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Posts posted by FatherAlabaster

  1. I too found myself losing interest in Metal, so I began looking for more "rounded" genres. I live in the US, and there's not much intellectual capacity that really goes into listening to anything that comes out of the US. Metal to me can be exhausting because it's a constant exersion of energy, but it also depends on what kind of metal you're listening to. American Metal is a tad more mind-numbing than European Metal, and focuses more on their ability to insight a rage in their fans than European metal does. European Metal seems to have more of a theme or deeper meaning than anything that comes out of the US, which is why I've been branching out and getting into it lately.
    It's good that you're branching out, but this post is way too generalized, and not really true. What genres are you talking about? What bands have you heard? There's lots of good, well-written, thought-provoking metal coming out from all over the globe, and it's been that way for decades. There are several recommendations threads here filled with stuff to check out, and I'm sure that we could provide more specific recommendations if you let us know what kind of stuff you're interested in.
  2. A Finn and a Scotsman together? You fool! They succumb to the power of drink one night, beat the Rhodesian to a pulp, and stumble off into the darkness arm-in-arm. The next evening, the Afrikaner is lured off the hill by a cardboard cutout of Nelson Mandela. Your sole remaining Afghan mercenary is happy to cede control of the hill in exchange for his very own sheep. You don't even notice until it's too late; you're busy with homework. My hill.

  3. It turns out the Mormons were right, and heavenly rapture sweeps them off the face of the earth. With no-one to watch over Utah's criminal element, violence spreads like wildfire; your insignificant death goes unnoticed amidst the horrific carnage. After the last two trailer park oafs have killed one another over the last can of Bud in the desert, I fly in from NYC with my team of morticians and architects, to build a paradise over the ashes. My hill.

  4. While on assignment in a seamy foreign city, you take an ill-advised midnight stroll alone, and are recognized by some of my operatives, who rightly blame you for the deadly air assaults that have plagued our formerly peaceful nation. It is several months before the buried suitcases containing you are found in Cairo, Osaka, and Detroit. My hill.

  5. Finally checking out Vastum - Patricidal Lust It's cool, mid-paced doomy death metal with a retro vibe. I like the production. The vocals are nice and reverby without being unclear. Plenty of focus on old-school heaviness. I'm not hearing any inventiveness so far, or the kind of claustrophobically enveloping atmosphere that the Abyssal record has, but I'm enjoying this. The cover art is goofy. That ominous bat that's sitting on the corpse's shoulder looks too cute and fuzzy.

  6. The more you play out, the better you'll get at doing it. Experience is the best way to feel comfortable. You've got to have confidence in the other band members, too. If I remember right, you're the drummer... so it's your job to make the songs feel right. You're the one telling the audience what they need to hear to make sense of the rest of the music. Being solid and consistent is more important than anything else. I get really irritated when I see people butchering stuff that they obviously can't play, for the sake of showing off, rather than playing a simpler part that would have probably sounded better to begin with.

  7. Nope, but I will check them out. NP: Vassafor - Elegy of the Archeonaut Fucking badass kiwi black metal. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
    I heard some later Furia that had a bit more of a post/Drudkh sound, still enjoyable, but you can at least hear the tracks from Martwa Polska Jesien on youtube. I'm finding Polish black metal to be a bit more direct than some from other scenes, and I really dig that.
  8. Eating: a slice of good parmesan Drinking: Sierra Nevada pale ale Listening: nothing Doing: reading a good detective novel, forum-ing Thinking: finally another snowstorm in NYC; it's not that harsh but I'm still hoping my wife gets to stay home tomorrow. A family day would be nice.

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