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Posts posted by MarkhantonioYeatts

  1. 18 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Nah, I've never been a blow guy, was quite happy to let the disco IROC guido dudes have all the blow. I was always a weed and beer guy. I wanna be sedated. Harder drugs never interested me.

    Not big on Vegas either, gambling's for losers. Every time I've been out there it's either hot and dry as fuck or rainy, cold and shitty. That tram thing's kind of cool though, people watching on the strip is fun, and I've enjoyed checking out the Zia Records a few times on Rainbow if that's even still there. Haven't been back to Vegas since 2012.

    Wouldn't mind seeing Madball, one of my favorite NYHC bands. Not familiar with any of those other bands' music although I do recognize their names. I know I've checked out that Milo Goes to College album a couple of times, but it never stuck with me.

    Which hotel you staying in? With 5 hours to kill and no one to kill it with I'd go back to my really nice fucking suite have a wank and take a nap. Unless you're feeling frisky and loaded down with cash you wanted to get rid of then you could always take an Uber out to the Chicken Ranch...


    Altar of zgore - Litanies of the Unceasing Agonies, New Jersey


    ....I'm staying at the Downtown Grand....it's pricey but I booked early and got sort of a deal....there are bands playing here and at other clubs, close by, that aren't part of the PRB bill....

    ....Friday, I saw ELECTRIC FRANKENSTEIN and REDD KROSS which were both amazing....nice little unexpected treat to catch those two only because someone I met on the street let me know about those shows....

    ...Saturday was laid back since I didn't even see any bands until around 5pm...I went to Moondog Records and spent way too much money....

    999 - another band to check off that I never got to catch until now...solid

    MADBALL - typical slapping good NYHC....they always are great live

    GORILLA BISCUITS - first time seeing them since the 80's....worth the wait

    DESCENDENTS - they are at PRB almost every year, it seems, I never miss them

    ...I ended up catching FEAR and ZEKE later in the evening....ZEKE put it down hard the whole show...relentless...it was one Hell of a treat seeing FEAR...Lee Ving is 1000 years old but still is entertaining like you can't imagine....really reminded me why I always loved FEAR in the first place.....

    ...yesterday was the most hectic....




    DEVO - this was the main reason I went to PRB this year and it was worth having to be in Las Vegas just to catch them....they may be about to call it a day, but they put on one of the best shows I've seen in a long long time....

    ....after fest, I caught JOHN DOE, BILLY BRAGG, and just by accident, I saw SACCHARINE TRUST performing "Pagan Icons" live....unreal....

    ...today I'm only up for 5 bands....ENGLISH BEAT, SCOWL, STIFF LITTLE FINGERS, QUICKSAND and finally MADNESS....

    ...then I'm done.....

    ....WhiteNoise....I think you would like this fest more than you think you would....

    ...no BM posuers or knuckle dragging DM mouth breathers....but a ton of cool punks and post punk weirdos that are just as ripping fun as the peeps at MDF....I

    ....you might stand out a tad with your brontos and KIX sleeveless.....

    ....Fresh White Reeboks Kicking Your Ass!.......


  2. OVERCHARGE - Metal Punx


    ....Law Vegas blows hard....I always hate it here.....boring, especially since I'm not a big gambler....I played a few hands of poker and blackjack...that's about it though....I'm gonna check out a couple record stores and see what happens....not seeing any bands today til 5pm when 999 plays...then it'll be BILLY BRAGG, GORILLA BISCUITS, MADBALL and the mighty DESCENDENTS...I've still got 5 hours to kill between now and then.....at least my suite is really fuckin' nice....

    ......if I was WhiteNoise...I'd probably kick off my bronto-boots and turquoise choker and do some blow....

  3. 3 hours ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    That would have been 2015, because that's the last time Neurosis played MDF. Really appreciate you tracking me down and saying hi. Still don't know how you just randomly found me out there in the crowd of metalheads. All I remember was one of my friends tapping me on the shoulder, I turned around, he pointed in your direction and said "Marko" and I was like WTF?? Where did he come from? We only hung out for a little over an hour, and most of that time we were just watching Neurosis' set, but still that was definitely one of the sweetest highlights of all my MDF's, meeting the mighty Marko in the flesh. So glad that you're still with us 9 years later my friend. Even if you do put seeing Devo, GB and Madness above Fossilization, Spectral Wound and Archgoat. Enjoy your trip to Vegas this weekend dude, and I guess Roadburn in the Netherlands was last month so I hope that was awesome too.

    ....RoadBurn was indeed awesome again this year....I went to a lot more art exhibits this year than I have in recent years...but still got to see a bunch of great bands.....

    GRAILS - always amazing live

    LASTER - it seems like they are at RoadBurn every year and I'm glad about that

    CHELSEA WOLF - one of my all time favourite artists

    DODSRIT - first time seeing them....hope they come to US

    SCALER - really cool blend of guitar rock and electronic

    JESUS AND MARY CHAIN - finally got to see again them after 30 odd years

    DEVIL MASTER - sounded way better love than the only other time I saw them

    BODY VOID - crushing

    TAKH - solid instrumental music

    LANA DEL RABIES - one of the biggest surprise for me

    INTER  ARMA - saw two different sets by these dudes

    SUNROT - these guys were so pummeling...maybe my favourite set

    COUCH SLUT - only got to catch the last few songs...got lost after I ate

    ROYAL THUNDER - they were okay....they've been a lot better

    BLOOD INCANTATION - another two set band....both were enjoyable

    FUCK MONEY - close second to SUNROT for favourite set

    DRONE ASSEMBLY - never heard them before...now I have two of their records

    DARSOMBRA - trippy krautrock set with cool visuals

    WHITE WARD - my kind of blackmetal....glad they made it from Ukraine

  4. 1 hour ago, GoatmasterGeneral said:

    Just saw this edit....Haha yeah well I guess I can't really say shit because I did in fact once buy a concho belt while on vacation in New Mexico with my old lady back in the mid 90's. And I definitely had a pair or two of acid wash jeans in my drawer back in the 80's I guess that would've been. But c'mon didn't everybody? That was so long ago, decades before even my old Whitenoise days, does that shit still count against me now? 

    ....ummmm.....yes.....it counts against you....for all time.....


    ...I just have to know....when you went "Full Coverdale"....did you wear dual pinky rings?....


    IAN DURY AND THE BLOCKHEADS - Sex And Drugs And Rock'N'Roll


  5. 1 hour ago, navybsn said:

    Old enough to not want to walk anymore than I have to with 5 days on my feet. Edison is cool as long as everything you want to see is there, but trying to get back to Soundstage or the like to catch a set is a pain. We'll see how the setup this year works. So far I dig it, but Sunday is the real test as I want to see pretty much everything. At least there are more food options this year. Merch setup is better than previous years too.

    We've got to get you sorted and back down in the near future so I can buy you some tacos y cervezas.

    Same. Liked it but anxious to see how it is live. They were supposed to be here in 18 and cancelled at the last minute. I've definitely seen it go both ways with these bands (i.e. Suffering Hour, Phrenelith, etc)

    ....I would like to eventually go back to MDF again....I think one of the last times I was there was when I met up with my arch nemesis WhiteNoise....many moons ago....not sure if I have been to many since....but I go to RoadBurn every year and have lately been going to PunkRock Bowling(...as I am again this year...)....so MDF has not been possible for me lately especially this year....I gotta put seeing DEVO live (...as well as 999, MADNESS and GORILLA BISCUITS...)way over anything at MDF....maybe next year.... 



    "How old do kids need to be before you can leave them home alone for a whole weekend? 15, 16? Shit by the time he's 16 I'll be 68 and probably won't even want to go anymore."


    ....WhiteNoise....dudes that old should not wear bronto-skin boots, concho belts or acid wash jeans.....but you do you.....rock on poseur!!!!

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