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Posts posted by Stormblaast

  1. 16 hours ago, KillaKukumba said:

    Yeah I agree, both the fans the and bands are very diverse these days.

    Some bands are good at it others I'm not so sure. When my kids were growing up and being pushed by their friends towards bands like Black Veil Brides and those sort of bands there was a lot of negativity in what they wrote about. Kids, teenagers, young adults, seemed to like the "woe is me, my life sucks" lyrics those bands seemed to write about. As an old man that yells at the clouds I don't think those sort of bands did particularly well with many of their topics, and dare I say it really only did it to cash in, but that is opinion only based on my dislike of most of those bands. However the important thing is that if someone else gets something out of the music, no matter what the topic or the band, then it's not an entirely bad thing.

    Not familiar with Black Veil Brides, so can't really comment on that.

    Where I live, the trend seems to be that kids are encouraged to listen to pop and hip hop music, while rock and metal music is viewed as sinful and dangerous by the parents.

    Not to generalize, but my impression is that there is more focus on nudity/sex appeal, partying, money chasing and bling in pop and hip hop music (the videos particularly), and that the lyrics often seem more shallow and poor in grammar.
    Yet parents are perfectly fine with that music, while metal is regarded sinful and dangerous. I dont' really get it.

  2. I think it's kind of a stereotype that metal is supposed to be negative, sad, angry or violent, and that everyone who listens to it are walking around feeling those things all the time.
    That's what I was hit with by my very religious family and school as a teenager. They were terrified of me becoming a satanist etc.

    As I've grown up I've learned that metal is very diverse, there's something for practically any mood.

    I'd say that some bands do an excellent job of expressing the darker feelings in life, like mental illness, drug use, breaking free from oppression, being unhappy with politics, religion or our society, etc. And that the heaviness of the instruments and slightly melancholic tune of the music can make those messages sound even more powerful. And I find comfort in that kind of music if I'm feeling down myself.

    But that's not all bands or all of the time.

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