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  1. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Today's listenings: 
    Discharge (23)
    Anti cimex (12)
    Throneum (11) - Morbid death tales
    Thanks Nasty. This playlist thing works fine.
    Behexen (10)
    Undergang (10)
    Cadaveric incubator (8)
    Förgjord (8)
    Necrophobic (8)
    Linekraft (7) - Subhuman princible 
    Hellfire deathcult (6)
  2. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to Dead1 in What Are You Listening To?   
    I don't mind them at all 
    Napalm Death - Harmony Corruption 
  3. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Here's my top ten most played artists/albums from this week: 
    10. Akitsa - Goétie
    9. Purtenance - …To spread the flame of the ancients
    8. Master's hammer - Jilemnicky okultista
    7. Graveland - Carpathian wolves
    6. Inquisition - Nefarious dismal orations
    5. Pungent stench - Been caught buttering
    4. Revenge - Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist
    3. Grave - Into the grave
    2. Clandestine blaze - Harmony of struggle
    1. Archgoat - the Apocalyptic triumphator
    This might have turned out to be my new favorite Archgoat album, but I'm not sure. I have to give it a few more rounds.
  4. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Here's my top ten most played artists/albums from this week: 
    10. Akitsa - Goétie
    9. Purtenance - …To spread the flame of the ancients
    8. Master's hammer - Jilemnicky okultista
    7. Graveland - Carpathian wolves
    6. Inquisition - Nefarious dismal orations
    5. Pungent stench - Been caught buttering
    4. Revenge - Triumph.Genocide.Antichrist
    3. Grave - Into the grave
    2. Clandestine blaze - Harmony of struggle
    1. Archgoat - the Apocalyptic triumphator
    This might have turned out to be my new favorite Archgoat album, but I'm not sure. I have to give it a few more rounds.
  5. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Desekryptor - Vortex Oblivion, death metal Fort Wayne IN
    Invultation - Unconquerable Death, black/death Columbus Ohio 2021
    Invultation - Severed Umbilical Chaos, track #3 from "Feral Legion" the new one coming out in two weeks. Will be clearing out a spot in my top 5 for the year for this if this promo track is anything to go by.
  6. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    I spin Rdyandalir like every other week. By the timeless nightly dusk is one of the most ethereal bm songs ever. There's a little Fenriz styled constant drumbeat going on, mixed with somber guitar wall, crowned with a voice that growls only the pagan gods know what kind of prayers to the skies. The whole album is ethereal, atmospheric gem. I should finally give other Blazebirth hall bands a listen.
    Today's top ten bands. It was a little quiet day in the listening front. Had a barbecue with the family so had to put little less heavy music from the speakers in the afternoon.
    Archgoat (24)
    Grave (19)
    Inquisition (18)
    Prong (13)
    Voidhanger (12)
    Clandestine blaze (8)
    Blood chalice (4)
    Type o negative (3)
    Black label society (2)
    Black sabbath (2)
  7. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've heard someone say about black metal, don't remember who, that others bake cake and others bread and that's where it's easy to chop all the different styles in as many pieces as you like. I think it was Fenriz in some late 90's documentary. Sodality is the baked kind of black metal in my mind. Rich in sound and skilled in playing. Reminds me of Acherontas mostly. By the way wouldn't it be interesting if we started to review metal music like wine. "Hmm.. this is really fruity, like it was brought up from a honey badgers rectum." There probably is someone out there doing it.
    This was yesterdays top ten
    1. Master's hammer (26)
    2. Horna (21)
    3. Blood chalice (16)
    4. Necrophobic (16)
    5. Undergang (16)
    6. Betelzeus (12)
    7. Hell militia (12)
    8. Branikald (6)
    9. Infernal coil (6)
    10. Iron monkey (5)
  8. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    Concilium - Sky Burial
    This is solid, engaging blackened death done fucking right. 
  9. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    NP: Sodality - Benediction part 1
    ▶︎ Benediction part 1 | SODALITY (bandcamp.com)

     I get that this style of black metal rewards a patient ear, and that the real rewards are in coming to know the sort of 'hidden in plain sight' ins and outs of the material, but the tech death loving part of me can't help but feel like if they pushed the pace just a little bit it would be worlds more enjoyable. Maybe a few extra lines per verse or cut just a little of the repetition. Still, there's a lot here to like. The bass (especially on the second track)  has an unusually rich tone for black metal which so often shirks that portion of things, and it contributes to the songs themselves with it's own melodies and counterpoints to the guitar. That's practically unheard of in this style. The sound is dense, but not too dense, and the atmosphere manages to tightrope it's way between exaggerated dramatics and stoic lifelessness with measured sound musical sensibilities, and a wide variety of harsh vocal techniques. Get those song lengths down and it'd be a superb listen. As it is it's still good.
  10. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    They'd originally planned on red cursive but they were offered a discount on the pink that could not be resisted. Either that or they were trying to virtue signal to the alphabet community and now Kid Rock and Ted Nugent will have to make videos of themselves shooting up Ekrom albums and other bands using poseur pink font with their AR-15's. 
    Another bangin' top 10! I've just never heard of Lack of Interest or Anubi. Or A? Just A? And I've never really gotten heavily into MDB either but I don't hate them or anything. The rest though are all 🤘🐐🤘🐐🤘🐐🤘
    As far as my love of Overkill, I just happened to grow up in New York at the exact right time to be there at the very beginning of thrash when bands like Overkill and Anthrax were playing lots of NY shows, in Overkill's case we found them even before they'd gotten any albums out. I had no problem walking away from Anthrax after a few years because I just lost interest after the comic book songs started appearing in their live shows and then the very mediocre Among the Living album in '87 which was their commercial breakthrough, but it was just a bit too mainstream for me. Then the next two Anthrax albums were straight garbage and I basically forgot all about them, but they sold enough to propel them into the Big 4.
    Overkill however is in my DNA. Much more to me than just a nostalgia blast from the past, they're the premier (US) 80's thrash band. They've been much too big a part of my personal musical journey for far too long for me to ever be able to simply walk away from them. I can totally understand how younger metalheads born in the 80's and 90's wouldn't feel the same way about them as my tired old ass does. I like their faster stuff, I like their slower stuff, I like the mid-paced stuff, I like the older stuff, the newer stuff, the groove stuff, I like all of it.
    Love Iron Angel too, especially their debut, but comparing them to Overkill is like apples to oranges, virkaveli.
    Ride high! Ride tall! Overkill will never fall
    Full moon! Sharp sword! Satan is your Lord
    Midnight! Dark sky! Overkill will never die
    Blood bath! Die fast! Overkill the Devil's wrath
    Overkill - Overkill 1985, kids in the pit would go fucking mental when they played this one.
  11. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    Good to see stuff like Morbid Saint and Deathrow showing up here. Without checking out the links, I'm hoping to see some other more obscure stuff show up like Blind Illusion, Paradox, Deathwish, Devastation, Holy Moses, Artillery, Evil Army, Sadus, Hypnosia, Violent Force, Atrophy, Watchtower, Nuclear Assault, Hirax, Rigor Mortis, Wrathchild America, Mortal Sin, Hobb's Angel of Death, and so many others that tend to get criminally overlooked. Most of these bands only had 1-2 really good albums, but they are definitely worthwhile. My musical tastes may have progressed, but old school thrash will always be my first love.
  12. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from navybsn in Your Top 100 Black Metal Albums   
    Just listened to some Demoncy and I will definitely listen more in due course. Listing this stuff is ever-changing process. I guess some of just feel the need to map it out or otherwise it feels like being lost in a desert. If someone comes to me and asks what bands do I listen to I will instantly answer the usual suspects. It takes time for new bands to stick in to the mind and listing them out helps achieving that.
    Just ordered some Diaboli and Warloghe. Lets see how well they stick. I've heard both bands here and there, but not for a full album length.
  13. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Today's top ten bands.
    Wulkanaz (23)
    Purtenance (22)
    Arnaut pavle (18)
    Lack of interest (18) powerviolence
    My dying bride (18)
    Wolfsmond (18)
    Förgjord (14)
    Anubi (12)
    Of feather and bone (12)
    Damaar (10) 
    I'm not that much into thrash, but I prefer the German thrash more than the American. Exodus, Dark angel, Possessed, Slayer played it tight and with energy, but despite the flaws the German albums have, they feel more barbaric. Raging steel is probably my favorite thrash album right down to cover art.
     Overkill hasn't never sparked in me. Too slow and vocals aren't right. I take Iron angel instead though they sound more speed metal than thrash.
  14. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to agamerwholovesmetal in What Are You Listening To?   
    listening to loudwires 50 best thrash albums
    47. Spectrum of death (1989) - morbid saint 
    I'm kicking myself for not getting around to this album sooner. it's one of the best death/thrash albums I've heard even if it is technically just a re-released demo. 
  15. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've found some more room to Revenge. A bit more grinding approach compared to Archgoat's more blasphemous style.
    I naturally respect people for liking what they want. I definitely wasn't there, being born in '89. Anthrax sounds like a bland rock band to my ears, but in this case also a bit annoying like those rocking guitar chicks that youtube is trying to shove down my throat with their algorithm.
    More Revenge for the morning.
    Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death
  16. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to navybsn in Your Top 100 Black Metal Albums   
    Yeah, I was typing Inquisition and trying to remember the name of that AKASHA album. Brain autocorrect or something.
    Not more qualified because of individual taste but because you keep meticulous lists of shit while I just spout off the top of my head. I was mainly getting at stuff every self respecting kvltist should hear to get a broad perspective on the genre before making a definitive list. My personal top 10 will change by next week when I revisit some ancient treasure I forgot or I decide a different Archgoat album reigns supreme. Nothing but the top 2 are set in stone and that Inquisition album and 1 of 3 Demoncy albums have to be there somewhere. Dawn being the GOAT, Emperor being my first, Inquisition being the one that most blew my mind, and Demoncy because Demoncy. There really should be a Baptism album in there too, but now I'm second guessing the list I made an hour ago. All else can fall in the top 20 at one time or another. I'm a bit heavy on USBM and definitely older USBM than you likely are, but there's probably not more than 10-15 differences between us if I actually sat down long enough to come up with a complete list. Order would be different for sure.
    There are no wrong answers in metal (except 'Five Flavored Fruit Punch doesn't suck'). Different strokes. I just hate that whenever this conversation comes up in most circles only the usual suspects get mentioned much like the thrash conversation. So much quality and variety out there for folks to explore. Experimental psych, bestial, to orthodox and all points in between. Hopefully one day some knucklehead kid in his bedroom will stumble across the archive of this site and have a quality start on exploring beyond whatever the latest writer for Decibel defines as the best black metal. Between your list, Cumbloodsucker's, and my few random additions, he should have a decent if overwhelming starting point.
    Now off to reasses my list for the next 3 days until it looks completely different by Saturday night. 
  17. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to Dead1 in What Are You Listening To?   
    Integity - Systems Overload
    1990s metallic hardcore.
  18. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Graveland - Following the Voice of Blood, Poland 1997
    Graveland - Thousand Swords, 1995
  19. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in Your Top 100 Black Metal Albums   
    Top 100 black metal albums:
    Oldest favorites that have stood so far the test of time. Let's call it the first gate. As in gateway to black metal.
    Burzum - Hvis lyset tar oss
    Darkthrone - Transilvanian hunger
    Celtic frost - To mega therion
    Bathory - Blood fire death
    Dissection - Storm of the light's bane
    Emperor - In the nightside eclipse
    Celtic Frost - Morbid tales
    Next set of favorites that have stood the ground. Call it the second gate.
    Horna - Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
    Necromantia - Crossing the fiery path
    Satanic Warmaster - Strength and honor
    Behexen - By the blessing of Satan
    Sarcofago - I.N.R.I
    Bathory - Bathory
    Sargeist - Satanic black devotion
    Satanic Warmaster - Carelian Satanist madness
    Clandestine blaze - Deliverers of faith
    Blasphemy - Fallen angel of doom
    Horna - Sanojesi äärelle
    Rotting christ - Thy mighty contract
    Judas iscariot - Heaven in flames
    Deströyer 666 - Cold Steel... for an Iron Age
    Graveland - Immortal pride
    Summoning - Minas morgul
    Marduk - Opus nocturne
    Immortal - Battles in the north
    Dissection - The Somberlain
    The Black - Black priest of Satan
    Nåstrond - Toteslaut
    Bethlehem- Sardonischer Untergang im Zeichen irreligiöser Darbietung 
    Samael - Worship Him
    Mystifier - Goetia
    Emperor - Emperor EP
    Bathory - Under the sign of the black mark
    Archgoat - The Light-Devouring Darkness
    Burzum - Filosofem
    Behexen - Rituale Satanum
    Mortuary Drape - All the witches dance
    Isengard - Vinterskugge
    Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm
    Master's hammer - Ritual
    Vlad tepes - War funeral march
    Bethlehem - Dictius necare
    Next set has broken into favorites within the past 5-6 years.
    Revenge - Triumph.genocide.antichrist
    Lord Diabolus - Down there…
    Azaghal - Madon sanat
    Samael - Blood ritual
    Grand Belial's key - Mocking the philanthropist
    Mystifier - Wicca
    Akitsa - La grand infamie
    Varathron - His Majesty at the swamp
    Sargeist - Disciple of the heinous path
    Dead reptile shrine - Praise cemetery
    Graveland - Thousand swords
    Dead reptile shrine - Burning black infinity
    Infernum - Farewell
    Dark fury - Saligia
    Rotting christ - Abyssic black metal
    Akitsa - Grand tyrans
    Gnome - Silent scream
    Azazel - Aegrum Satans teum
    Taranis - The Obscurity
    Horna - Hiidentorni
    Satanic warmaster - Black Metal Kommando
    Graveland - Following the voice of blood
    Akitsa - Credo
    White rune - Dawn of the white rune
    Rotting christ - Passage to arcturo
    Mütiilation - the Black millenium
    Veles - Night of the full moon
    Mystifier - Tormenting the holy trinity
    Clandestine blaze - Secrets of laceration
    Necropole - Solarite
    Torgeist - Time of sabbath
    Horna - Kuoleman kirjo
    Wallachia - demo 1996
    Necromantia - IV Malice
    Graveland - Spears of heaven
    Dishammer - Vintage addiction
    Vlad tepes - Celtic poetry
    Blasfemia - Guerra total
    Veles - Black hateful metal
    Tsjuder - Kill for Satan
    Förgjord - Laulu kuolemasta
    Barathrum - Eerie
    Tsjuder - Demonic possession
    Mörk gryning - Hinsides vrede
    Korgonthurus - Kuolleesta syntynyt
    Graveland - Celtic winter
    Mörk gryning - Maelstrom chaos
    Hate forest - Hour of the centaur
    Nåstrond - Age of fire
    Thy Serpent - Frozen memory
    Torgeist - Devoted to Satan
    Thou art lord - The Cult of the horned one
    Mütiilation - The remains of a ruined, dead, cursed soul
    Behexen - Nightside emanations

    These I have gathered for the so-called the all time best.
    Graveland - Carpathian wolves.
    Deströyer 666 - Unchain the wolves
    Inquisition - Nefarious dismal orations
    Clandestine blaze - Harmony of struggle
    Branikald - Rdyandalir
    Archgoat - Whore of Bethlehem
    Rotting Christ - Non Serviam
    Beherit - Drawing down the moon.
    Vlad tepes / Belketre - March to the black holocaust
    Mütiilation - Vampires of the black imperial blood
    Neige et noirceur - La seigneurie des loupes
    Akitsa - Goetie
    Krohm - Slayer of the lost martyrs
    Deströyer 666 - Unchain the wolves
    Wolfsmond - III
    Necromantia - Scarlet witching dreams
    Förgjord - Ilmestykset
    Mystifier - Aleister Crowley
    Darkthrone - Under a funeral moon
    And the current favorite
    Graveland - In the glare of burning churches
  20. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    I've found some more room to Revenge. A bit more grinding approach compared to Archgoat's more blasphemous style.
    I naturally respect people for liking what they want. I definitely wasn't there, being born in '89. Anthrax sounds like a bland rock band to my ears, but in this case also a bit annoying like those rocking guitar chicks that youtube is trying to shove down my throat with their algorithm.
    More Revenge for the morning.
    Revenge - Infiltration.Downfall.Death
  21. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to navybsn in Your Top 100 Black Metal Albums   
    The General is much more competent to weigh in here than I, but I have some notable additions to the effort that shouldn't get lost in the fray.
    Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom (you mf'ers need this in your soul)
    Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Serpent
    Weakling - Dead As Dreams
    Recluse - Stillbirth in Bethlehem (proprietors of my annual Xmas shirt)
    Oranssi Pazuzu - Värähtelijä
    Circle of Ouroborus - Uskottomien kirkossa / Tarpeeton (lots of choices here but I'll go with my favorite comp of EPs)
    AKASHA - Canticles of the Sepulchral Diety
    Serpent Noir - Sanguis X
    Demoncy - pick one but I'm not objective as this is far and away my favorite bm project ever. Say Joined in Darkness.
    Von - Blood Angel
    Krieg - The Black House
    Cult of Fire - again not objective, let's go with मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान
    Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters
    Wode - Servants of the Countercosmos
    Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus
    Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas
    Blaspherian - Allegiance to the Will of Damnation
    Absu - Tara (more black thrash but in the same convo as D666)
    I'm leaving out Svartsyn because I can't pick one.
    Behexen - Rituale Satanum
    Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet
    Cosmic Church - Ylistys
    Baptism - just any fuckin Baptism. They rule.
    Oath - Mustan liekin veljeskunta
    Old Forest - Into the Old Forest
    Enslaved - Monumension (prog/experimental bm is a stretch but believable)
    Primordial - To the Nameless Dead but substitute Imara if you want
    The Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon the Impure
    Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God
    Achatius - Funeral Presence
    Leviathan - Tenth Sublevel of Suicide 
    And goddamned Ackercocke! Words That Go Unspoken is my choice here, but all of it's good shit.
    Did I miss Impaled Nazarene somewhere?
    Nothing ranked, just stuff definitely in my top 100 which I have around here somewhere. Many entries would just be duplicates of GG's list anyway. I could probably do a top 5 or 10 personal faves (although forgive me if it differs from a previous list as it changes periodically)
    Dawn - Slaughtersun ( this one is never not the #1)
    Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
    Ordinance - In Purge there is no Remission
    Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown
    Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult
    Bathory - BFD
    Demoncy - JID
    Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames
    Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom
    Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
  22. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    I'm still quite clueless about this dissonance thing. I read some blog about it 1,5 years ago where I first heard the term dissonant death metal. I guess we have to separate some bands that could otherwise end up being described as avant-garde and atmospheric. 
    Here is some riffs that are quite unconventional. I like the drumwork a lot. Polish black/death. 
    Throneum - Morbid death tales
    Or how about this for (what GG mentioned) how do bands remember how to play their songs? Bekëth nexëhmü, for what I have heard, goes to the studio with a few ideas in mind and plays it out almost spontaneously and never plays the songs again. It's not very complex but draws quite beautiful atmospherics.
    Bekëth nexëhmü - De svarta riterna
  23. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    CBS most played bands according to lastFM 201 - 3000...?
    206. Ancient rites
    Not working. Could say I hate it.
    207. Anthrax
    I defenitely hate it.
    I have a brother who has stepped into 'heavier' metal in recent years and he keeps introducing me to these bands.
    Top 10 bands I've played today.
    1. Archgoat (36)
    2. Pungent stench (36)
    3. Grave (31)
    4. Anti cimex (19)
    5. Bolt thrower (19)
    6. Inquisition (9)
    7. Throneum (19) black/death, Poland
    8. Linekraft (16), noise, Japan
    9. Kyy (15), black metal, Finland
    10. Revenge (15)
    I've got to present Kyy - Beyod flesh - Beyond matter - Beyond death
  24. Horns
    CumBloodSucker given a Damn from Nasty_Cabbage in What Are You Listening To?   
    CBS most played bands according to lastFM 201 - 3000...?
    206. Ancient rites
    Not working. Could say I hate it.
    207. Anthrax
    I defenitely hate it.
    I have a brother who has stepped into 'heavier' metal in recent years and he keeps introducing me to these bands.
    Top 10 bands I've played today.
    1. Archgoat (36)
    2. Pungent stench (36)
    3. Grave (31)
    4. Anti cimex (19)
    5. Bolt thrower (19)
    6. Inquisition (9)
    7. Throneum (19) black/death, Poland
    8. Linekraft (16), noise, Japan
    9. Kyy (15), black metal, Finland
    10. Revenge (15)
    I've got to present Kyy - Beyod flesh - Beyond matter - Beyond death
  25. Horns
    CumBloodSucker gave a Damn to Hungarino in What Are You Listening To?   
    I am more with GG on the dissonance personally. A little goes a long way when it suits the atmosphere and the vibe/pulse.
    I get and appreciate that a bunch of metal guitarists are virtuosos and classically trained to understand the mathematical foundations of jazz-fusion and all that, and that's great, but when I hear a bunch of dissonant or arrhythmic wankery played just for the sake of it, I immediately want to crank some 3 chord beastial war metal recorded by 17-year-old Canadians in their mom's basement, or some such.
    NP: Megadeth - Killing is my Business..
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