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Posts posted by blaaacdoommmmfan

  1. 22 hours ago, Dead1 said:

    I was an alcoholic once complete with shakes but I'm pretty good these days.  I literally have a glass of wine or a couple of beers once or twice a week.  Occasionally I have a single malt scotch.

    I don't drink enough to get drunk or even tipsy because I no longer like being drunk. Already so much of my life is outside of my control so being drunk doesn't fit my mental state.

    My only addiction is Nescafe Blend 43 instant coffee, which I have roughly 4 cups a day..





    You said it. Very wise So much of our lives is out of our control. Yeah it's kinda rubbish. That's why I like heavy metal especially the doomy stuff. I connect with it. Helps me stay positive listening to that, just knowing that suffering can be a shared experience, we all suffer but at different levels. I too don't like being drunk most the time but occasionally it's good  

    Coffee. I can't take coffee these days. Caffeine does not agree with me. Makes me feel peculiar and bad.  😁


  2. On 7/4/2021 at 9:14 PM, Balor said:

    If Ramirez did not end up doing what he did with the life he had, I would be surprised.

    Balor hello again. You might be right. I don't think it's just the  environment they grew up that makes them bad however it doesn't help. Do you think it's a case of if there's really amazing good people there's got to be there polar opposite and Ramirez is that. 


  3. 23 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Another thing that can cause issues is family members not seeing the problem, or flatly refusing to admit there is a problem. My mother-in-law watched her brother drink himself to death, he lived with her for about 8 years after his life started spiralling and she did all she could to help. None of her other five brothers and sisters helped a single bit, even down to two of them actually claiming he had no issues at all. It suited one of them down to a tee because she used the alcoholism she refused to admit he had to her own advantage and spent her time crying poor to him. He gave her tens of thousands of dollars and cashed in his government superannuation because he felt sorry for her. He died less than 12 months after cashing in his super with no trace of 90% of it.

    What you say is quite common.  So easy to say you should do this and criticise. With my at times out of control cousin aunts and uncles offer opinions and advice but that's all they offer.very few apart from my mum help him.  Maybe if my cousins mum was still around things would be different. His dad does his best but there's no easy answers with him. I love my cousin but he's stubborn as a mule and he's scary whens he's on one. 6 feet 4 and well built. Hes good at heart really and always steps back before he causes proper damage. He had my dad's neck in one hand over nothing really. Gave it a fairly big squeeze. My dad was shaken. He's not fun when he's cross 

    Oh dear about that cash. You hear crazy stories about similar stuff. There was one in paper where some goldigger convinced there  dad to change the will just before they died and give them all of it pretty much.

  4. Whisky night coming up in my home town. I'm taking the Highland park 10 year Viking scars single malt. Was going to get another bottle of Islay but the Mrs would have been fuming when she saw the box arrive in the post. 🤬🤬🤬🤬The Highland park is good. My taste is off a bit but I'm getting the peat notes 😋

    What are others favourite single malt scotches im just interested or just being nosy 😂

  5. On 10/24/2021 at 2:29 AM, NokturnalBoredom said:

    I just have a shitty $14 pair of Skullcandy earbuds. I don't tend to use headphones very often because I'm always listening to stuff on my turntable and it doesn't have a port for headphones as far as I am aware.

    My turntable is a Fluance RT80. Not the most advanced turntable by far, but does the job for me. I have edifier speakers that are bluetooth capable, but I'm not certain what the model number is for those. I eventually want to upgrade my turntable and give the one I have now to my buddy so he can get into vinyl too, but I'm not sure what I would even buy. Probably an RT81 elite by Fluance as I'm not looking to be shelling out tons of money on a turntable any time soon.

    I bought some Bluetooth skull candy ear buds and can't get them to work.🤬 The £2 wired ear phones work fine and are ok quality of sound. 

    Good luck finding a good turntable at budget. 

    In fact I got cheapest ear phones from local store to see how bad they were and they had better sound than the much more expensive Sony ones which had handsfree. Cheap ones could not get so high volume but they had very good bass power. Can't find them anymore 😭

  6. On 11/20/2021 at 10:07 PM, KillaKukumba said:

    I don't remember when I started getting hang overs but it was somewhere in my late 30's. I'd never had them before and I used to drink until I was paralytic but a few hangovers was more than enough for me to say it was time to cut down. Since then it's just been a natural progression to almost nothing. I remember when I was younger the first thing I wanted after a hard days work was a beer, these days it's the last thing I want. I'm not sure whether getting old sucks or being young sucks. :)

    My mum has always been similar to your wife, grew up in a family of almost non drinkers and therefore she never really drank. Her youngest brother became a surfing bum when he left home and died in his 60's due to alcoholism. Her eldest brother became an office worker in the city and couldn't spend the night at home without at least two bottles of red wine. Thankfully she spent more years telling her brothers off for drinking than she ever did me :)

    My wife also lost her father to alcoholism about 25 years ago, then her uncle did the same to himself in his 50, about 10 years ago. It can be a vicious disease, I have no doubt in my 20's I was the dictionary definition of an alcoholic, as well as drugs and cigarettes, and I wouldn't dare suggest I was something special to survive the shit I did relatively unscathed, I was lucky. I was probably also lucky that my life of excess ended before I met my wife and had kids. I've never made a secret of it to them but I'm glad they never had to see some of it. Now days I'm generally just glad I don't have a reliance on booze and smokes because of the price of it in this country!!



    Lucky if you don't get hangovers till late 30s.Always had them.😁

    It's only Fridays for me for drinks at moment. I get home after a long week and if I don't get a few drinks I will be bit disappointed. Plus this Friday is whisky night at friends house. People from all over town all bring a bottle. It can be good. My wife's given me warning not to overdo it. 😂

    Yeah your mum and my wife have similar outlook on alcohol. Obviously having family members who have alcohol issues doesn't help. Your boozy uncles got you off the hook with your mum. 😉My cousin drank himself to death at 46. He was alot of fun  and I miss him. He kind of gave up when his grandmother died as she supported him alot. Working at a pub is not best environment for an alcoholic. 😁😣 Bad for your wife too. Losing her father to alcohol. My sister's husband's dad is bed bound as he overdid the booze big time. He's not in a good state. It's ruined fair few lives for sure. Your lucky to have made it through all your boozy years🍀



  7. On 11/18/2021 at 12:42 AM, NokturnalBoredom said:

    Could be, in that specific situation then yeah you probably do have a problem. I had a problem with alcohol and used to hide my drinking because any time I tried to have a drink, I caught shit for it so then naturally I started hiding it and it turned into a problem.

    What I'm talking about though, are partners who flip out over someone having one or two beers. I know a lady who got involved with some weird church and then she made her husband pour his beer down the toilet. That kind of behavior & sentiment toward alcohol is what I find to be kind of weird & puritanical.

    But I live in America so there are a lot of puritanical people around here to be quite honest. Not as many as there used to be when I was growing up, but there are still people around who are weird in that way although if you ever had an alcohol problem and had to go to AA to deal with it, I kind of understand it to an extent because having a problem with any substance is no fun.

    I only drink once per week so it's not issue. I pace myself more and I've even set myself a max limit of drinks per night as I'm fed up with hangovers the next day, it's not like I was  drinking everyday before but I did occasionally overdo it. I still use the perfume a bit when drinking some stuff like wild turkey 101 as even when I have one shot all night I get so much negative comments and moaning from the Mrs. It does not help that the Mrs family are really low drinkers. Some of them either don't drink period or one bottle of beer per night is plenty. Theyve never made me tip my stuff down the drain or neither has my wife so that's good.thanks though for your message. My cousin drank himself to death at 46. That was sad and it's easy to do if you don't see alcohol for what it is. It's POISON in nice fancy bottles in my mind. Don't smoke anymore and never did drugs but giving up alcohol. Nah not yet😁 

  8. 3 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Maybe because I used to mask my drinking and smoking from my mother to keep the peace and stop her making comments I took his comment more along those lines. Even when I was 18 and legally allowed to drink (smoking was 12 back then I think) but still living at home, my mother would just make silly comments, offer looks, that sort of thing. She never stopped me doing it, it was just disapproval, so it was easier to not make a deal of it. But my mother has always been that sort of person, doesn't matter if it's drinking, smoking, running with scissors, anything she didn't do was wrong and those who did it got 'the look'.

    It's more along these lines tbh. I'd get all the comments and its been easier recently with this far from perfect approach. 

    15 hours ago, Sheol said:

    Agreed. Context matters.

    I think it's about your priorities. If you feel you need to hide your drinking, in order to continue doing it, so others won't complain, I think there's two things that should happen. 1. You reflecting on why drinking is that important to you. 2. A frank discussion with those opposed to it to resolve your differences. And also ask yourself what happens to you when you are denied your drink. How do you feel, emotionally and physically. If you get angry, irritated, restless and can't stopping thinking about that drink, then I absolutely say you have a problem on the horizon.

    Masking the smell because others don't like it is another thing, but that wasn't the context I was getting from Blackdoom.

    Thanks for your response Sheol. It's challenging but in a positive way.will  have another discussion and hopefully find the middle ground with the Mrs. 



  9. 23 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    I used to with my mother many years ago. It was the same as smoking, it was just easier to not to come home smelling of such and she wouldn't say anything. But these days my missus would only give me stink eye if I came home reeking of booze and I'd been driving.

    The ones that used to really shit me were the women who bitched and moaned when the drivers came into the office to drop off paperwork smelling like smoke, or god forbid smelling like they hadn't showered for 5 days after being on the road away from home for 5 days. These women complained over and over like it was our choice to actually visit them, but because there was nothing they could really do about it they'd retaliate with perfume that you could smell a mile away, or the stinkiest room de-ponger that they could find in the shops.

    At least it's not just me then. That's why some lucky blokes have man caves  like fraser from this forum 😁 I'm not a big boozer as I only drink one day a week now and I have less on this day, it's just the missus don't drink hardly at all and thinks I should do the same. 1/4 litre of beer per week is plenty apparently 😄any more and I get 🤬

    Your Mrs sounds good re this.  The ladies in your old office oh dear. I suppose it be alright if whatever perfume/freshener they used smelled ok.  EAU de sewage might have been preferable. At least the smell would have got better when the drivers showed up😂  

  10. On 11/10/2021 at 11:43 PM, KillaKukumba said:

    I guess it depends on your definition of exotic. I've eaten crocodile, water buffalo, zebra and elephant at restaurants. But it was only a decade or so ago where venison was considered exotic here, but these days I've even got a mate who farms venison. Kangaroo was the same for many years, fancy eating our national emblem, but it's very lean and very strong in flavour, plus it's very cheap, well it was before MasterChef started showing it on TV.

    I don't know if there is a meat I wouldn't try, I'm yet to find one, but it's also a long time since I went to the kinds of places that sell more exotic stuff. My local butcher will occasionally get in croc and water buffalo but it's generally a special order because it's not a huge selling product.


    Crikey that is quite a list killakumba. Eating your national emblem. If it's tasty why not.damn master chef you made it kangaroo more pricey 😁

    Elephant 🐘. Never thought people ate Dumbo, they can be rather large, alot of meat on them.  What did it taste like? Would you have it again?

  11. On 11/13/2021 at 8:35 AM, Sardonicist said:

    My parents were broke for a while and a friend of theirs who trapped possums gave us the possums so we had possum stews every night for some months. I do hope I never have to eat possum again. We ate allot of rabbits too, nothing wrong with rabbit meat. 

    Possum stew is definitely bit exotic. Probably not for NZ folk but for UK dudes it is. was taste not great. I'm guessing it was not so good  judging by your comments. Yeah rabbit is more of a regular every day meat to have

    My cousin had crocodile when they was in the Congo. The whole family had it. They said it was not that great. It tasted like fishy meat but not in a good way. 

    But if Gordon Ramsey had cooked the crocodile😋😋😋best food ever 😁





    But if Gordon Ramsey had cooked the crocodile😋😋😋best food ever 😁





  12. When drinking alcohol does anyone have to  cover up the smell. The Mrs could always smell alcohol in the room and on my breath and she'd go nuts. What a pain.  Perfume in room and mouthwash and I've no issues. That big bottle of CK will be very useful. Perhaps just me who does this. 

  13. On 11/12/2021 at 1:46 AM, FatherAlabaster said:

    Lights are great though, huh? The new thing here is kids riding around on these shitty little dirt bikes. No plates and no lights. It's the dumbest fucking thing.

    That's annoying. The sound of them screechy dirt bikes then fact there not using lights. 😱My brother almost hit a kid as they had no lights on there bike and they were on wrong side of road in the middle. It's frustrating.

    On 11/11/2021 at 11:25 PM, KillaKukumba said:

    Yeah that about sums it up.

    I don't have a problem with racing of any kind, I don't even care about people burning rubber, but if it's done on public roads then I'm happy to see those dickheads locked up.

    I nearly killed a couple of wankers about a decade ago. They were using a highway out of Melbourne as a drag strip at 3am one morning and I came around the bend doing about 75kph with 42 tonne on the back to a set of headlights in my lane and a set in the second lane of my side of the highway. I slowed because headlights in your own lane is not something you just barrel headlong into. I know the drivers of both cars could see me, I had 8 spotlights on the bullbar, they couldn't help but see me, but it didn't stop them finishing their race. Both idiots swerved around me when we eventually caught up and we missed each other easily but it's that kind of stupid that takes special powers.


    That is not a sight you want to see kk. headlights in multiple coming straight at you  I almost got hit by one these boy racers. They did a hand break turn but it went wrong. I had bad feeling about way they driving so got off road quick. They took out a big fence and were not far away from hitting the house. 😣

  14. On 11/15/2021 at 2:34 PM, Sterre said:

    I went to a few operas, such as La Traviata, Die Dreigroschenoper, Carmina Burana and Carmen and I liked it! I also always say that metal and classical music aren't that far apart...

    Cool that you liked AmenRa, if you want to dig deeper, then you can check out Wiegedood too. There are a few members of AmenRa that also play in that band (black metal instead of doom). 

    I like atmospheric music, I also listen to lo fi music, a very atmospheric kind of music (if you are interested: check out "nuages - dreams") and atmospheric instrumental post-rock, such as If These Trees Could Talk and God is an Astronaut. 

    I'm gonna check out Slow - Dantalion! Thanks for all the recommendations, I really appreciate it. 

    Sterre finally got back to this message. Thanks for recommending those. Will check those out bands out from the amenRa stuff you mentioned 

    Yeah youve been to a few operas then. Cool. I've heard of Carmen.   Interesting what you say about metal and opera sharing stuff in common. Maybe it's because some metal has folk music as inspiration like black metal for sure and some classical music is also inspired by folk music. 

    Lo fi music is new to me. Worth a search though of ones you mentioned. Post rock. I've heard of this. There's a resident of the town I'm from who does this music from Berlin now. One of his albums is fantastic. He's called Tom Adams. Music st  Done in that siegur ros style. Who are post rock bands you like 

    On 11/9/2021 at 2:27 PM, Sheol said:

    Haha no I actually haven't seen them live ever. They were supposed to play at a local festival a couple of years ago but pulled out to go on a tour or something. Am disappoint.

    Sheol im surprised you've not seen them. Maybe in the future. You got very close  though. Pulling out so late. Katatonia why😣

  15. On 11/9/2021 at 4:36 PM, FatherAlabaster said:

    Katatonia is hit and miss live, but when they're on, they're amazing (if you like their newer stuff). I've seen them a few times, at least twice with Opeth - great shows all around. First time I saw them was their first US tour and they didn't have the kinks worked out, pretty bad tbh, but every time since has been better. I don't know how they sound live with the new lineup.

    @blaaacdoommmmfan if you like the old stuff, make sure you check out October Tide's first two albums - Jonas and Fredrik from Katatonia playing stuff along the lines of their older style. "Rain Without End" is my favorite. Also don't miss the Katatonia EP "Sounds Of Decay", three other great tracks similar to their sound on Brave Murder Day, including Åkerfeldt on vocals.

    Fa thanks for the info. Much appreciated. Will check that music out.   Akerfeldt was fantastic imo when he used to growl all those years ago so getting some more  of that  will be good😁 

    That's good to know that katatonia are a good live band.its cool you've seen them a few times and you were not put off by the first show. 

  16. Some bands like the increased support they get on smaller record labels.  It was either officium triste or et moriemur who said they would not have been able to record death of Gaia or eprigrammatta album as well  if they were on a bigger label as they said smaller bands such as themselves would have been given less help to record these albums. 

  17. On 11/9/2021 at 9:29 AM, Sterre said:

    I really like the slow burn and how the album is constructed. I actually also listen to quite a bit of classical music (even opera) and Moonlight Sonata was my favorite classical pieces when I was young, so I liked it! Noctu is really creative. 

    What did you think of the Dutch bands? They're not as rough/heavy as many other bands, but I do like them and their shows. 

    I really like the slow burn and how the album is constructed. I actually also listen to quite a bit of classical music (even opera) and Moonlight Sonata was my favorite classical pieces when I was young, so I liked it! Noctu is really creative. 

    What did you think of the Dutch bands? They're not as rough/heavy as many other bands, but I do like them and their shows. 

    Sterre I'm pleasantly surprised you like the noctu album as imo it's bit stop start and bit of a niche album. Has tons of atmosphere though. Yeah fantastic you liked the moonlight sonata bit that was added in. Cool.

    Very cultured listening to classical music. I almost went to a opera once. The music was ace. It was by a Czech composer. In the end my wife talked me out of it. I had to choose between a metal gig and the opera. 

    AmenRa is cool  definitely. Very atmospheric 👍AmenRa IV ive heard so far.  Vocals work very well in places.  Oathbreaker are talented for sure. They remind me of a much heavier Chelsea Wolfe although her latest with converge might also be just as heavy.

    Slows album called dantalion is worth a listen apparently they tried to make a doom metal album inspired by classical music. Last track is worth hearing at least imo 

  18. On 10/29/2021 at 8:51 PM, Sterre said:

    1. Amenra (Belgian) and also my all time favorite!

    2. Sun 0)))

    3. Anathema (earlier work)

    4. Paradise Lost

    Cool list. There popular doom bands. Maybe I will check out AmenRa  as not heard of them. 

    I got death/doom album by aphonic threnody  called the great hatred. It's supergroup album of sorts. I think it's very good music and interesting cover. Worth a listen on band camp imo 

  19. On 11/4/2021 at 7:48 PM, NokturnalBoredom said:

    That's true. My family frequently embarrasses me with the stupid shit that they believe, but I'm the black sheep of the family because I was not a "success" in life. I never got married, never had kids (don't really want either though, because then I'll have something that the system can use against me). I've got a felony charge on my record, had drug problems in the past, and am mentally ill. I don't bother talking to my father or his side of the family because they are diametrically opposed to everything about me and what I believe and do & are generally bitter and resentful that I didn't "make them proud" (because apparently the purpose of life is to live it for the benefit of others rather than for the benefit of yourself).

    I don't give a shit though. I am largely happy with who I am and what I do. I never wanted to "achieve" anything anyway. I just wanted to be able to do what I wanted, which was rock out and generally get my kicks in before the whole shithouse goes up in flames. I did the college thing for two years, decided not to continue on because I didn't want to be strapped down to inescapable debt that wouldn't get me a job anyway (my former friend from high school has a PhD in English and is working hourly at a Starbucks. My sister double majored in musical performance and audio engineering and has to busk on the Toronto subway but she's fine because her fiancee makes like six figures as an IT guy).

    I stopped giving a shit about pretty much everything besides metal in the 10th grade. Then I found drugs and gave a huge shit about getting fucked up for many years, but no longer give a shit about any of that anymore because I see it as an obstacle to the few, small goals that I have. I just like to have money to get the things I want, enjoy my time off from my shitty job for a company I do not believe in, and enjoy good books, music, and old video games from my childhood. My overwhelming goal is to run an online record and t-shirt store. I don't expect to get rich, but I'd like to be able to support myself by doing so. Maybe start my own record label as well.

    The online store is very good idea. Very inspiring. 👏👏👏 Follow your interests. Good luck with that. 

  20. What's most interesting or exotic animal or fish anyone has eaten?

    I mention this as  at weekend could have crocodile for dinner. Probably won't as out of budget for me. It's from a farm where they have all sorts of domestic and exotic animals and as they treat the animals better than average the price goes up, kids go round thinking it's a zoo. When in fact it's a fancy butcher. A very fancy butcher. Never been. It will be interesting. 


  21. On 11/8/2021 at 10:06 PM, Dead1 said:

    I've been following the COP26 environmental conference and it has been even a bigger failure than I expected.

    Virtually every deal is inconsequential with major players bowing out or like Poland getting massive exemptions.

    Eg most of the countries that agreed to phase out coal don't even use a lot of coal in the first place.  The big users never signed up.

    Eg deforestation deal - even as this was being announced, major players like Indonesia and Brazl have already effectively opted out by complaining this hinders their development.

    Eg big financiers of coal plants agreeing not to fund coal in other countries, but maintaining right to finance coal projects in their own countries (I guess this means setting up offices around the world so everywhere is that bank's home country).

    About the only major deal was Europeans agreeing to cut methane (which is actually far more polluting).  Except big methane polluters (India, China., USA) didn't sign up.

    A lot of countries including the shitty one I live in (Australia) literally and openly ran interference to stop anything major happening.  Australia's "emission reduction" minister, Angus Taylor, openly said he was going to COP26 to sell fossil fuels like gas.  


    I think the only way to stop global warming is something that literally destroys human civilisation and preferably without nuclear fallout and slow enough to let us decommission power and chemical plants and other polluters.  Super COVID 22 anyone?


    I think that movie Children of Men showed the best solution - whole of humanity goes sterile.


    Dead1 thanks for the low down on what's happened at the cop26. In the UK theres a  saying that the political commentators use a lot. Its the devil's in the detail. certainly seems to be the case here. It's only when you dig bit deeper behind those big deals  when you realise the political people are playing games again. In the UK red diesel has more restrictions on useage. The water company I work for can't power generators with it soon but that's really going to stop climate change 👏👏👏 


  22. On 10/27/2021 at 11:56 PM, Hungarino said:

    Korean food is great. It is very hard (and hilarious) to explain the concept of low carb there, however. Saying you don't eat a lot of noodles or rice gets the same look as saying you live on the moon.

    I'd get on great there as I love rice more than the average western person. Friends of my parents are Korean so I've had some stuff. I can remember dumplings but that's all I can remember. And they were very good.Alot of the stuff I had was stuff from neighbouring countries but not Korean so wouldn't count. 

    What's your go to Korean food hungarino? 

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