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Everything posted by navybsn

  1. Excruciation By Silence - Metal Madness
  2. G.I.S.M fucking rules. Batshit insane Japanese amalgamation of every style imaginable leaning heavily into hardcore punk and NWOBHM. M.A.N and Sonicrime Therapy are also fun listens. Sijjin - Sumerian Promises LIFE - Ossification of Coral Taphos - Blood Plethora demo
  3. Yeah, I was typing Inquisition and trying to remember the name of that AKASHA album. Brain autocorrect or something. Not more qualified because of individual taste but because you keep meticulous lists of shit while I just spout off the top of my head. I was mainly getting at stuff every self respecting kvltist should hear to get a broad perspective on the genre before making a definitive list. My personal top 10 will change by next week when I revisit some ancient treasure I forgot or I decide a different Archgoat album reigns supreme. Nothing but the top 2 are set in stone and that Inquisition album and 1 of 3 Demoncy albums have to be there somewhere. Dawn being the GOAT, Emperor being my first, Inquisition being the one that most blew my mind, and Demoncy because Demoncy. There really should be a Baptism album in there too, but now I'm second guessing the list I made an hour ago. All else can fall in the top 20 at one time or another. I'm a bit heavy on USBM and definitely older USBM than you likely are, but there's probably not more than 10-15 differences between us if I actually sat down long enough to come up with a complete list. Order would be different for sure. There are no wrong answers in metal (except 'Five Flavored Fruit Punch doesn't suck'). Different strokes. I just hate that whenever this conversation comes up in most circles only the usual suspects get mentioned much like the thrash conversation. So much quality and variety out there for folks to explore. Experimental psych, bestial, to orthodox and all points in between. Hopefully one day some knucklehead kid in his bedroom will stumble across the archive of this site and have a quality start on exploring beyond whatever the latest writer for Decibel defines as the best black metal. Between your list, Cumbloodsucker's, and my few random additions, he should have a decent if overwhelming starting point. Now off to reasses my list for the next 3 days until it looks completely different by Saturday night.
  4. The General is much more competent to weigh in here than I, but I have some notable additions to the effort that shouldn't get lost in the fray. Black Witchery - Desecration of the Holy Kingdom (you mf'ers need this in your soul) Wind of the Black Mountains - Sing Thou Unholy Serpent Weakling - Dead As Dreams Recluse - Stillbirth in Bethlehem (proprietors of my annual Xmas shirt) Oranssi Pazuzu - Värähtelijä Circle of Ouroborus - Uskottomien kirkossa / Tarpeeton (lots of choices here but I'll go with my favorite comp of EPs) AKASHA - Canticles of the Sepulchral Diety Serpent Noir - Sanguis X Demoncy - pick one but I'm not objective as this is far and away my favorite bm project ever. Say Joined in Darkness. Von - Blood Angel Krieg - The Black House Cult of Fire - again not objective, let's go with मृत्यु का तापसी अनुध्यान Wolves in the Throne Room - Two Hunters Wode - Servants of the Countercosmos Nightbringer - Ego Dominus Tuus Gorgoroth - Ad Majorem Sathanas Blaspherian - Allegiance to the Will of Damnation Absu - Tara (more black thrash but in the same convo as D666) I'm leaving out Svartsyn because I can't pick one. Behexen - Rituale Satanum Moonsorrow - Verisäkeet Cosmic Church - Ylistys Baptism - just any fuckin Baptism. They rule. Oath - Mustan liekin veljeskunta Old Forest - Into the Old Forest Enslaved - Monumension (prog/experimental bm is a stretch but believable) Primordial - To the Nameless Dead but substitute Imara if you want The Ruins of Beverast - Rain Upon the Impure Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God Achatius - Funeral Presence Leviathan - Tenth Sublevel of Suicide And goddamned Ackercocke! Words That Go Unspoken is my choice here, but all of it's good shit. Did I miss Impaled Nazarene somewhere? Nothing ranked, just stuff definitely in my top 100 which I have around here somewhere. Many entries would just be duplicates of GG's list anyway. I could probably do a top 5 or 10 personal faves (although forgive me if it differs from a previous list as it changes periodically) Dawn - Slaughtersun ( this one is never not the #1) Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse Ordinance - In Purge there is no Remission Archgoat - The Luciferian Crown Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult Bathory - BFD Demoncy - JID Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon
  5. Should be much higher. Easily the most punishing thrash band I've ever seen live and one of the most unrelenting albums ever made. Pure unadulterated hate and aggression is only outweighed by the need to turn it up to 11. The breakdown in Skull Fracturing Nightmare is the heaviest thing I think I've ever experienced live. If you've never seen DH live, your life is not complete. This one is in my personal top 10 of all time, don't care what the rags say and which albums by the big 4 you put in which order. No DH, no Sadus, no Coroner, no Sodom or Destruction...then gtfo. All of Rush's stuff sounds deceptively simple until you start breaking it down or trying to play it, and Lerxst is the most overlooked of all contributions if that's possible. I mean he's the guy EVH attributed as the greatest guitarist of the generation, so overlooked may be a stretch. Limelight isn't even one of his more mind-blowing solos (Kid Gloves comes to mind first but there's honestly so many to choose from). I'd say I never want to meet my idols, but in the case of the 2 surviving members of the band, I'd give my left arm to spend the day with either. Just seem to be honestly nice dudes with a healthy dose of humor and kindness. Re Anthrax, not sure how old you are @Nasty_Cabbage, but it's one of those bands you had to be there for. Early thrash wasn't flush with options and they were the early leader in the clubhouse on crossover appeal. A band heshers and punks could both like, even the burgeoning hip-hop crowd found something to like. Along with Suicidal, they were huge in skate culture. They don't have real staying power and much of it hasn't aged as well as the other 3, but they're in the big time for a reason. I personally never have a need to listen to any of their stuff ever again though. Especially not these days when I have so many more choices from Deathrow to Watchtower to Blind Illusion to Devastation or any of the myriad of bands I had no clue of back 30+ years ago. And to stay on topic The Black Angels - Wilderness of Mirrors
  6. Can't imagine I've been cooking and eating bacon wrong my whole life, and if I am I don't want to be right. At least it's not that bullshit Canadians try to pass off. Plenty of other good uses for pork belly (small diced and marinated is the way to go in fried rice @Dead1) too. Streaky bacon as I'm reading it is the wonder ingredient that just makes everything just a bit better. And you're all wrong, chorizo is the way to go for breakfast. Some scrambled eggs, root veggies, maybe some brussel sprouts and some peppers. Fuckin banging. Anyone trying to hand me a steak 1 degree past medium will be shot on sight. Anyone preparing or asking for one in my house will be disinherited and expelled. Inexcusable bullshit. Blasphemy. War crime against humanity. My grandfather used to order his by saying "knock off the horns, wipe it's ass, and walk it across the grill". I'm not a lifelong Texan, so I prefer a little more heat, but just a little. Don't get me started on steak sauce.
  7. It's pretty decent if you find stuff within your postal service or with reasonable shipping. Anything outside the US is usually straight out these due to costs, but there's still some deals. Purchasing multiple things from the same seller can also help. We have a deal here in the states where media ships for $4 or can of you can wait and the seller isn't a dick. Not sure if Aussieland has the equivalent.
  8. Don't know what is going on with the quote thing, but Kuke we have basically 2 choices: Thick cut and regular. Lots of choices for curing but not what I'm getting out of your description. As always, local butcher shop bacon is way better than anything in the supermarket but not everyone has one of those nearby. I've bought my own pork belly and done my own bacon before. It's fun but not really worth the effort when I have access to several excellent butchers locally.
  9. Still cheaper than another round. Great thing about discogs, cheap CDs and $4 shipping. I think it was $11 total. About the same as my biweekly Bandcamp rampages that average $50-60 (or about the same as 4 IPAs & 2 CDs).
  10. Casket Cassette - Chainless EP The Dwarves - Blood, Guts, and Pussy The Dead Milkmen - Depends on the Horse Fugitive - Blast Furnace Akercocke - Decades of Devil Worship
  11. Black Viper - Volcanic Lightning Ossuary - Forsaken Offerings Persecutor - Snow Business
  12. They did a pretty decent job covering some new stuff but plenty of old too. I enjoyed hearing the old stuff since I've never seen them before but understand if it's your 20th. I was happy to see such a great turnout for them. Place was packed. Few weeks ago Voivod came through and while not your cuppa, they're definitely as legendary. Approximately 13 people showed. This place is funny. Overkill had 300+. Hell, I saw Cenotaph (Turkish Brutal DM) on a Tuesday and they had about 100. Squishabugg is coming Friday and I'd fair a good bet they will pack the place out. Most of the crowd around here is under 30. Most of the shows are deathcore, punk, or bands like Goatwhore and Exhorder we've all seen a billion times. So that's why I was pretty surprised about the overkill turnout. Tons of old dudes came out of the coffin just like me for the gig. Setlist
  13. Mentioning Overkill @GoatmasterGeneral, I saw them last Friday with Heathen and Exhorder. Never been a huge fan, but 1 2 Fuck You they were great. Blitz was definitely working (he's not young anymore) but sounded spot on.
  14. Discogs special after a few too many IPAs. The Dead Milkmen - Death Rides A Pale Cow The Dead Milkmen - Big Lizard in My Backyard
  15. Not sure if I would put Fate over Priest and Maiden, but definitely in the same league. I like Satan to a point, but I didn't care for them live. The front man is a tool. They played the same night as The Lord Weird Slough Feg that blew them off the stage.
  16. Tales of my demise have been greatly exaggerated. Word to my man @GoatmasterGeneral for checking up on me yesterday while I sat in airport hell in Minneapolis. Unpacking and cleaning up today from the most recent trip. Work has been kicking my ass lately, so apologies for being scarce. Work tempo has changed, but Navy hasn't. Today's menu: Judas Priest - Priest Live Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance Coroner - Grin KG&LW - Tetrahedron Dragon something or another UFO - Phenomenon UFO - Obsession Def Leppard - High N Dry Buzzcocks - Singles and Steady Rush - Fly by Night Rush - Signals Dokken - Tooth and Nail Flotsam and Jetsam - Doomsday for the Deceiver Sepultura - Schizophrenia Sepultura - BTR Depeche Mode - Singles 86-98 David Bowie - Legacy and a bunch of other stuff on the way just too much to list. I'll try to be around a bit more when time allows.
  17. $17? That's ridiculous. I did listen to a little bit of this yesterday but didn't look at what the price was. No way I'm paying that either. Even $10 seems too high.
  18. It's decent. I remember liking their last one a bit, but I can't say they really blow me away. I'd agree that they are a little long-winded and could stand an editor to cut back some of their ideas to make more coherent songs. I'm probably one of the few from Florida that really never got into Skynyrd. The radio played that crap to death back in the day and I was just never interested in them. Better southern rock to be had IMO. I'd take Molly Hatchet, The Allmans, Gov't Mule, Marshall Tucker Band, or the Outlaws over Skynyrd.
  19. I was about to yell FREEBIRD! and throw up the horns, but I kept scrolling and saw Elton John. WTF Man?!? NP: Ulthar - Anthronomicon
  20. Yeah Shelton's vocals are an acquired taste. The discography kind of falls off after 87-88, but it's still decent stuff. If I were to recommend a particular album to you, it would be Mystification or Open the Gates. They're a touch harder and have better production on the vocals. He's still very nasally, but more tolerable. Manilla Road - Mystification Open the Gates NP: Inquisition - Bloodshed
  21. While maybe never a big deal commercially, the best lesser known US metal act in the early 80's was Manilla Road. Crystal Logic is a stone cold classic. Studio albums[edit] Invasion – 1980 Metal – 1982 Crystal Logic – 1983 Open the Gates – 1985 The Deluge – 1986 Mystification – 1987 Manilla Road - Crystal Logic Manilla Road - Metal Manilla Road - Invasion
  22. That's exactly it. This hit right when I was getting into metal and Ozzy was the embodiment of Satan himself. All I knew was my mother hated Ozzy like the devil so he was my man. Lee's riffs may be an acquired taste these days, but back then it was the tits. The Ultimate Sin was pretty good in 86 too. These days, I'd agree you could combine the high points of those 2 albums and have a good EP. Back then, Jake E. was the man. He had/Has a distinctive style of riff that hits me just right. And I can't be the only one because I hear his influence a lot in newer bands. Aurthir Rizik for instance (Eternal Champion/Sumerlands) has Lee's fingerprints all over his playing. Anyway, I lost interest in Ozzy around Nor Rest for the Wicked and never looked back. NP: Bathory - Blood Fire Death
  23. I dunno about skipping BATM. Fucking Jake E. Lee is awesome on that album. Black metal classics day: Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse Immortal - Pure Holocaust Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult Bathory - Bathory Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky Judas Iscariot - Distant in Solitary Night
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