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Posts posted by TheUnholyOne

  1. Just a sad fact of life... oh well. Cool, what kind of murder mysteries?

    Shudder's alright. They have some obscure movies in HD too which is pretty wild. Their documentaries are good, Joe Bob is good, their originals generally suck, but still no complaints otherwise other than the selection not being so great sometimes.

  2. Watched Without Warning (1980) last night. It had a good cast with Jack Palance, Martin Landau, a young David Caruso and a lot of other recognizable actors in it. It’s about an alien that comes to Earth to hunt humans, and was made a few years before Predator. In fact, the actor playing the alien here—Kevin Peter Hall—went on to play the Predator after Jean-Claude Van Damme was fired from that role. It’s low budget, wish they’d shown the alien more, but it has some decent horror in it. 


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