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Everything posted by JamesT

  1. I love the "Fully Loaded" name! I'd go with that! What's your favorite Metallica album?
  2. My favorite band of all time! And "Far Beyond Driven" is my favorite album of theirs too. Great choice! Yes! The metal titans! I'm going to see them live at 7 tomorrow night!
  3. Another great call with Gamma Ray. Kai Hansen is awesome. "Dethrone Tyranny" is my favorite Gamma Ray song ever.
  4. Ah man I really dig "The Memory Remains". I love hard bluesy rock with a nice groove to it. I just don't turn to Metallica to get that type of music. I want killer thrash like on their 80's classics. "Hardwired...to Self Destruct" was a great album, though.
  5. PanterA is my favorite band of all time. Couldn't approve of that choice any more strongly! Always great to see someone else enjoying my favorite thrash band ever!!
  6. Killer band! I've just recently started getting into their stuff. Loving it so far. The New Roses - "Dead Man's Voice" (album)
  7. Jumping Jack - "Cows and Whisky" (album)
  8. I would have combined the following tracks onto one solid album: 1) Ain't My Bitch 2) 2 X 4 3) The House Jack Built 4) King Nothing 5) Thorn Within 6) The Outlaw Torn 7) Fuel 😎 The Memory Remains 9) Devil's Dance 10) Better Than You 11) Slither 12) Carpe Diem Baby 13) Bad Seed 14) Prince Charming 15) Attitude 16) Fixxxer Obviously, these wouldn't have all fit onto 1 CD back in the day, but those would be my picks for one big release.
  9. Yes, I absolutely think they should have taken the best songs from those two albums and just released one album. There's some really good stuff on there! And wow! Yeah, that would be beyond harsh to say "...And Justice for All" is their second worst album. I think it's their best ever and certainly is part of their classics in the 80's. I was actually listening to "Hardwired...to Self Destruct" at the gym today and thoroughly enjoying it! What bands have you been listening to more lately?
  10. Orden Ogan - "Final Days" (album)
  11. All great choices! That's a classic Carcass album! I really enjoy Charred Walls of the Damned, although I wish the production on their albums was a bit better. "Cold Winds on Timeless Days" has some awesome tracks and rich melodies, but the sound quality is so murky in some areas that it's difficult to appreciate the fullness of the sound. I'm only a casual Mastodon fan, although I'd say I'm a pretty big fan of their earlier stuff, like "Remission", "Leviathan" and "Blood Mountain". I liked "Crack the Skye" a good bit as well. There were a select couple of tracks on "The Hunter" that I like, and then they pretty much lost me after that. Not saying the newer stuff is bad by any means, just not my thing. Anyway, rock on!!
  12. Iron Maiden - "Senjutsu" (album) I generally enjoy all of their material, although certain albums like "The Final Frontier" didn't hold my attention as well. But I have to say, "Senjutsu" has struck me as absolute gold from the very first listen. I'll need to spin it a few more times, but as of right now, I'm thinking this could be my favorite post-2000 Maiden release. It's that good!
  13. Wildime - "Boaster Trauma" (album)
  14. PanterA - Honest, fierce, aggressive, no b.s. heavy metal with a solid groove.
  15. Great to hear from you again, too! Yeah, I definitely think the lack of bass sound on the original recording of "...And Justice for All" is the main reason why the folks who don't love it feel the way they do. It's always been my favorite album of theirs, because the songwriting is superb, and it's still very heavy. I actually like Reload better than Load. "Fuel" is a good track for sure, and I just think it has more solid heavy tracks than Load. It would be a great idea to give "Reload" more of a listen! I would recommend the tracks "The Memory Remains", "Devil's Dance", "Carpe Diem Baby" and "Bad Seed". Those are some pretty heavy, groovy rockers. Happy listening!
  16. Brand New Sin - self-titled album
  17. JamesT


    Great to see another avid Overkill fan on here! They're my favorite thrash band of all time. What an extensive catalog! Their first 5 albums, as well as their most recent 5 albums, are all thrash classics in my book. I like some of the middle period as well, such as "W.F.O.", "From the Underground and Below", "Necroshine" and "Killbox 13". Really hoping to get a new album from them in February or March of next year. Should be another crusher!
  18. Great to see a fellow Crowbar fan on here! One of my top 5 favorite bands of all time. I'd probably rank "Broken Glass" as my favorite album in their catalog, but "Odd Fellows Rest" would be a close second. In more recent years, "Symmetry in Black" stands up to any of their classic material. "Sonic Excess in Its Purest Form" is probably their most underrated album. Crowbar: none heavier! Fantastic choice! I've been playing a lot of Wreck-Defy lately. Their most recent two releases are really good - lot of thrash but with interesting vocals.
  19. Currently: 1) Death Angel 2) Accept 3) AC/DC 4) XII Boar 5) Behind the Smokescreen
  20. Death Angel - "The Dream Calls for Blood" (album)
  21. Excellent choice! I've been on a huge Death Angel kick here lately. At the gym earlier today, I listened all the way through to the album "Frolic Through the Park" and plan to listen to "Act III" here shortly. Up until the past week or so, I was only really familiar with their 2016 release "The Evil Divide". I've since snagged their entire discography on Apple Music, and I'm thoroughly enjoying getting to know their music on the full scale! I've really enjoyed their 2013 release "The Dream Calls for Blood" and their debut "The Ultra Violence" thus far. I look forward to delving into "Relentless Retribution" and "Humanicide" tomorrow. Out of curiosity, what's your favorite Death Angel album?
  22. Death Angel - "The Evil Divide" (album)
  23. That's a great question! The first Metallica album I really got into was "...And Justice for All", which still stands as my favorite album in their discography. It wasn't long after that I got into "Master of Puppets" and "Ride the Lightning". Funny enough, an album of theirs that I wasn't crazy about at first listen was the debut "Kill 'Em All". Sounds crazy now, I know! But now I absolutely love that album and would rank it 3rd in their discography. Regarding the Black Album, I was never crazy about it, and I still view it as quite overrated, although there are some songs I really like on it. In more recent years, I've given albums like "Load" and "Reload" more of a chance. I've found a few tracks on those that I enjoy, because I really love blues-based hard rock with a groove to it. But ultimately, I turn to Metallica for heavy, thrash metal, rather than bluesy hard rock, so I don't listen to those albums much. Glad to hear you're starting to like a couple of tracks on "St. Anger" a bit more!
  24. Great call with Alabama Thunderpussy! I love the "Open Fire" album from 2007. It had Kyle Thomas on vocals (of Exhorder fame), and it's just a killer album. "The Cleansing" is a phenomenal track. Their 2002 release "Staring at the Divine" is my second favorite album next to this one.
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