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Posts posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. I'll go back and check it out.I have it on a computer but haven't listened to it in years. I was giving all of that stuff a chance around the same time that I tried listening to Despised Icon, Job For A Cowboy, Faceless, etc, and just dropped them all indiscriminately after a few weeks.

  2. I was being labeled as an elitist simply for knowing my genres.
    Yeah... still don't see a problem with it, either. If I was you I would have said, "hey fuck you, I AM an elitist, you just wish you had enough taste and discrimination to be one too". I hate to say this and I'm sincerely not picking on you but it sounds like meaningless high school drama to me. I do remember going through some similar things, though we didn't have cell phones, much less Twitter, but for the life of me I can't remember what any of it was about. Meh. You like your music and you don't need anyone else's approval in order to enjoy it. That should be good enough for you. That's really what it's all about. I intend no disrespect towards you, so please don't take it that way.
  3. Just looked through the rest of the thread, I had never heard of Pavor before! That was good stuff. Also I don't think I saw Cephalic Carnage mentioned here, though I know we talked about them in the grindcore thread. Of their more mature stuff, I still like Lucid Interval the best. A lot of tech-for-tech's-sake bands, I just really can't get into, like Neuraxis, Psycroptic, most Psyopus (I can't help but like some of that stuff for being so weird)... even Necrophagist to be honest. If I want musicianship and fragmentary song structures, I'll go for grind or even some hardcore like Converge's "When Forever Comes Crashing" before I'll listen to most tech death.

  4. What's on your mind? I hate finishing recording vocals for a song and realizing the lyrics just don't sound as good as I'd hoped. The rhythms aren't doing it for me. I suppose it's not wasted time, since now I know what I don't want to do. But, still, fuck it. Hard not to be disappointed.

  5. Metalheads have been burning churches down for more than twenty years now. It's a respected tradition. Is this whole "Anti-Church-Burning" thing really necessary?:D I'm kidding. But the whole point of writing extreme music like metal is to do something that's important to you. So some people write about their religious beliefs, some people write about politics, some people about girlfriends; whatever's important enough that it's worth writing a song about. I personally write a lot about friends and family members that I've lost. I've had plenty of negative experiences with people of faith, so I have an easy time identifying with anti-religious sentiments in music. I generally don't let it affect my lyrics. Worshiping the devil is just as fruitless and misguided as worshiping anything else IMO, and it's also your right in this country if you so choose. Burning books with whatever content is a legitimate form of protest. If you commit violent acts towards animals or people or their property, you're a criminal. None of that really has anything to do with music. edit - I'd also add that in some other countries it's a lot more dangerous to protest against religion. A lot of it here probably started off being used for shock value (I read somewhere that Glen Benton burned the upside-down cross into his forehead on a dare from one of the Slayer guys when they were drunk one night). But the subject of religion has become a lot more polarized in this country recently, for political reasons, and I really do hate what the conversation has turned into.

  6. Awesome! They played last night. I was honestly debating on going. I'm not really a fan of theirs but they seem to be pretty amusing in all the interviews I've read. Did you go last night?
    I just saw them last week, dude, they were incredible. Two drummers. The heaviest thing I've seen since Swans. I'm not a big fan of their recordings, but "A Senile Animal" captures what they're like best IMO.
  7. Can you explain how I'm an elitist so I can try not to be one so much?
    But if someone says they're a giant metalhead when what they listen to isn't even metal nor a mixture with metal in it' date=' I think I have the right to call them a poser. I have been a bit more of an elitist in the past, but I think I've gotten better.[/quote'] I think you answered your own question. And again, I also don't think being an elitist is a bad thing. I'd take it as a compliment.
  8. You know, having read some of your posts, you are kind of an elitist, and that's not a bad thing at all. You like what you like, you dislike a bunch of other shit, you listen to enough music to know the differences between what you like and what you don't. Forget about respect in the community. People lash out when they feel threatened, and if this guy is actually lashing out at you, he's got some personal reason for it that most likely has nothing to do with you. Big fucking deal. In the long run he'll just make himself look like a child. Some people never stop behaving like this. Fuck 'em. In regards to your vest, I bet you could find someone to paint it for you, or you could buy some supplies and screen-print it yourself or something.

  9. Paint the logo on? I dunno... that's what we always did. I'd rather see someone's creative energy on display, than a bunch of premade stuff they could have bought anywhere, but YMMV. Personally I stopped wearing almost anything with a logo a long time ago. Although I did have my Death shirt on yesterday.:D

  10. Some days it's: Rush Soundgarden Alice In Chains At The Drive-In Mars Volta other days it's: Swans Portishead TV On The Radio Joy Division El-P I grew up listening to bluegrass, which has a lot in common with folk and country. I think it's just like discussions we have here: a bunch of similar-sounding music with lots of fine distinctions that are only meaningful if you actually enjoy it enough to pay attention, lots of crap to sift through, and a few gems that shine regardless of genre.

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