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Posts posted by Requiem

  1. 8 hours ago, Natassja said:

    Lifelover - Sjukdom

    This is then only Lifelover album I have. I love the keyboard samples. Great atmosphere. 

    NP: Mgla - ‘Exercises in Futility’

    perfect pub album. 

    On 1/6/2020 at 11:08 PM, salmonellapancake said:

    Thanks, Balor. You'll find a few of their songs on YouTube. I got the full album downloaded from a site called Hammerstorm.

    Holy shit, Salmo’s back. Hail the king 666. 

    And hail @Natassja, beloved satanic witch. 

  2. On my mind is, if you love a band then please post your thoughts in its thread in the sub-forums. If you discover that there isn't a thread for the band you want to talk about (after looking extensively through past pages) then please start one. 

    I'd love for there to be more band/album talk here, especially when news occurs. 

  3. Well, here I am again, raising a thread from the dead. I think I should start asking for a cheque. Come on, this is big news for MDB! Anyway... 

    As most My Dying Bride fans know, the band has a new album coming out soon called 'The Ghost of Orion'. The album art looks amazing, and the title is pretty cool, although not up to the epic standards of the first four albums. 

    The first single, 'Your Broken Shore' is a great track - it's bloody awesome. Much cleaner in production than the past few albums - they're really going for a modern crisp sound, and it's fantastic. It's mid-paced all the way, with great twin guitar harmonies and some violin that sounds good but is a bit flat riff wise. The vocals are fantastic, both cleans and growls. It sounds like a much more professional product than the lacklustre 'Feel the Misery'. 

    The only area of unease for me is that it's also the first track on the album, and it doesn't sound like an epic opener by doom standards, and I hope that they haven't just put their only half decent song up front with a bit of filler behind it. I'm sure this won't be the case, but you have to admit that 'Your Broken Shore' is a weird song to open an album. 

    So yeah, this should be interesting. If the rest of the album sounds like this track, it's going to be amazing. 

  4. Summoning - 'With Doom We Come' 

    The first two songs on this album are as good as Summoning gets. So epic, so meaningful and important. 

    Why is it that metal bands seem to understand the human soul far better than pretty much any other artform/media/movement in our age?

    Summoning realise we're creatures who have evolved through hundreds of thousands of years of darkness, quests, heroes, triumphs, fears and victories, and they sum it up with a drum machine, some keyboards and a dragon on the cover. 

    The people driving around in their cars, drinking at cafes, shopping in malls, getting their nails done, just seem to have forgotten about the 200,000 years that we've been through. The disconnect is almost complete. 

    But not if you listen to Summoning. 

  5. Requiem's Current Favourites Beyond His All Time Favourites

    1. Anorexia Nervosa - French Dimmu Borgir x 10, I can't believe I haven't listented to more of these maniacs. 'Redemption Process' is so intense, so beautiful. 

    2. Arkona - Another late find for me, in that after seeing them on youtube for a decade I finally bought an album. And like what often happens, my foolishness is exposed and I realise I've been missing one of metal's greatest bands, let alone in the folk metal genre. 

    3. Graveland - I've been into Darken since 2001, so we've been here before, but I'm an upswing with this band at the moment, most probably due to the very sexy re-releases and remastered versions. Just an incredible and underrated band. 

    4. KISS - Strange to have these guys here, but I've been on a 12 month long KISS bender, including purchasing their 80s discography, reconnecting to their 70s work, reading their autobiographies and hanging out with @True Belief. We even had tickets to the show last year which they cancelled due to Paul's illness. Dammit all. 

    5. Darkthrone - I only hang shit on these guys because of their triumphant history as well as the sycophants that form their fanbase these days. The number of Top 10 lists that 'Old Star' made makes me sick. But lo, there are wonderful releases out at the moment that draw from their golden era, including the fabulous 'The Wind of 666 Black Hearts' rehearsal collection. Praise to Fenris, Nocturno Culto and the almighty and ever-forgotten Zephyrous, when the hunger was real and the light of the funeral moon shone bright in their upturned eyes. 

  6. 13 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:


    My parents will be going through something similar very soon, there are three sheds and a greenhouse on the ancient farm they just bought and all are in desperate need of repair. They probably have a couple years worth of work ahead of them.

    You guys and California... it's scary stuff. Are you in danger of the fires reaching where you live?

    No, we’re pretty safe here in rainy Melbourne, but the fires have come within about 80kms of my parents’ house, although they’re in a town that is quite safe and away from forests.

    It’s the rural towns in forested areas that are getting hammered. Everything is so damn dry even at the best of times.

    There’s nothing to be done to stop the fires, it’s just how Australia is. I don’t know what’s going to come out of this debacle.  

    My sister lives in California, so we must have a thing for flames. 

    Also, your parents’ new farm sounds very Lovecraftean and exciting. Ancient farms in the north east and all that. 

  7. 12 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    They're not my usual jam, but I think this is a great album. The clean vocals are spectacular, especially those big layered harmony sections.

    Aren’t they great. I’m really surprised with this album. I also don’t mean to disparage the Russian metal scene, but this is astonishingly excellent for something coming out of Moscow that isn’t funeral doom or nsbm. 

    I’m really excited by it. And her...

  8. Arriving from Eastern Europe today, by pure happenstance: 

    Arkona - 'Goi Rode Goi' (2009)

    From Russia. For years I've neglected this band, to my detriment. A huge 80 minute epic of riffs, folk instruments, chants and amazing female vocals that are some of the best clean and growls you'll hear. I'm a true convert. Arkona are amazing. 

    Graveland - 'Following the Voice of Blood' (remastered slipcase) (1997/2017)

    From Poland. Unlike Arkona, I've been a fan of Graveland since about the year 2000, yet I never had this nor 'Carpathian Wolves' in my CD collection, which is a travesty. While I still don't have 'CW', I snatched up this fantastic re-release that includes new artwork and booklet and a remastered sound. Tastefully, the original edition's booklet has been included in the package, which I think is a very nice touch. One of my all time favourite bands. 

    Wolfkrieg - 'Jedem Das Steine' (2012)

    From Russia. It's a pure coincidence that I have two Russian and one Polish album in this bundle of musical joy. These guys play mid-paced black metal with some politics going on in the background, along with German WWII soundbites, although the lyrics are in Russian so I have no idea what's going on within each track. A decent listen when you're in the mood for some edgy political black metal that's more right wing than Genghis Khan... in Russian...

  9. On 1/1/2020 at 5:27 PM, FatherAlabaster said:

    Happy New Year to all my friends on here. Really happy to see a few of you back around after some extended absences. My thoughts are with our Australian members, I hope you're safe from the wildfires.

    I'm an Australian member! 

    The fires are pretty bad and getting a lot of media coverage. It's hard to get a sense of where they sit comparatively, but I think this is as bad as it's been in about ten years or so. We get fires every year but this year the flames have hit Victoria hard. Most days we have smoke even make it to Melbourne, and when I was down the coast the other day there was a pall of smoke covering everything. Quite a few people have died and a lot of property has been lost further north. 

    Went to the T20 cricket tonight with the immortal True Belief to watch the Stars beat the Renegades in the Melbourne derby. 


  10. Arkona - 'Goi Rode Goi!'

    I've flirted with Arkona for years but never gave them my full attention or purchased an album. I finally bought this, their 2009 classic, and I'm really glad I did. A fantastic folk metal album with an added Russian atmosphere, with surprisingly well produced and performed songs of worship and praise to the old gods. And Masha 'Scream' is an incredible vocalist, not to mention a stunning beauty worth of worship and praise. 

  11. Finally got around to hearing the 'Lisboa Under the Spell' live release. 

    Amazing release really. It's a live show with three full albums played = their first and second, 'Wolfheart' and 'Irreligious', as well as their then latest album 'Extinct', which is really good but is much weaker than the two classics that it accompanies. 

    Actually it really irks me that 'Extinct' has a higher score at Metal Archives than '1755', which is a far, far, superior album if you ask me. Perhaps because the latter is in Portuguese. 

    Anyway, this live set is really fantastic. The production is perfect and the 'Wolfheart' set sounds much better here than on record. It's also quite a slow a crisp performance - there is no reckless rock n roll abandon here. This is all keyed in and perfect, which I like most of the time. It's crystal clear gothic metal. 

    Apparently all recorded from one huge show (three full albums performed in a row! I'd need a chair...), this is a great release from one of the world's best gothic metal bands. 

  12. One of the (many) great aspects of picking up Heljarmadr on vocals is his ability to write lyrics and to see the bigger picture of the songs. 

    Yes, the lyrics aren't Shakespeare, and are very explicit odes to darkness and the one true dark lord, but within the scope of Dark Funeral they're perfect. His ability to phrase and set the metre of his sentences to the flow of the music is really effective. He understands rhythm and flow. 

    I'm sure I've also mentioned elsewhere that I found him to be a great showman on stage as well. I hope he sticks around for a while. I can't wait to see what he pulls out of his bag of tricks for the next Dark Funeral album, which is apparently going to be out late next year. 

  13. 7 minutes ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Yep, I just don't get the clamour for Amon Amarth, they are the Manowar of melodic death metal.  All epic imagery but no actual trousers (or indeed a loin cloth, just some briefs and some of those M&S socks with the day of the week stitched into them only they always have Tuesday on one foot and Thursday on the other - Doh)!

    Oh yeah, Amon Amarth have nothing really to do with actual epic music. They're a tight Iron Maiden-loving melodic band. But within that sphere I think they've put out some enjoyable albums, most specifically around their mid period.

    There's nothing really 'viking' about any of it apart from their appearance really. Give me Thyrfing and Einherjer any day of the week. 

    Amon Amarth offers nothing these days too. And yes, it's a mystery why they're so worshipped by brain-dead fans of "metal". Actually, maybe it's not that much of a mystery....

    NP: Summoning - 'With Doom We Come'. 

    With 'Silvertine' from this album I come. 

  14. Not much on people's minds at the moment apparently. 

    On my mind, as I continue the bachelor life for another night, the penultimate evening, is that it's so damn hot yet again. It's still 37.4c/99f degrees and it's 7pm! It's windy as well, and fires burn all over this colony. The smoke of wildfires is evident in the air outside, if one is foolish enough to leave the sanctuary of stone and brick.  

    I sip Jack Daniel's reflectively while a nuclear-yellow glow bathes the windswept trees outside. Immortal blast audibly, keeping pace with the unsilent heatstorm outside, while I, caught between fire and ice, take another sip and wonder at the holocaust winds and the sign of the end times. 

  15. 15 hours ago, MacabreEternal said:

    Amon Amarth - Versus the World 

    Sigh, it has happened again.  I build myself up to believing there's some high quality material out there from AA based on their epic artwork and grandiose song titles but then the reality is just so underwhelming.

    Really? This is my second favourite Amon Amarth album after 'Twilight of the Thunder God'. 

    'Versus the World' lacks the flamboyance of that album, but it has some great numbers. 'Death in Fire' is just such a great song, back when they allowed the melodies to sink into the riffs a little bit rather than stand out the front like Iron Maiden on steroids. 

    NP: Immortal - 'Battles in the North'

    My 'Pure Holocaust' shirt arrived today so I'm slamming some Immortal in honour of my continued fine taste in clothes. 

  16. 5 hours ago, Balor said:

    These are probably Metallica's best songs too.  It would be really cool if there were some doom metal covers of them, but I have not come across any.

    They have some amazing moments, Metallica. For instance, the opening guitar strains of 'Blackened' that start off the 'And Justice for All Album' are some of my favourite 20 odd seconds of music ever. They could easily translate to a gothic doom album. That would be amazing. I just don't see it happening though...

    One of the reasons that I love Megadeth's 'Youthanasia' more than any other Megadeth album (or Metallica album for that matter) is because it's basically a melodic doom record. The songs are mostly all medium-slow in pace, melodic and with booming drums and production. This has been reduced significantly on the remastered version, but the original has this layer of doom across it that is amazing. There are many epic sounding intros and moments. 

    Furthermore, the lyrics of songs like 'Addicted to Chaos', 'Youthanasia', 'A Tout Le Monde', 'Elysian Fields' etc could have come off a Katatonia album they're that bleak. I was thinking about this while listening to the album while I was gardening the other day. 

    'Youthanasia' - classic 'doom' album that I've loved since 1994. Here's the title track to prove my point. 


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