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Posts posted by GratuitousTK

  1. Gosh this thread does make for cheap laughs Yeah limbs blow up to resemble balloons from bee stings, I hive like a motherfucker from penicillin, and have anaphalactic reaction to asparagus which is fucking terrifying.
    I've seen my sister turn blue and have her trachea close shut after someone painstakingly put chopped apples into a garden salad, and forget to mention it. Emergency room visits are awesome.
  2. I moved out of Mom and dads when I was 21. I was at the front end of the millennial generation, where there was a good amount shaming involved if you didn't have a good paying job, and could support yourself when you were that age. I'm glad my generation is ignoring that. Well its not like we have a choice. Employment opportunities are nowhere the level they were when my parents were that age, and getting married, having kids, and getting a mortgage before you are 25 is now seen as kind of a dumb thing to do.

  3. Allergic to penicillin' date=' three allergies I have are penicillin, bee/wasp stings, and asparagus.[/quote'] I'm allergic to a dye found in certain colors of denim jeans. I hive up like a mother fucker if any part of my skin comes in contact with it. But at least I don't have a brush fire....in my pants.
  4. Congratulations Chewie :D Minds I'm sure your mom will be fine, and you can always call the hospital as need be, I was getting like four calls a day when I was in for the surgery to fix my face last year :D
    What is wrong with your eyesight exactly RO? Are you partially blind?
  5. My mom is in the hospital with gallstones. Apparently she will have surgery tomorrow to have it taken out. Times like these I do not like living far from home.
    I spent a day and night in a hospital about a month back when my mom had to have fusion surgery on her back. She was in pretty bad shape, they were giving her morphine tablets like candy her pain was so bad. I don't know how she lived with it for so long before she decided to have the surgery. And anyway hospitals suck.
  6. How do you feel about that one now?
    Its my favorite out of those big three albums Darkthrone released in the 90's. Probably because out of the three(Blaze, Under a Funeral Moon, Trans. Hunger) it has the highest production values and quite a bit more melody mixed in.
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