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Everything posted by fraquien

  1. Hello Metalforum, I came across you while looking for a platform to promote my group. Thank you for giving us this opportunity, and without further ado, I'll get to the point. Wrath of Fate was founded in Turkey in 2018 with the gathering of people who want to make their own music.In the first place, we created a studio environment at home with our own means and released our first album Blood Congress in 2019. Music was the first broadcast we released for people to listen to in our life. That's why it's an album that is quite plain, in line with the more traditional "Death Metal" structure, but satisfies us to the end. 1 - Blood Congress 2 - Broken Bones 3 - No Mercy 4 - Hellstalker 5 - Oath 6 - Psychopolitic 7 - Uncencored 8 - Roar Spotify: Blood Congress After the "Blood Congress", we started to wander around our country for concerts, but with the start of the pandemic period, things took a turn for the worse. That's why we had to take a break from our live work and dedicate this process to improving ourselves and our music. Modern Metal structure we all loved. That's why we started an evolutionary process by adding metalcore elements to our music. During this period, we created a more professional studio environment of our own and increased our recording opportunities. After all this, we released our second album "Legal Order" in January of this year. 1 - Intro 2 - Is Over 3 - Annihilation Tale 4 - Ghoul 5 - Scale of Ma'at 6 - Legal Order 7 - Resist All Pressure 8 - Roots of Hate 9 - This is Not Your Life Spotify: Legal Order Lyrically, we are trying to create an anarchic art by describing the political and geographical problems of our country and the problems encountered in daily life. I hope you listen and love us. Band Links: Spotify: Wrath of Fate Youtube: Wrath of Fate Instagram: wrathoffateofficial Good listening to you all. I would be very happy if you do not miss your comments and follow us. Thanks again Metalforum family.
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