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Damnation Activity

  1. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    COFFINS - Sinister Oath
    ....these guys are the fucking coolest......
  2. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    COFFINS - Sinister Oath
    ....these guys are the fucking coolest......
  3. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from SurgicalBrute in What Are You Listening To?   
    COFFINS - Sinister Oath
    ....these guys are the fucking coolest......
  4. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Barbarian Swords - Anti-Dogma Megaforce, black/death/thrash Spain 2023
    偏執症者 (Paranoid) - Out Raising Hell, Sweden 2020. One part crust punk, one part Midnight.
  5. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    DANTE - Degradation
  6. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    DANTE - Degradation
  7. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Morbosidad - Corona de Epidemia, Houston TX 2017
    Morbosidad - Profana la Cruz del Nazareno, 2008. If only these dudes occupied the spot that Morbid Angel currently does in US death metal hierarchy. Or better yet Deicide's spot. Either way, take your pick, I don't have any use for either of them. But these dudes rule.
  8. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    All the bullet belts weighed them down, so they just could never get to the top of the pile. One of the little known dangers of being too metal.
    Necroblood - Collapse of the Human Race
    Oath of Cruelty - Summary Execution at Dawn
  9. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    SIMP - Sordid Imprecations Meant For Posterity
  10. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    LOOKING FOR AN ANSWER - Split The Suffering, Split The Pain
  11. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Mons Veneris - Ascent Into Draconian Abyss, Portugal
    Dark Plague - The Threshold of Death, France
  12. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    EDENKAISER - Armageddon Overlord
  13. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    LATE SHIFT - Perception Is Reality
  14. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    SIMP - Sordid Imprecations Meant For Posterity
  15. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Malum - In Nauseam, Norway 2023
    Ossilegium - The Gods Below, Chicago
  16. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from navybsn in What Are You Listening To?   
    PHANTOM - Transylvanian Nightmare
  17. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Aoratos - Gods Without Name, Colorado 2019
    Akhlys - Melinoë, Colorado 2020, same 2 guys as Aoratos
  18. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Vortex of End - Fvlgvr Lvx Terror, France 2015
    Vortex of End - Ardens Fvror, 2019
  19. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    REJECTER - A Method For Withdrawing
  20. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    CRAWL - Altar Of Disgust
  21. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    RIBSPREADER - Reap Humanity
  22. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from Thatguy in What Are You Listening To?   
    CRAWL - Altar Of Disgust
  23. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    REJECTER - A Method For Withdrawing
  24. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts gave a Damn to GoatmasterGeneral in What Are You Listening To?   
    Antheraea - The Failure I Am, Ontario Canada
    Baron - Beneath the Blazing Abyss, Finland
  25. Horns
    MarkhantonioYeatts given a Damn from Arioch in What Are You Listening To?   
    OBITUARY - Live
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