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Everything posted by JBaker

  1. Wolves In The Throne Room- Celestial Lineage
  2. Nine Inch Nails- The Downward Spiral
  3. Lol. Using a Greek Mythology reference to express your distaste for a band. Well played. Honestly, I love both bands. Whilst purists may argue the contrary, I tend to feel later Decapitated has as much, if not more, in common with bands like LoG than your brutal death metal bands. I think they're a perfect match for this tour and I'm pretty fucking excited about both.
  4. Lamb of God- Resolution Getting ready for tonight. Decapitated as main support!
  5. Decapitated- Organic Hallucinosis
  6. Are these guys any good? The name has always struck me as incredibly silly.
  7. Ok, probably a little predictable coming from me, but how on God's green earth has nobody mentioned Deftones yet?! Seriously, the dude's voice just oozes sex!
  8. Faith No More- King For a Day, Fool For a Lifetime
  9. Holy fuck! Ian! As in Watkins! How the hell have I only just got this?! :S
  10. Yeah, meant to point that out, too. Had to use that image myself in an assignment many years ago.
  11. You realise your logical arguments are futile. They're radical feminists! Even worse, you realise I already know and quite like Sarcofago and wonder why, of all obscure South American extreme metal bands, you had to pick that one. I then get out the big guns: my second stereo, one with an even more unholy mix of glam metal and modern whiny post-hardcore. My hill.
  12. Hence my adding the word 'ignorant'. What I meant was your average 14-year-old, whose musical pallet stretches no further than Bullet, isn't likely to express themselves as clearly as this dude.
  13. He seems like a nice enough bloke, though.
  14. Will do in a bit. I quite like his voice.
  15. All this is doing is making me more convinced he's a troll. I mean, even the picture, man, even the picture!
  16. Even if he didn't sign up *as* a troll, this BFMV thing is almost certainly just to take the piss. There's also a pretty clear contradiction in that he's supposedly a modern metalcore fan yet he's put Bullet in this section. I definitely call bullshit!
  17. Nah, I'm pretty damn sure it's a troll. Putting them in the traditional metal thread and then describing them as the 'heaviest band ever'. Even your biggest newb isn't that ignorant!
  18. Fearing this would happen I had cloned myself. The Jago you saw getting run over by the lawnmower was a clone. The real me was busy informing an army of radical feminists of the bewbs thread. They charge at you, chasing you all away from the hill leaving me at the top to bask in my genius having come up with this bollocks. My hill.
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