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Posts posted by TheUnholyOne

  1. Eddie Jobson - Zinc



    7 minutes ago, Hungarino said:

    This one is really good. Glad to see this getting praise, Three Devils Dance is a monster too

    Yeah, I’ve really liked it. Need to get back to Three Devils Dance for another listen, think it kind of went over my head at the time.

  2. On 8/26/2021 at 10:56 AM, FatherAlabaster said:

    Wow, this track rips! Thanks dude. I've heard bits from these guys before but I'm not super familiar with it. I was listening to some other Larry Coryell yesterday, a bit lighter... This kind of stuff is exactly my speed.

    I really like Wetton's sound, and I think it's a great fit for that era of Crimson, but Belew is on another level entirely... I didn't really get it until I watched some early 80s live videos and saw just how fluent and effortless he is with everything. He's completely in the moment, and he seems so joyful, it's infectious.

    Sure thing. The first two Eleventh House records are killer, Aspects ain’t bad either but I don’t get into it as much. May put it on again soon though. I like KC’s lyrics around that time too with “Elephant Talk”, “Neurotica”, “Dig Me”, songs like that. Fits Adrian’s singing really well.

  3. 14 hours ago, FatherAlabaster said:

    It was such a good lineup. "Red" is probably still my favorite Crimson album, but the early 80s four piece lineup was fucking magical. Live videos from this era blow me away.


    Larry Coryell & The Brubeck Brothers - Better Than Live

    Really was. Red is fantastic, it’s hard to put it up against Starless and Bible Black. But I go for Discipline and Three of a Perfect Pair most often too. Wetton was good. I liked him in UK as well, but I like Adrian Belew’s vocals a little more. I dig Thrak a lot as well.

    Ever checked out The Eleventh House?


  4. 1 hour ago, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    not yet. too much work and no play.😫 ive put it on a list for when im off next. you know treat myself to a download. have you been watching any horror of note recently 

    Yep, every day can’t be Saturday. I feel ya though. Ready for summer to be over with personally. I hope you like the movie. Watched It Follows recently and liked it, bought the soundtrack too. It has some good creepy scenes. Right now I’m watching A Field in England via Shudder on my lunch break.

  5. On 8/9/2021 at 5:50 PM, blaaacdoommmmfan said:

    thanks for the film ideas the unholy one. return of the swamp thing definitely looks alright. love the look of the swamp thing. looks excellent from you tube clips ive seen. your synopsis for greasy strangler is spot on too. 

    Been watching The Greasy Strangler?

  6. 1 hour ago, MarkhantonioYeatts said:

    .... "Nekropsalms" .....nice one man....have you listened to "Cenotaph Obscure"?....it's every bit as good as "Nekropsalms" ...a little more blackened and doomy, however....all of OBLITERATION is high quality DM....


    Oh yeah, Cenotaph Obscure is the album that got me into Obliteration. It'd be my top album of 2018 and I still love it. Kristian Valbo is a really talented guy, been digging the second Void Eater album recently too.

    NP: Faustcoven - In the Shadow of Doom

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