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Everything posted by weshouldvegontounipodcast

  1. Good question. What is Nu-metal btw? Is it just down tuned guitars with rapping?
  2. I currently live in Japan and have a band with some friends and also just started a podcast about growing up doing bands. I think a lot of people here have been in bands and know all the bull that goes with it. We do re listens to albums from the nu metal era too. But we are really looking for some contributors for topics such as band names, experiences with having many members, politics etc. I only ask because I rarely get a chance to talk about all the experiences I have had pursuing success with rock and metal bands, but via a podcast I can hopefully have some good discussions. The podcast is called We Should've Gone to University and is available on itunes etc but also here http://weshouldhavegonetouniversity.libsyn.com Thanks to anyone who enjoys.
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