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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Must keep the bleach pure, covid could strike again any day.
  2. I knew the cop bit would be an irresistible lure to someone!
  3. The superheros are the ones who walk among us, the ones who prevent crime, the ones who save lives, the ones who.....oh fuck I've been watching too much TV.
  4. Just Before Dawn - Battle-Sight Zeroing
  5. I couldn't be fucked keeping this BS going, but I can't have you thinking you've upset someone, or me. What I stated wasn't aimed at you, sure you mentioned sub genres but you weren't telling anyone they were wrong, you even used the term 'super thrashy'! From now on I'm only going to accept two genres of thrash, thrash and super thrash.
  6. Deathwish - At The Edge Of Damnation
  7. Powerwolf - Blessed and Possesed
  8. If you can't see the difference between having a discussion and what I described then you really haven't read what I said, you've read what you thought I said. But as I also said, each to their own, I have no intentions of trying to change the way people think.
  9. That's great, everyone should do their own thing. But it's also worth considering that not everyone feels the same and needs to be corrected, especially on something that's not even properly defined.
  10. Sneap ruined it like he ruined every album he's produced in the last decade
  11. Sub genres are a PITA. A person comes along as says "Here's my top 10 albums in X genre". Then 10 people have to try and prove they know more by correcting them and telling them which albums don't fit in that genre. Then 10 more people come along and agree with half of that and disagree with the other half. Fuck sub genres, I don't need to know The Accused and Overkill fit into two different wheelhouses for someone, tell me they are thrash and I'll listen to both and decide what I like. I don't need to know that something GG posts and something Serpentboi posts are in the same genre, I'll listen to them and make up my own mind whether I want to hear them again. I get that some people need and want titles to sort their music in and that's great for them but it's so boring and clichéd to constantly see people corrected for not using a genre title that someone else does.
  12. Yeah the 10 thrash acts from the UK has prompted me to look back at some old albums.
  13. Ad revenue doesn't work like that these days, they've got a lot more clever in delivering ads. It's a throw back from the old days of webpage making, and Wordpress encourage it because they are still stuck in the 90's, create content, more content, more Google visits, more traffic, higher ranking. But even Google is smart enough to see through that these days. This is true and I will look through that site more but right now all I'm seeing is someone writing a blog. Little substance all opinion. Again there is nothing wrong with that but it's not really comparable to other sites you mention that actually do have news articles no matter how bad they are or loose the term news is. Realistically "Six reasons why Reign In Blood is not the greatest thrash record ever" or "10 Of The Greatest Old-School British THRASH Albums Known To Man!" are as much a clickbait link as any of the news/opinion sites. The only thing the site doesn't have that other sites have is user comments, they are turned off via Wordpress, but that's fair enough comment sections are usually just a shit fight of people hating on the topic anyway. I don't tend to read any of the news sites these days, although I'll check out the others you mention at some stage. Journalism in general is bullshit world over and the fact that it's so easy to start a 'news' site and tell people your opinion is the one they should believe makes more idiots think they know what they are doing.
  14. They really have the hard hitting stories. 10 best old time UK thrash bands. Why Reign in Blood is not the best thrash album 50 albums that equal anything the big 4 did But one thing that truly shits me (and this site is not the first to do it) is the way they split stories across pages. Sure the idea of having a popular webpage is to keep viewers on the site but the article for 6 reasons why Reign in Blood is not the best thrash album covers 7 fucking pages! It might be different if there was substance on each page but there isn't, there is about 3 paragraphs.
  15. Bah! It's all heavy metal. #fuckMetalsegregation
  16. The bastard in me just laughs. The father in me has some sympathy but the bastard makes sure it doesn't come out.
  17. Why is it my wife can list half a dozen things that she wants today, but in 8 months time when I ask what she wants for her birthday she can't think of anything?
  18. Tomb Mold - Planetary Clairvoyance
  19. Maybe it's a multiple choice, we all get a go at naming a video and the one who picks it gets a prize.
  20. Iron Maiden - Number Of The Beast
  21. That one I have no intention of watching. Wifey pointed me towards a movie from last year called Shotgun Wedding, which I might look into one day.
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