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Posts posted by Avada


    point is though' date=' people have protested and nothings been changed so whats the point?[/quote'] Ever heard the expression "Rome wasn't built in a day"? Big changes take a lot of time and usually a lot of effort. That doesn't mean it's not worth doing. As for "nothings been changed", if you go to the webpage of almost any animal rights orginisation they list their progress. Just one example is the fact that it will be illegal to even sell animal tested cosmetics in Europe after march 2013.
  2. Re: VEGETARIANISM Replace vegetariansm with "feminism" or "ati-rasicm" in your way of reasoning and you'll sound like they guys who though women were too stupid to vote, or that it was ok to have a bunch of black guys do all the heavy work for you. If people don't protest againt what they think is wrong, the world would be a pretty shitty place ;) Arch Enemy recently made a veganism t-shirt with swedish animal rights (it's awesome, I have one) https://www.facebook.com/notes/arch-enemy/arch-enemy-djurens-r%C3%A4tt-animal-rights-sweden-team-up/233619253319401 Angela comments: "Meat is murder. Yes, it is! The way we mass-breed and mass-feed animals damages our environment and our health profoundly and shames our sense of humanity and mercy towards other living creatures. Animals experience fear, panic and pain just as much as we do and yet we cage them in the smallest prisons we can find and ignore their bruises, injuries and natural need to move around... Just so we can gorge on an overdose of animal products every day. Think before you open your mouth and stuff it with a cheap burger that cost us a piece of the rainforest the size of Sweden every single day! Remember our fellow brothers and sisters in the animal kingdom before you blindly consume. Be responsible for yourself and others. Go vegetarian or vegan like myself and make a change for the better!"

  3. Re: Black Metal Naglfar, Behemoth, Svartsot, Dimmu borgir, sometimes Satyricon, Mörk gryning (first black metal band I ever saw live, at a tiny festival in the middle of nowhere, so I have to love them forever).

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