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Everything posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. Ah, I see. That was the "embarrassed" smiley you used, but I suppose it could also be seen as the "hot and bothered" smiley...
  2. Oh, that's rough. I didn't know about that...
  3. Black market organ trade enabler. Oh, wrong thread.
  4. I didn't mind them, it's all about the atmosphere. But I agree with you that it's the kind of music that works best while I'm doing other things, like painting. I find that I enjoy much different music when I'm concentrating on it, as opposed to when I'm otherwise engaged.
  5. Are we related or something? I've had a really moody weekend and onwards too. I'm trying to break out of it and stay productive. Meh. I hate it when this happens.
  6. Abyssal - novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius
  7. Descend - Diabolic Giving the rest of this album a chance, not sure what I think of it yet - thanks Mere for the recommendation!
  8. Is there an album in particular you'd recommend? I just checked out Truth Inside The Shades, honestly not my thing - sounds a bit like mid-period Cradle Of Filth, plus prog but minus energy. Later stuff any different?
  9. Which did you have first, the whiskey or the bruising?
  10. JBaker has a massive man crush on Chino, and is on record as saying that Chino's voice "oozes sex". He was just being playfully sarcastic. But, I agree with your comment!
  11. Altar Of Plagues - Teethed Glory And Injury I really, really like this. Industrial-tinged post-black metal.
  12. Altar Of Plagues - White Tomb More post/atmospheric than Teethed Glory And Injury, but the atmospheres are generally compelling rather than boring and the BM sections are pretty energetic. Nice.
  13. Cloudkicker - Beacons might actually get to see some of this live!
  14. Why would you be embarrassed about that? They're a classic 2nd-wave BM band, one of my favorites - even if I don't care for their more recent releases.
  15. @ btbam91, I listened to the songs you posted. I thought Becoming the Archetype had some good stuff going on in the first half of the track - I liked some of the melodies and textural variation. I even liked the high vocals! Unfortunately it was hidden amidst bog-standard melodeath, and the piano thing into the outro sounded like a wasted opportunity to me. The melody/chord progression through there didn't feel "elegiac"... it just sounded like the lullaby stuff my wife puts on to sooth my kid when it's bedtime. The outro was the same - not "triumphant" so much as trite and cheesy. It felt like shameless song-padding for extra length. BTBAM, I could appreciate from a technical standpoint, but I didn't find too many of the parts compelling. I didn't mind the frenetic arrangement, although I can see how people could call them "confused" - one might be missing the point looking for comprehensible emotional content in there. I could listen to it again and potentially get more out of it. At first blush, it didn't do a lot for me, and I didn't like any of the vocals. It would take a lot of work for me to get into them. Overall I like the structural ambition on display in both bands, even if the nuts and bolts didn't appeal to me.
  16. But their well-documented health benefits should outweigh any trifling concerns about flavor or cost.
  17. Great way to put it. I've had a similar experience... except that I can listen to them all the time. Escapism? It was their song structures that really opened my mind; anybody can yell like that over that guitar tone and write big, heavy riffs, but the way they put it all together is what really matters to me.
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