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Posts posted by AlSymerz

  1. Having given up the rat race 20 odd years ago my wife and I moved to the boonies of Victoria in Australia, not really to get away from people but I'd be lying if I said that wasn't part of the reason. Now we are hours from the city, close enough to get there if we need it but far enough that it doesn't come to us. We don't need high paying jobs to pay off overpriced McMansions, while at the same time we can still have a property big enough that I can turn the 25m B double truck and trailers in the driveway and still barely get wet between the door of the truck and the door of the house when it rains. As much as we've been in lockdown 7 times over the last 18 months covid really hasn't effected us, there has been about 4 local cases in the entire time. These days I can happily spend my days chasing cows around the paddocks, home schooling kids and generally not being worried about the wider world and what's going on out there.

  2. Yeah I like Brokenwood.

    Fern Sutherland is easy on the eyes and the German medical examiner has some great lines with her sometimes messy translations. There has been quite a few faces through the years that have appeared in other Aussie/NZ shows. It does have similarities to Midsomer but the accents are enough to remind you it's not the same show :)

    Some of the stories are easy to pick the killer, but they are mostly all interesting and there is usually something entertaining even in the easy one.

    Mike's car, although not as perfect as it looks, is a classic Aussie icon.

  3. I'm baptised, but I didn't have a choice in the matter, my parents, or more so my mother would have been the person who got the final say. I haven't been inside a church since my cousins wedding in the 90's and that was one of those big 150 year old churches with all the bells and whistles, and a fucking huge pipe organ that my other cousin got to play before the guests came in. I don't have any connection to a religion and I don't have any issues with people who do, but I did get bored with going to church when I was about 5 years old when my mother insisted I go to Sunday School. Although it might have been that I just hated the word 'school', because I'd had also enough of eduction by the time I was 8. I didn't think I knew everything, I just didn't think I needed to know anything more.  I do however love the structure and make up of old churches though, especially when you look at them from a different angle!




  4. Trust me, my wife does frown if I reach for whiskey at 7am :)

    I had a fairly close relationship with alcohol in my late teens and early 20's, alcohol was cheap, if not free, it was easy to drink when I didn't have to worry about getting up for work the next morning. Depending how many of us were in the crew we could often go a week without having to be the sober designated driver. I got my first hangover when I was 16, I felt like shit but didn't make silly promises like 'never again', but then I didn't have another hangover until I was about 40 at which time I was 'too old for this shit' and I haven't been that drunk since. Being a truck driver for twenty years and needing 0 BAC at all times, including when driving a car, pretty much cured my early life of drinking and I went from drinking (too much) every day to only drinking a few times a year, for well over a decade. These days I drink a little more than when I was driving but still very little and never at risk of being drunk.

  5. 16 hours ago, True Belief said:

    I’ve had Blazon Stone (the album) on all week. 10/10. Thread needs more Running Wild.


    As much as I like Running Wild, I think Ced does Running Wild so much better than Rolf these days. I'm still looking forward to the new Running Wild, but Rolf just hasn't brought out his best for a long time.

    Running Wild - Under Jolly Roger

  6. The AK Corral - A Different Brand Of Country.

    I'm not a hater of country music, I like listening to songs where the guy falls in love at first sight, fights for the girl, wins the girl, marries her, watches her suffer a horrific accident, possibly in his truck, and then his dog runs away, but I was of the opinion that AK doesn't sing country. First listen and I thought that idea remained true, but then I gave the album a few more chances and I haven't looked back. I got it several years after it came out and I still listen to it a bit and do find myself pleased to hear him say recently he was working on a second album.

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