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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Nice, RO, you get the first post on page 666, at least in my browser.
  2. Yeah, those guitars look sweet. I'll never afford one, but the Thor model would probably be perfect for my playing style. Very cool stuff.
  3. I'm just speaking for myself, but I'd rather not see self-promotion in here. I feel like if this thread is going to work, it'll be about sharing music we enjoy, regardless of genre, for open discussion. Self-promotion could kill it pretty quickly. We already have a whole sub-forum for that. As regards your song, I can applaud the energy that you put into making it. I don't want to discourage you from making music. I'll be blunt, though: regardless of my taste in the genre, there are a lot of flaws, especially in the mixing and the vocal performances. Nothing about it sounds fully developed yet. There's a lot of work to be done on your sound, your recording techniques, and your vocal abilities in order to get your point across more effectively. In my opinion the song structure and lyrics are similarly undeveloped. I think the most productive thing you can do at this point is to keep practicing, in all areas, and keep recording yourselves. Focus less on promotion and more on writing good songs. It takes a lot of work over a lot of time, and there's no magic formula. Good luck!
  4. I've been an admirer of Michelangelo's work since I was a little kid, wouldn't miss either Florence or Rome.
  5. Re: Introductions are cool Diversity Our Strength! Oh wait, that's Toronto...
  6. Re: What's on your mind? Florence is on the list, too, but I need to visit the Sistine chapel, St Peter's, the Vatican library, many other things I can't bring to mind at the moment.
  7. Re: What's on your mind? I've always wanted to go to Rome. I love Renaissance art and some of the architecture. For that matter I like some Mannerist and Baroque stuff as well. Really, though, I wish I had the time and energy to take advantage of more art here in NYC.
  8. Re: Introductions are cool Far too self-deprecating. Trendsetters such as yourself are the lifeblood of our shared American culture.
  9. Thought the TSA was involved in that as well, less metaphorically?
  10. Oh, I hate that, that's happened to me so many times. Bummer!
  11. Yeah, but only a little bit. They're high-end electric guitars, right? Never did a lot of research on them.
  12. We've all had to get used to that here. Some people even seem to like it...
  13. Jute Gyte - Vast Chains Flux And Permanence is such a fucking cool song.
  14. I'm glad you've since found a better use for your obvious talents.
  15. That's how I feel about everything post-Nemesis Divina, even though I do like Rebel Extravaganza and Volcano. I still haven't been able to enjoy any of the newer ones.
  16. It started as a disagreement among the followers of the two sons of Charles the Obtuse, Chauvin and Sæx, who adopted many different colloquialisms to distinguish themselves from one another as the empire fractured and spiraled into civil war. "Fish" was the traditional form of proper address for a woman, and was kept by Chauvin's followers, who quickly consolidated their position in eastern Europe. The followers of Sæx fled to the west, eventually settling in what is now called England, and of course they brought their odd speech habits with them, which is why eastern Europe is filled with Chauvinists who call women "fish", and England has been populated by Sæxists who call women "birds".
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