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Everything posted by AlSymerz

  1. Wow, I've never been into anything trendy. I feel like I've achieved something now. Now to achieve hipster status and my life is complete.
  2. Imagine being able to vote for a guy that thinks Black Metal is better than Stoner Metal. Sheesh, may as well vote for Trump!
  3. Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law
  4. In this day and age not really. There were doctors and nurses through covid who didn't believe it was real. There is politicians that don't hold the same beliefs as their party. There's teachers who hate kids but stay in the profession. People are weird, they do weird things and they believe what they want to believe.
  5. His profession doesn't dictate what his opinions should be.
  6. The Screaming Jets - Professional Misconduct
  7. I've still got a TV like that sitting in storage. It's no good here without a digital set top box but it was the second colour Rank Arena TV to be imported into Australia so it's been kept for nostalgia's sake (and because I horde shit)
  8. I didn't realise Ripper was phoning it in on the second album. I remember it being spoken about with the first album. It does make sense that if he's doing it in the US there will be some issues. As much as the album is 'economical' I still can't figure out why the last three songs just feel like they don't need to be there. Others probably feel different but for me once I get to Keeper Of The Grave I start feeling like the album should be over. Pledge Your Souls and Wash Away Your Sins just aren't memorable to me.
  9. Farscape - Purged and Forgotten
  10. Can't listen to anything. The PC speakers aren't loud enough to compete with the rain on the roof at the moment.
  11. I just listened to KK's Priest for the second time in as many days to see if things changed with subsequent listens. I still think this is probably one of Ripper's better moments, although there are few brief moments where I think he's pushing too high for himself. The twanging is good and about what I expect from KK after the debut album. Is it any better or worse than his younger days? Well it's not worse, he's still got good guitar chops, but I don't know that's it's better either. Although the track listing is short, only 9 songs, the album still comes in over 40 minutes, but to me it drags on a bit with the last two or three songs. For me it's an album of two halves, the fist half being better than the second.
  12. Nervosa is worth giving a listen probably not going to be anyone's AOTY but maybe in someone's top 10.
  13. I'm not a fan of Ripper but for the most part he doesn't sound too bad on the new album. I don't think the album itself is anything ground breaking but it is entirely what I expected from KK. There is some good riffs on it and but like the first album I can't hear anything that propels it to excellent.
  14. KK's Priest - The Sinner Rides Again
  15. Write Evian on the bottle and it will triple in value to the right people.
  16. Especially when it comes in a bottle with a fancy name written on it.
  17. I haven't been paying attention. Who the fuck is Carlos and why does he matter?
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