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Posts posted by Zyggiefromjiu

  1. Re: Best lines ahaah yeah thats awesome :) dear hunter always have amazing lyrics :) like this little part of The Procession She's inanimate bloodless elegance fatal fascination breeds a bloom of misery helpless hiding tongues bathed in revulsion her lies unfinished beauty wilting premature but we cant be too sure no we cant be too sure

  2. Re: Anyone Interested? chulz min IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (for me anyway) i did a remastered version in a great studio with a real drummer and MUCH MUCH MUUCHHHH better sound quality :) i would really love for you guys to check it out, it's almost finished being mixed, tracked and mastered :)

  3. Re: Best lines one of my favorites comes from a band called The Dear Hunter. Song entitled, Dear Ms. Leading Dear ms leading I hate to tell you that I no longer need your services The bitter fabricating manufacturer of lust You have been presented as Doesn't do a thing for me I now know your identity A black widow who tempts her prey with promises of lust If ignorance is bliss wish I were blissfully ignorant but i'm not I'm enlightened now, light has been presented to me In spite of you. truly great song :)

  4. Re: Tool......Progressive or Alternative?? no alt rock band uses time signatures like tool do, their music is complicated not in the sense of millions of notes flying at you, but time complex time signatures and complex repeat signs make their music very ahead of it's time, and about the metal/non-metal scenario, tool is tool, but they do fit closest to the metal category because of the heavy distorted bass, combination of screamed and high vocals, and danny careys drumming . . . which no other alt rock band could ever match up to

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