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Posts posted by GorboGorboze

  1. My mind at the moment is consumed with the bomb ass burritos I'm about to make tonight, as an opening act to the barrage of misbehavior this month will entail.. I'm tentatively slated to be switched to unsupervised probation this week after roughly 3 years, I'll be going to Charlotte, NC this coming Saturday for the Oddball comedy fest with my roommates, two days later my sister will be moving back to Savannah and into the house next door, three days later one of my best friends will be opening up for comedian Kyle Kinane here, and then to top the month off I'll be hitting Tampa up reuniting with the bassist from my first band for the Southern Darkness fest. Its gonna hurt so good.
    That all sounds pretty fabulous, especially the part about unsupervised probation, since I assume that is an improvement over your current state of liberty.
  2. As much as I like them, they're pretty overrated. Some of their songs and albums tend to drag a bit, and they're not even close to my favorite stoner/doom bands in terms of songwriting. Sent from my HTC PH39100 using Tapatalk 2
    Yeah BAN, I agree, their big positive attribute is being wicked heavy, also they name albums and songs well, and I like their self made album covers. I'm listening to some Burning Witch right now, Thanks Alabaster, and indeed it is heavy, and hella sinister. But no wall of sounds heavy like Electric Wizard, great vocals though apparently dripping with pathos. I like the vocals on Electric Wizard the way they are swamped by the music yet still seem forceful, but I would say the voice out in front style of the Burning Witch stuff I've heard tonight is more crafty. If there are any other bands as heavy as Electric Wizard and Wndhand I love to hear about them.
  3. I like the song The Hidden Masters, Apocryphon is the only one of their albums I listen to repeatedly. On another thread Father Alabaster was recently very eloquent on the subject of how and why lyric videos are a cultural abomination, and I guess I agree in principal, but I enjoy the Lyric Videos of The Sword that are available on youtube. To me the rhythm section sounds metal enough to consider the band metal. I got the impression somewhere along the way that stoner rock had long and complicated experimental passages that are essentially psychedelic throwbacks, like Osrick's Tentacles or Wo Fat to name two bands I don't know real well. One reason I don't know them is because I don't really go for that kind of thing. To me The sword is fairly balls to the wall and not indulgent in that way. At any rate I'm fine with calling The Sword stoner metal or even stoner rock, god help us. The list of bands that they are faulted with ripping off is long, but most of them are the sorts of bands one should rip off if one intends to kick ass. Still though I find them to be distinctive. I'd never heard of them a little over a year ago, and just stumbled across them on youtube. They were one of the bands that reinvigorated my interest in metal. Sorry about this long rambling post but I just wanted to add something about how these scrawny kids from Austin look like hipsters who should be disregarded, and they have likely more financial backing then many bands that are more deserving. But ask yourself if you were faced with the dilemma of living in Austin, might you not yourself present as a hipster, and would you say no to money because it might adversely effect your image.

  4. I was fascinated by Such Hounds - Such Hawks, but I don't have any good suggestions. When they were streaming on Netflix I enjoyed "Classic Rock Albums" series or whatever it was called, but I wouldn't say they were especially good. My brother told me about a documentary by a young American guy very up on genre distinctions who goes all over the world talking to metal musicians. He can remember the title, but if anyone knows what I'm talking about please speak up.

  5. How fully awesome Alabaster! From the zombie-esque font used for the title, to the expansive intro, the richly textured vocal treatment, and even one of your signature soaring yet restrained solos. Never mind a little technical noodleing here and there, that is just a question of taste. My horns up mojo is defunct or I'd be throwing them up left and right. We had to wait awhile for this, and believe me I've looked for it every day, but it was fully worth the wait. Sexually Efficient Oyster riots big time (hope I got the usage correct there). PS glad you computer woes were not worst case.

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