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Posts posted by navybsn

  1. 39 minutes ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    So how is the new Wode Navy? I'm almost afraid to go listen for myself, I've heard troubling reports that it's not the same ole Wode we know and love. I trust you to give it to me straight. I can take it.

    It's not Servants of the Countercosmos, but it's not as bad as the latest UADA or anything. I pre-ordered based on the fact it was Wode. I mean no way it won't be good right? I wouldn't have bought it had I a chance to listen to the whole thing first. Every damn time I pre-order it ends up being a disappointment.

    I can't see you liking it.

  2. 2 hours ago, Hungarino said:

    Literally an addiction that seems to release metal-enjoyment endorphins into the blood stream. Pressure release, a middle figure to life's frustrations and a celebration of mortality and a way to rage against and embrace the absurdity of the void. 

    You forgot Satan. He's going to be upset.

  3. 9 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    I finally started warming up to them after hearing "July Morning" blaring through terrible speakers at a nearby liquor store. Something about the speaker cone distortion really brought it home for me. Any albums in particular that you'd recommend?

    Sweet Freedom and Demons & Wizards are all you need. I do like The Magician's Birthday and Very Heavy, Very Humble but I rarely reach for them.

    Picked up the vinyl reissues of Bolt Thrower's For Victory & Mercenary and Mayhem - Dawn of the Black Hearts from Hell's Headbangers. Not that I don't already have the digital, cd, and surely the tapes (somewhere), but I didn't have them on vinyl. Oh, and the Spectral Wound vinyl is on the way too.

    For April:

    Eternal Champion - Ravening Iron (finally showed up - ordered in November)

    Wode - Burn in Many Mirrors

    Osees - Live at Henry Miller Library Big Sur

    Nekromantheon - Visions of Trismegistos

    Haapoja - Haapoja

    Altar of Eden - The Grotto Screams

    The Wraith - Gloom Ballet

    The Gnosis - The Gnosis

    Yuka Zolo - Bleed

    Hollow Mirrors - s/t

    Hallas - Tales of Future Past (vinyl because I already had the cd but needed the vinyl)

    My name is Don and I am an addict.

  4. 4 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Hahaha, raping their instruments with no thought of making music, just some trash thrown together, eh?

    I think if you were to listen a little closer you might find there are indeed many musical ideas present in most black metal. But it's not for everyone I suppose.

    This sounds melodic as fuck to me. Probably my favorite black metal album of the last decade. A masterpiece of lush soundscapes. Couldn't get enough of this one back in '15. It's not black & roll like Satyricon though so be warned.


    Murg fucking rules. I was blasting Stravan first thing this morning much to the dismay of my 90 year old neighbors.

    Maybe not everyone's idea of black metal, but I'm really digging the new Mork (Katedralan). Riffs upon riffs upon riffs.

  5. 2 hours ago, Hungarino said:

    Another Metal-fi refuge and hope to make this place wicked gnarly and dripping with goat blood! 

    Pretty much everything I will post is tongue in cheek if it seems ridiculous it probably is, but I am a big believer in civil discourse mutual respect and eviscerating any one who lover proggy-jazz avant metal, post-black-gaze and obviously metalcore. See what I did there? Was just joshing. But not really. No for reals I try to be nice because as the t-shirt says 'Mean People Suck' or was it 'No Fat Chicks'? I think I have both. 

    Hungarian Ghoulash is best with goat meat.

  6. 1 hour ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    I haven't been able to listen to anything on my own this past week, but I did get to introduce my dad to Gentle Giant's "The Power And The Glory", Return To Forever's "Where Have I Known You Before", and some Tigran Hamasyan. Also, my son has decided he doesn't like Rush. I don't know if this relationship is going to work.

    Write him out of the will. No one who dislikes Rush is worthy of inheritance.

    One the drive home from getting shitfaced on a Sunday (also known as playing golf):

    Demolition Hammer - Tortured Existence

  7. Okay, it's me. I'm another refuge too attached to these new wanks to not talk shit with them on the regular. I reside in the geographic sweatbox that is North Florida and travel as much as possible, mostly to watch live gigs.

    I'm into all kinds of metal, love goats, Satan, and firmly believe Geddy Lee is in fact god. I am also very bad at introductions, so that will have to do. I do hereby solemnly swear to apologize whenever I'm an asshole, lend audio wankery intel whenever I can, and promise to be a responsible internet forum citizen. If not, I will sacrifice 53 virgins on the first full moon after my buffoonery.

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