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Posts posted by enraged

  1. Re: Neurosis

    Wow, I LOVE this. Their style is sooo ambiently dark, but at the same time, it has so much energy behind it. THIS is what Doom Metal should be about. You sir, are a hero for showing me this.
    Discovering Neurosis and finding you really like it is a spiritual experience. Cheers mate.
  2. Re: What Are You Listening To? Lamb of God - Laid to Rest found a Spotify list with "Hardcore - Metal - Punk" which contains lots of stuff I usually never listen to. Lot's of screamo/metalcore and such. Some of it is alright to have in the background while you churn out code at work I have found.

  3. Re: Hello MetalForum

    Why keep a good thing to ourselves? Other people's opinions tend to influence the allocation of financial support in a capitalist economy. The more we try to make this genre popular the more likely it is that good bands will get record deals and maybe tour more often. In addition, if the zeitgeist becomes more sympathetic to metal music these artists might not feel the need to sell out in order to sell more. I realize that metal's not a genre to pander to anyone; it seems more about proclaiming one's own style or beliefs. These bands realize that they're not going to reach some audiences. Amon Amarth isn't going to sell to very many Christians. Fleshgod Apocalypse aren't going to attract Unitarians. Nonetheless, I am a convert to metal. I used to think heavy metal was corny and kitschy, but thanks to 94 rock's willingness to play Enter Sandman one evening, I found that metal wasn't that bad; as a matter of fact, it was what I'd been looking for. My point is that we may as well change the minds of a few while understanding that we're not going to persuade everyone.
    Being indifferent to other people's difference in taste or ignorance (depending on how you view it) is not keeping the goodness to ourselves. It's just not burdening yourself with other people's opinions. Yeah fame usually comes from quality and talent but those things where there before the fame. There are numerous underground bands that make amazing music without having TV-ads or having their records sold at Wal-Mart. I have never visited a Wal-Mart in my life so I don't even know if they sell records but you get my point. I'm not out to convert anyone. I'll help anyone who wants it but to each his own.
  4. Re: whats the most wired or funny metal sub-genres you heard

    Slechtvalk's perspective is historical rather than necessarily the appropriate Christian view.
    Yeah this was gonna be my second question.
    So no' date=' Slechtvalk does not represent modern Christianity. It's intended to be a historical medieval venture, nothing more, attempting to disseminate the idea that Christian warriors can also be bad@$$.[/quote'] The amount of cruelty and bloodshed done in the name of Christianity far outweighs what the Vikings did so as a metal theme I agree it's not out of place at all.
  5. Re: what got you listening to metal? My cousin got me into Guns n' Roses and Metallica. It escalated from there with an embarrassing detour of liking nu-metal around 2000-2001. First "real" metal album I bought was Gorefests - False when I was 10 or 11 because I thought the guys looked cool on the cover. Then I listened to it and thought the vocals where crap. Found it 10 years later or so in storage when I was well into DM :)

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