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Everything posted by Fraser

  1. Zero Indicates Not Good OUCH
  2. Fraser

    True crime

    Yeh Ramirez really did not have a good start, his cousin as you say was a sick fucker. A Vietnam war soldier who raped, tortured and murdered during the war and took pictures which he then showed to Ramirez at 12 years old. There was also documentation of his dad abusing him and tying him to a crucifix as punishment. Obviously cannot condone or sympathise with his crimes but you do get an understanding that he is a product of environment, all to often abused leads to abuser
  3. Otis Rush & Duane Allman - You reap what you sow
  4. Poor Unfortunate Little Lemmings ZOOM
  5. Fraser

    Horror Films

    Last nights viewing was The Little Girl Who Lives Down The Lane (1976). It is classed as Horror but that may be more due to the year the film was released, not what I have come to think of as the conventional Horror film but it was an excellent watch and some intense scenes and quite difficult subject matter. Would highly recommend the film purely for the acting and storyline. Don't expect scares or to be overly moved but still a great watch.
  6. Feelings Of Immoral Lust WAGE
  7. Starting the morning with Wormwood - Mooncurse
  8. I can listen to Wardruna all day, brilliantly atmospheric and genuine. Great Purchase
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