he made the rest of them look like little people. They should've hung onto 5' 1" Danny Spitz though, having him in the band made the rest them appear almost normal sized. NP: Undergang - Misanthroplogi, Denmark 2017 Ectoplasma - Inferna Kabbalah, Greece 2022
  20. Reminds me of the time I saw Sacred Reich at MDF and between songs Phil apologized to the crowd for their being fat, old, ugly and uncool now. Funny part is this was a good decade ago, and he's 54 now which means he was only early/mid 40's at the time, practically still a kid. Just learned that he and I share the same birthday, just eight years apart. Sacred Reich - Ignorance, Phoenix AZ 1987 Necrot - Lifeless Birth, Oakland CA just dropped today
  21. The only beauty and the beast band that I've ever really liked. I do play this record (or one of their records) once or twice a year even though to people who know me it probably wouldn't seem to be my cup of tea. Sorry Yannis, checking the logs here it seems you have exceeded the max limit of profile pic changes for this month. Please just live with this one at least until May 1st. Thanks. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. Vomit - Invoker of the Past, Chile 2018 Vomit - Deathlike Vomit EP, Chile 2021 Absolutely nothing wrong with that Vic. I like lots of punk and grindcore bands who fuck around and don't take themselves too seriously. Although imo some bands can take the joke too far for my delicate sensibilities. I was just curious after seeing that Ramming Speed band photo. But like I said last night, turns out they were actually pretty good. Still haven't checked out that Lawnmowercore yet though. Their silly name is keeping me from clicking on it.
  23. Every night's an all nighter mec. Because right around the time when I'm thinking about maybe getting ready to be sleepy I know I'm just gonna have to get up in a few at 7am to get the kid ready for the school bus so I just end up staying up. 7:40 so he's on the bus now and I've fed the cat so now I'll see if maybe I can get 2 or 3 hours of sleep...after this one last video, maybe two. Windhand live at Saint Vitus Bar, Brooklyn NY Dec. 4th, 2016
  24. Lemme guess, another joke band like Lawnmower Meth? Let's find out! Ramming Speed Doomed to Destroy, Destined to Die/Betrayed live in Baltimore 4/26/12. No, actually they're pretty good, looks like a fun time was had by all. Too bad they broke up. Force of Darkness live at Saint Vitus 10/9/2022. Should really be sleeping, but the alarm will be going off in 50 minutes so fuck it.
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