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Posts posted by metalman45

  1. Hey, I like metal and wouldn't mind getting a metal style guitar. But I'm not too keen on the idea of a guitar that requires a battery. But I could be wrong. A few questions, is it impossible to play the guitar at all without a battery? How long does the average battery last? Ever get any electronic issues? I know they're supposed to be for rhythm metal guitar but how good are they for clean tones?

  2. The great southern trendkill (Every song except Suicide note part 1 and the ending solo for Floods sucks) Slipknot by Slipknot (Just a bunch of emo screamo shit)Kill em all (James sounds like a woman getting strangled) There's all hell believe me I've seen it, there's a heaven let's keep it a secret (that's the title) by Bring me the Horizon All napalm death albums (They fake the grindcore screams, Anal Cunt and Seth Putnam know how to scream)

  3. The funny thing is gretsch recently introduced a center block series (like a es-335). Seems like they desperatly trying to gain foothold in high gain territory. When I think about it I know Macolm Young plays/played a les paul style gretsch. But then again AC/DC is not really true metal.

  4. Hey, Yes I know I said earlier that I don't like 8 strings but I've gotten curious. This dude on youtube did an awesome song with the 8 string, both clean and distorted. That bass is huge. I'm used to playing 6 string so will it be difficult to get used to the new shape?

  5. Hey, I'm thinking about possibly buying a smartphone. Which one would you recommend? I just want to make clear I highly dislike apple, they're way overpriced and I don't get the way it works. And the rumors about the iphone 6 bending doesn't help. So basically any other brand. Thinking somewhere between samsung, android and windows phone. Any thoughts?

  6. Hey, I'm looking for a good guitar to play metal on. I most likely want a 6 string possibly a 7 string but no more. I hate active pickups (the battery annoys me) and i don't want a floyd rose. Lightness is important, sustain doesn't really matter to me. I don't want to spend more than 400 dollars maximum. So basically things i want is a fixed bridge, passive pickups, a light body and no 8 or more strings. Any metal brand is good except BC Rich (Since I've heard to much shit about them in my BC Rich thread). So I know what I want in a guitar but I don't know too much about good options in different metal brands (LTD, Jackson, Ibanez, schecter etc.). Any recommendations following this criteria? (PS I don't mind buying second hand) Peace out,

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