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Posts posted by Parker

  1. I have three tattoos: The Crimson Ghost on my left upper arm; a celtic cross, with knotwork and all arms the same length, on my right upper arm; and a gnome one my left calf.

  2. Regardless of the name of the genre, I simply don't consider "nu-metal" to be a form of metal. It has some elements of metal, but is more usualy hard rock based. I like some of the bands, dislike most of the bands, don't care who listens to it or not. I just want to make clear that this is NOT a legitamate form of metal.

  3. I always thought of them as an 80s glam band, but since I've started posting here I find a lot of you really respect them and they're not just from the 80s. I'll have to check out their early stuff. I have to say though, rock me like a huricain is truely awfull.

  4. eating - Sour Patch Watermelon
    drinking - Full Throttle Blue
    listening - MayheM
    doing - Posting
    thinking - I'm more or less a nihilist. I beleave in nothing metaphisical (no goblins, demons, ghosts, gods, easterbunnies, etc.). Man certainly doesn't know everything, but if all we know obays the laws of phisics then I find it odd that some assume that what we don't know would not follow the laws of phisics. But I love Asatru, and would call it my religion if only I could find a way of tricking my mind into beleaving in the Asir and Vanir.

  5. I hate homophobia. I once met a very nice guy who one day was walking down the street when he heared someone yell, "fagot," and felt something hit the back of his head. He woke up in a hospital with brain damage. That's what I think of every time some one says, "fag," or "fagot," or when they use the word, "gay," to describe something they don't like. It's not bad at this forum, but the metal scene in general is full of homophobia and it sucks.

  6. Yes, Tom Waits is great, and if you like his voice check out Blind Willie Johnson, who BTW recorded one of my favorite blues songs ever, "Dark Was the Night, Cold Was the Ground." I like delta blues, especialy old delta blues. My favorites are Charlie Patton, Son House, Skip James, and Robert Johnson. A really good compilation is called, "The Best There Ever Was: Legendary Early Blues." It's a great place to start.

  7. Metallisydän, I quite enjoy Mozart's Requiem as well, particularly the confutatis part, which really rocks out for a classical peice. I assume that by using the term, "classical," we mean to use it in the broad sense which includes early/mideavil music, barouque, classical, and romantic. Is more modern music like minaimalism included? My Favorite composers are Mozart, Beethoven, Grieg (I've been to his house), Wgner, Sibailious, Chopin, Berlioz, Shostakovitch, Paganini, Schubertm Schumann, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák, Rimsky-Korsakov, Strauss, and some other, newer ones that I can't remember now and I'm not sure if they fit this thread. (BTW I LOVE classical music.)

  8. Metallisydän, I quite enjoy Mozart's Requiem as well, particularly the confutatis part, which really rocks out for a classical peice. I assume that by using the term, "classical," you mean to use it in the broad sense which includes early/mideavil music, barouque, classical, and romantic. Is more modern music like minaimalism included? My Favorite composers are Mozart, Beethoven, Grieg (I've been to his house), Wgner, Sibailious, Chopin, Berlioz, Shostakovitch, Paganini, Schubertm Schumann, Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák, Rimsky-Korsakov, Strauss, and some other, newer ones that I can't remember now and I'm not sure if they fit this thread. (BTW I LOVE classical music.)

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