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Posts posted by navybsn

  1. Rust in Peace is the greatest technical thrash album of all time. No one could match Dave and Marty's chops then. So much speed and aggression. Dave was best when he was pissed off and strung out. The riffs on that album still blow my mind 30+ years later. The only other thrash album that does that is Coroner's No More Color.

    I've always been a Megadeth guy, but I'd never argue they were the better of the two. Metallica's body of work for the first 4 is unfuckwithable. What could have been if they kept Dave and got a real drummer....

  2. 3 hours ago, Hungarino said:

    Yeah guys, my neck of the woods and hometown! Albemarle county, Charlottesville was 'going into town' and about 20 min away. Not sure if I consider it home anymore, but my Mom lives there, right near downtown. I made it through my 4 years at UVA and was probably one of the poorest kids there, fwiw. Worked my way through, took maybe $20K in loans for all 4 years - I don't even know if that would cover 1 year these days, I expect not. Anyway I borrowed and mooched my share of booze and drugs and had my share of fun along the way. But looking back I was not your typical UVA student, to put it mildly. Universities are corporations, first and foremost, and I want to throw up when I see the incessant and never ending mythology of Thomas Jefferson used as a promotional gimmick for the school. I mean, I do appreciate the history, but those weasels sending me solicitations for money don't give two shits. I don't just throw those letters away I tear them up. All that college donation club membership is the stupidest and lamest form of social ladder climbing. Fuck all of those people.

    Sorry to get all negative...um an all time flawless record, maybe one not one has mentioned already..? Hows about Morbid Saint - Spectrum of Death

    Fuck my alma mater. I graduated undergrad at Florida State 20 years ago and those motherfuckers are still sending me requests for money. Like I paid you already, get lost. I think my total expenditure for undergrad was $1200/semester or around 12 grand total. That's maybe a year or 2 now. Grad school at a state school was 16 grand. Looking at a doctorate but the 32 grand I'm seeing everywhere will definitely keep me from committing. Not sure what I gain with a PhD anyway, but never say never. College is a scam, always has been albeit a necessary one.

    Back on topic. Since we're going with favorites. I'm going to throw in a few non-metal choices.

    Joy Division - s/t debut

    David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars

    Rush - Moving Pictures

    Mazzy Star - Among My Swan - I have such a boner for Hope Sandoval.

    Wipers - Youth of America

    Massive Attack - Mezzanine

    Miles Davis - Bitches' Brew

    Bad Religion - How Could Hell Be Any Worse?

    Rancid - ...and Out Come the Wolves

    Beastie Boys - Check Your Head

    Metal albums I'd throw in the mix

    Manila Road - Crystal Logic

    Blood Incantation - Starspawn

    Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (although I prefer ITNE)

    Judas Iscariot - Heaven in Flames

    Bathory - Under the Sign of the Black Mark

    Megadeth - Rust in Peace

    Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence


  3. I took it as "favorite albums of all time". That's what these topics always end up being.

    I'll add G'N'R - Appetite for Destruction. Definitely the best debut for a hard rock band that I was there for. Never topped it with the albums that followed however. Use Your Illusion could have been fairly equal if they would have combined the 2 and had a decent editor.

    Best song: Rocket Queen

  4. 2 hours ago, Hungarino said:

    Sooooo.....yeah I went ahead and got the Massdrop X Sennheiser HD 6XXs for $210 also. I keep seeing that the 650's are nothing short of remarkable for their price, and these are supposedly the same thing with a few minor changes and obviously waay cheaper. My 598 SEs were my intro level open backs - I think this will be a big step up. So I think I have picked up my long term answers for open and closed back HPs at pretty big discounts, but I definitely will need to sell some of my old gear. Circle of life/money.

    Our old buddy Daniel from the MFi olden days would be so proud of you! He loved the Senn HD 600 series so much. I've never heard them myself, but their house sound is darn good. I do know you will want a good DAC/amp to drive them. Your dragonfly may do the job. If not, you can get a Schiit stack for around $200 new. More than enough. The Meze don't need an amp.

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