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Posts posted by BrutalTeutonicThrasher666

  1. If the concept is to prove the opponent wrong' date=' then get to it. I have cited multiple sources proving my point, you mentioned a Wikipedia article that RelentlessOblivion picked apart (because yet again, you failed to do your research and didn't read the whole thing), and then posted a singular link to Bathory's Wikipedia page, which says that they are black metal. The thrash metal tag applies only to their Octagon and Requiem albums, which suck and influenced next to nobody (much like Quorthon's grunge albums), and are often forgotten by many. Seriously, get to it, I'm waiting to have my mind blown, don't keep me in suspense.[/quote'] Wikipedia also included "Viking metal",which in a similar way is a debated over whether it's a genre or not.
  2. Uh huhh................Just because your fellow mates call you a dyke' date=' doesnt mean you need to go on an anger spree and take it out on everyone else on a damn metal forum. And yes, I have been here since April, and yes, I can very much be more evil than you, but since you are about 13 years old, I will not get into that.[/quote'] So what is that supposed to mean that you registered an account earlier than I did? That does not reflect on the subject nor a relation to any "evil" capabilities.Just common sense.I just had a 21st birthday a week ago.I'm a Capricorn.The most serious,determined,passionate,Self-sufficient sign.
  3. Having been guilty of similar behaviour early doors here I have some empathy for the newbie (hence my refusal to engage in the childish slinging of insults you too seem to enjoy BAN). It's obvious to me that continuing this discussion is a waste of time.
    Why are you copying my "childish insults" comment to BlutAusNerd? He was the one who started insulting me so I told him "your childish insults are pointless" and then you copy/paste my comments.You're a pathetic parasite.
  4. I think perhaps you should find another metal forum' date=' there is really no need to insult people on here the way you have, I think it will be hard for you to redeem yourself after everything. Unless perhaps you stop resorting to name calling like a child, and actually explain yourself with more intelligence and intellect and understanding that not everyone in this world is going to always agree with you and you just need to accept it and move on.[/quote'] Why are you copying my insults? He actually started insulting me so why don't you tell that to him? you fucking hypocrite.He's trying to make me agree with him.Why are you even on a forum if it's too much for you to handle? This is a debate.The whole concept is to prove the opponent wrong and they have no idea what they're talking about because they are intellectually and knowledgeably inferior.
  5. I really don't want to continue this conversation as it isn't even remotely enjoyable at this point. However wikipedia refers to Venom as a "British heavy metal band" whose first two albums were "influential on thrash metal and extreme metal in general". Key word there is influential on. Additionally "their second album, Black Metal, was so influential that it was taken as the name of a metal subgenre - black metal". Bathory are referred to by wikipedia as "a Swedish extreme metal band" whose first four albums were "the blueprint for Scandinavian Black Metal". "Their fifth album, Hammerheart, is credited as being the first viking metal album".
    [TABLE=class: infobox vcard plainlist] [TR] [TH=align: left][/TH] [TD]Under "Genres":Black metal, Viking metal, thrash metal[2][3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bathory_%28band%29 [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  6. As I'm not good with chords, it is possible that I haven't stated my meaning correctly. Then again, if it was easy to elucidate what actually likes black metal, someone stronger with words than I would have done so already. The main riff in Welcome to Hell is black metal, and sounds very similar to other black metal riffs that came after it, like Bathory's Born For Burning. Venom cannot be thrash metal because they predate thrash metal, but you would know this had you done any research on the subject. Cronos seems to think that Venom is power metal, black metal, death metal, speed metal, and a plethora of other things, which can't all be true, so his opinion is out. And no, Candlemass cannot be considered black metal because they have nothing in common with black metal. Lyrics have absolutely nothing to do with how something sounds, if they did, The Rolling Stones, Robert Johnson, Boyd Rice, etc... could all be considered black metal. I'm going to try a different approach here, since conventional wisdom seems to completely elude you. You cannot listen to reason, so I have an invitation for you that doesn't require listening to anything that makes sense: prove me wrong. Seriously, go ahead, I dare you. Find some shred of evidence to support your moronic notion that black metal is not a genre of metal. I'm legitimately interested where you got this idea from, as it has no basis in reality. Black metal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://rateyourmusic.com/genre/Black+Metal/ The BNR Metal Pages - Genres Browse bands by genre - Encyclopaedia Metallum: The Metal Archives The first two articles say that black metal is a subgenre of metal in the first sentence, and the third and forth lists it among their metal genres shown on the site. All sources are reputable, as the Wikipedia page is for something that gets enough attention that it should be well moderated. I have proof, what do you have?
    The very first thrash metal band Overkill started in 1980 while Welcome to hell debuted in 1981,and *BLACK METAL* in 1982.Therefore,your "predate thrash metal" is pure fiction made up in your bizarre imagination.Venom is one if the FIRST thrash metal bands.Cronos even says in an interview they were the pioneers of thrash metal. The fact is, you are the most impractical,unpredictable,perverse,unconventional nonconformist,rebellious lunatic freak I've ever came into contact online.Now go away, I think you've humiliated yourself enough.
  7. Venom widely regarded as thrash? Hate to break this to you but this is the first time I've ever heard them referred to as such. They are often called a NWOBHM band' date=' indeed that debate is ongoing, but never thrash.[/quote'] The flaw in theory is that NWOBHM is a music *scene*, not a genre! it's just simply classic heavy metal.Wikipedia even classifies Venom and Bathory as black/thrash metal.Listen to "BLACK METAL" or "Hades" and see what I mean!
  8. I don't intend to bash anyone that doesn't ask for it' date=' but people that are hell bent on posturing that just make up ridiculous shit without any kind of reference or knowledge set me off. It's one thing to go against the grain, and another thing entirely to talk shit without any way to back it up and then insult me when you get called out. Initially, education was my intention, but it seems that any form of learning has evaded this individual for some time, so at this point I am pretty much just ranting.[/quote'] Sin sanot hlynply mutta sinulla ei on todellinen takaisin yls.Minulla on asiakirjat minun kommentteja ett Venom on thrash metal ja Dimmu Borgir on sinfoninen metal.Olet tekopyh!
  9. Thrash metal riffs tend to be syncopated and use a great deal of palm muting, often with a start/stop feeling, which is different from the more driving, solid 8th note feel of its closest cousin speed metal. Black metal riffs tend to use more chromatic note progressions, and the note selection is quite different from those found in thrash and speed metal. The best way to tell the difference would be to hear more obvious examples of them to tell apart, as they can occasionally be superficially similar, but those are the same kind of aesthetic similarities that lead people to say that black metal has to have poor production and death metal has to be as blasting and wanky as possible. EDIT: Here are some examples of what I'm talking about: Thrash: igOVR8bYdjU Speed: g97meJ4YS4o Black: w7AtgbonKEk ...and, since some people here that apparently have no idea what it sounds like, this is doom, which sounds nothing like black metal or any of the other above listed genres: lpVUMuLLqug
    Yet another nonsensical, desperate attempt to insult me.If black metal is defined by "chromatic note progressions" when was the last time Venom used "chromatic note progressions"? in fact the riff from "welcome to hell" sounds like a bluesy hard-rock riff.Venom is widely considered to be a thrash metal band, ask Cronos! Doom metal bands such as Candlemass could easily be considered black metal due to the Satanic atmosphere in which you define black metal. contrary to your delusions,you wouldn't know metal if a steal beam hit you in the face.You're probably a Nicki Minaj or iggy azeala fan because you are a ghetto-acting freak with no education in music what-so-ever.
  10. Indeed they do all use similar techniques, they all still sound like death metal, similar to how you can identify characteristics in Venom, Celtic Frost and Bathory's music which are present in the sound of newer bands like 1349. These bands still sound like black metal. All genres progress drawing on different influences as they evolve.
    Of course Venom,Celtic frost and Bathory have similar characteristics because they belong to the thrash category. However most of the 2nd wave is almost an entirely different genre in itself.
  11. Yes' date=' genres can evolve, death metal has evolved from the sound pioneered by Possessed, Death and Macabre (among others) through the grittier sound of bands like Incantation and Asphyx, to the sound of bands like Arsis and Fallujah.[/quote'] But earlier and later death bands from Death to Dying fetus - they still share the same characteristics and techniques with each other such as down-tuning,tremolo picking,atonal progressions, growling vocals etc. BlutAusNerd is making up ludicrous shit just because wants to be mean to me for who knows what reason.He simply just doesn't like me and wants to argue with me so he can be a conceited snob and degrade me simply because he doesn't like me.It's childish and pathetic!
  12. Hey guys. Trying to get into some new bands and just wondering of u had any suggestions. I like pretty much everything but i love the norse/viking/folk/melodic death stuff best. My fav bands are tyr' date=' heidevolk blind guardian, enisferum, equilibrium, korpiklanni, spellblast, iron maiden, amon amarth, alestorm and elvenking. Would be grateful for any suggestions. \m/[/quote'] Do you have Germanic or Finnic(Nordic) heritage? I don't see the point in liking something about a different nationality or culture that has nothing to do with you.That would be like a Chinese person talking like a hillbilly,toting a gun,wearing cowboy hats,waving an American flag and saying "I'm proud to be a genuine American yeehawww!!!!"
  13. One ought not make assumptions lest they make an ass of themselves. Given that continuing this discussion with you is akin to repeatedly striking my head against a wall I shall refrain from commenting hereafter. Your repeated insistance that the overwhelming majority of metalheads are mistaken in believing black metal is a genre baffles me. I'm glad you have a clear definition of what constitutes a genre and what doesn't however in the real world this is not the case. A band can feature some elements of a genre (such as progressive or thrash metal) whilst sitting comfortably among their contemporaries in another genre.
    There are also different 'waves' of black metal.The "1st wave" mainly consists of thrashy stuff such as pioneers Venom,Hellhammer and Bathory while the "2nd wave" has more death metal influences i.e. Immortal and Darkthrone. So how do you classify "black metal" as one concrete main genre?
  14. It's not about agreeing with me because it's not an opinion' date=' black metal is a genre of metal. None of those bands are thrash metal, and none of them are even close to doom metal or progressive metal. Do you even know what these genres are? I would propose that you do what you erroneously advised me to do and do some research about what metal is and what these genres signify. As far as me "trying to make you look like an idiot", no, you seem to be doing a fine job without my help.[/quote'] Dimmu Borgir is a symphonic/progressive instrumentally, including the keyboard solos & stuff like that.Venom was actually one of the first thrash metal bands and some "black metal" bands are doom metal as well.I am a thrash,death,doom,power,folk,and yes BLACK metal guitarist and I am very educated in music theory unlike you. Who even cares what you think? who'd take someone seriously with nerd in their name and you really live up to your name because you really are a lame nerd who just sits in front of his computer all day typing nonsense that no one cares about, 400 slob with acne that eats off the keyboard while getting crumbs everywhere, jacks off to stock photos of Chuck Schuldiner and Quorthon and rants to piss off users on forums because you are just a pimple-face nerd who sits in front of his computer all damn day!! get a job,a hobby,go out and exercise so you can get the metalhead boyfriend you so desperately want and leave me the fuck alone you douche bag.Grow up and grow some balls while you're at it.
  15. You obviously didn't read what I said. What I said was that Venom' date=' Bathory, Mayhem, Immortal, and old Dimmu Borgir were all black metal, just different kinds. Trying to isolate it further than that is the same as saying that you have to sound just like Sabbath to be doom metal, or sound just like Suffocation to be death metal. It is a genre of music, which is why its a genre of music. I usually don't like to be redundant, but to say that a genre is not a genre is idiotic, and is similar to saying that there's no such thing as a sports car or a truck, just an automobile. Amon Amarth, Tyr, and Falkenbach are all viking metal, as the most obvious aesthetics are not the common factor, the feeling is. Low vocals don't make death metal any more than tremolo riffs make black metal, neither do fast riffs make grindcore or wanking riffs make progressive metal. You're focused too much on the superficial, any metal fan should know that superficial characteristics don't have shit to do with metal and are more associated with pop music.[/quote'] That is the dumbest,most childish thing I've ever heard.Just because I don't agree with everything you say doesn't automatically make me an idiot.Based on your other comments, you obviously don't like me very much so you're trying to find a reason to fight with me to make me look like a dumbass. The point is, all those bands are very different styles of metal instrumentally.Some are mainly thrash,others are death,doom etc.The term itself "Black metal" wasn't even a 'genre',it's a song title.Do yourself a favor and some research in metal history before posting a bunch of nonsense while calling people idiots about something you know nothing about.Retarded shithead.
  16. Everything in your post only justifies my comment even more.Venom,Immortal and Dimmu are all different types of metal.You even admitted it.It's not a particular genre it's more of a label. Amon Amarth, Falkenbach and Tyr are all labelled "viking metal" but Amarth is technically a death-metal band and Falkenbach is folk-metal.

  17. The term "Black metal" is vague.It could be thrash,death,doom etc. but as long as there's satanic lyrics and themes it's labeled "black metal.Venom and Bathory are thrash,Immortal and Mayhem are more doom, and Dimmu borgir is prog metal but they all fall into the same black metal category. Conclusion: it isn't particularly a actual genre as much as it is a 'lyrical theme' same with "viking metal" for instance which Amon Amarth are considered but really they're just more of a death metal band.

  18. I am a female power,thrash,black,doom,death metal fan.I'm also a metal guitarist.I wear "battle jackets",band t-shirts,spikes etc and I sometimes get labeled a "dyke".But I also wear red lipstick and nail polish.So the question is does it stupid because I heard "make up contradicts metal that is such a pop girl thing metal chicks should look manly if they want to be genuine instead of a poser." This makes no sense... I look just like a typical badass mosher dude...I look like Dave Ellefson and Euronymous but I wear ruby red lipstick because it makes me feel so womanly and feminine! *smak!*docomo_ne_jp.195softbank_ne_jp.193

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